Jakob Eiring

How To Successfully Introduce Personal Development For Others

16 posts in this topic

I'm having a hard time introducing the hole concept of personal development to others. People just won't buy in to it, and it breaks my heart. 

I can't really blame them though. I sound like a crazy person when I start talking about it. I just get so excited because I know the amazing potential it has.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

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i explain nothing anymore it doesn't work that way mostly it seems.

But when i care about someone i just do not use the self development terminology i don't mention it as a subject.

But what sometimes does work is asking question's just ask question's that are so hard they have to think for themselves and they have to leave all automatic beliefs behind for a moment. I find that amusing as well :) 


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On 2/11/2017 at 3:00 AM, Jakob Eiring said:

I'm having a hard time introducing the hole concept of personal development to others. People just won't buy in to it, and it breaks my heart. 

I can't really blame them though. I sound like a crazy person when I start talking about it. I just get so excited because I know the amazing potential it has.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

I'm sure evangelical religious people feel the same way. But on the receiving end of evangelizing, people feel uncomfortable with people trying to convert them over to a new way of thinking. It's best to give up on it and lead by example. Those that are suited for it, will mostly silently appreciate your example. But it's best to let go of the desire to introduce the lifestyle to close friends and family. 

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Live the life yourself. Come here for support. Ask your friends and family questions that make them think when they need help. 

Edited by eskwire

nothing is anything

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If its success you want then good luck. just quietly listen to those you would change in PD if you had that option.. listen to the mind speak from all around or there opinion . try you will understand it's never easy to change ones egoic mind .

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I've found this one has a 3% success rate. Good, considering.   It 'meets em where they're at'.


Edited by Nahm



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Cliff notes: fucking stop.

Mahatma Gandhi called persuasion a subtle form of violence. Stop trying to convert people to your "religion". I have the urge too but question why you're really doing it. It's a distraction from actually practicing what you preach, you see. Leading by example is the best thing you can do. You can give your opinion on things if someone asks. You can help them out if they want help. If they want. You can't force someone to want something.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, it helped. I too have realized that the best way is by becoming a good example. It just seems like a lot of people have very bad attitude towards the subject. I'll work on a way to plant the idea in their mind without them even knowing, just like in INCEPTION.B|

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2 hours ago, Jakob Eiring said:

Thanks for the feedback guys, it helped. I too have realized that the best way is by becoming a good example. It just seems like a lot of people have very bad attitude towards the subject. I'll work on a way to plant the idea in their mind without them even knowing, just like in INCEPTION.B|

That's still trying to change them, let them have a bad attitude towards it, people only take stuff in when they're open to it and that's a personal journey 

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The most powerful thing we can do is keep to our thoughts of PD and well being and accept another as they are. My wife smoked cigarettes for years while I tried to get her to quit. One day I wished up and just hugged her and said I love you as you are.  I told her it was me all along and that I was at a place where I was fine with it and that I wouldn't be nagging her anymore. 2 days later shit quit for good. 



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 I too started a thread stating a similar question long back since I more than anything wanted to introduce the concept to my brother, i still want to. But Someone told me on this forum that that was my vision for him, not his vision for self and you can't force something on to someone. If you're really into this and you really want to create awareness you can start to stimulate the other. But only if you really really care. Maybe give them a book or talk to them about their problems. When they'll realise that your solutions are real and solid, they would be naturally curious . Just like most people said, Lead by example. 

What I try to do is I try to engage in small conversations with my brother, I try to go on walks with him and talk in his language, the way he likes it.  I've stopped introducing this as a "concept" although I know one day he will be listening to Leo with his headphones on but I want him to get curious about the conscious growth by himself. 

Stop caring about people who really doesn't care for that is eventually going to impair your growth 

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On 2/11/2017 at 3:00 AM, Jakob Eiring said:

I'm having a hard time introducing the hole concept of personal development to others. People just won't buy in to it, and it breaks my heart. 

I can't really blame them though. I sound like a crazy person when I start talking about it. I just get so excited because I know the amazing potential it has.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

Have you tried bridging it? Like if they love playing guitar, or reading, or whatever, talk about how meditation and PD will allow them to get so much more out of what they love. Couple that with giving a few examples of masters of that thing (guitar or whatever) who do practices.  Even Howard Stern does TM on the daily.



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I have tried to talk super casually about it so that they don't feel as much pressure, but I haven't really succeeded. It's not that I don't accept the people around me. It's more like if they have a problem and shears it with me, and I'm just sitting there, KNOWING that if they would just read that ONE book or watch that ONE video, they might be able to solve the problem.

For example: my roommate, and best friend, wants to become a singer songwriter, but he has no clue how to. I really believe he can make it, it's just that he lacks a concrete vision and has NO discipline. The thing is, I can relate to him SO bad cause I was in the exact same place. And I'm not saying that I know exactly what he needs, it's just that I think he REALLY could benefit from just watching some actualized videos. I don't care how he discovers they're existence, as long as he's willing to give it a chance. 

But I think I get it now. This post really helped, thanks guys!

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I posted this clip in other threads. I'll share it here too. Ralph, from Infinite Waters, is saying to become a lighthouse. In other words, set an example for others. Use your life purpose to express what you want to express to others. Actions speak louder than words in others' eyes. This is the message I'm getting. 


Edited by Key Elements

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