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Is there a way for Me/God to stop/exit my current dream/life?

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Hello beutiful people,

I need to find knowledge about how can Me/God  stop/exit my current dream/life?

I really do not enjoy because I lost my health and looks, and this mediocre eixstnce that I have currently is below my standard.

I'm just saying how it is for me, I am just being honest here.

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I hope you realize that going to the gym and eating a diet to achieve lower body fat percentage is nearly infinitely easier and more rewarding than succeeding at changing the nature of reality in the way you want while holding this weak escapism mentality. 

I will design a workout program for you and give diet tips for completely free if that what it takes for you to take charge of your life again. I included these pictures so you can see how big of a difference a change in body fat can make on your looks. 




“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Wow, you look like another person ?.  Kinda of proud of you to be honest.

Great job!!!

I gonna hit the gym too. ?️‍♀️ 

No more exuces, You are right Brother. One either makes excuesc or one either becomes a warrior and tries one best ri become the best version of oneself.

Is it possible to have a private talk about dharma and just lufe existnce in general? All the people in my circle are only interested in basic human drama so to speak. 


Anyways, I sincerely thank you for the input, it did really spark something in me. A will to fight so to speak and not merely give up.


Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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35 minutes ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Wow, you look like another person ?.  Kinda of proud of you to be honest.

Great job!!!

I gonna hit the gym too. ?️‍♀️ 

No more exuces, You are right Brother. One either makes excuesc or one either becomes a warrior and tries one best ri become the best version of oneself.

Is it possible to have a private talk about dharma and just lufe existnce in general? All the people in my circle are only interested in basic human drama so to speak. 


Anyways, I sincerely thank you for the input, it did really spark something in me. A will to fight so to speak and not merely give up.


It looks like the post did what I intended it to ? 

I’m down to have a dharma talk with you sometime for sure. Just send me a PM and we can set it up. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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@BipolarGrowth pure iron. great job, shows a will as strong as that result. if you accept advice, train the neck with elastic bands. with 10 min 3 times a week you will notice a huge difference. not only aesthetics, balance.

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I've been through this. There is no way out. 

There is only a way through. The goal is to love what is and see the miracle of what you are.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You can be or do or have anything that you want. You can teleport yourself to a parallel universe. You can change your history. You can change your family. You can change yourself. Let's say you are a British woman, tomorrow you can become a Japanese man, and forget that you've ever been a British woman. There is no limit to the power of God, I believe. However, I believe, there is a modality of your existence. And that's why it probably is not likely for you to experience that change in the way you're talking about. 

I think reality is like a tv set with infinite probable channels, infinite probable universes etc, and it is possible to tune to a completely different channel. However, even though it probably is possible, it probably is not probable, it probably is not likely. That might be because you cannot change your consciousness to such an extent, or maybe because the deeper aspect of you, aka God, Consciousness, whatever you call it, has created you, from our space and time perspective, as a being in this space and time, and maybe it is because God knows that you can find your way in this space and time continuum also. 


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12 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

@BipolarGrowth pure iron. great job, shows a will as strong as that result. if you accept advice, train the neck with elastic bands. with 10 min 3 times a week you will notice a huge difference. not only aesthetics, balance.

I will have to try this out. I’m currently doing neck curls and neck extensions 1-2 times per week

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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I feel the same way.  When I got sick, I lost my looks and my health.  I'm fine with letting the looks go, if I could just feel normal again and it makes motivation and changing things in my life more difficult.  I've also spent some time thinking about the ways I could leave this reality, and to see if maybe there is something better for me on the other side.  Something more reflective of who I feel on the inside that I can't express in this world.

What I learned is that this life is like a training ground.  We are building ourselves up and we have to take what we're given and do the best we can.  If you exit your life, you would hurt those who are close to you for something as unimportant in the grand scheme of things as vanity.  I understand health concerns, but why worry about looks when souls are beautiful, perfect expressions?  Try to learn as much as you can in this world, heal as much as you are able to, and when you are ready to leave this world in an authentic way, you'll be in a better place, you'll have accomplished what you came here to do, and I believe that the universe rewards its creations for pushing through and doing the best they can.

I think that we are given human lives full of limitation and decay so that when we return to where we come from, we can appreciate what we have.

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59 minutes ago, Loba said:

If you exit your life, you would hurt those who are close to you for something as unimportant in the grand scheme of things as vanity. 

When you die ,the whole world will die with you .

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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@Someone here I don't believe the nomenclature touted on this forum for the most part, I had my awakenings independently from this forum and prefer to follow them over what Leo talks about.

That fact of the matter is, when someone dies prematurely, the people around them suffer for it.

Haven't you ever had a person close to you die?  You didn't go with them, you're still here.

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I understand that you are coming at this from emotional perspective . But if you dared to contemplate it for a few minutes,you will immediately understand it .

Here is A little thought experiment:

You don't experience time when you are sleeping. Hours pass and to you it feels like nothing.

What If you slept for 5000 years or died during that time and then woke up.. From your pov it will be as a blink of an eye. No time have passed from our pov. Yet 5000 years have passed on earth.  Even an eternity can pass on earth and the entire world might end.. Yet from your pov it will be as a blink of an eye.   

This means time has no existence and no relevance without you. Without an observer that feels time. That's why when you die the whole world will die with you. Because the whole of eternity will happen in a blink of an eye. 

"life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived "


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2 hours ago, Loba said:

@Someone here I don't believe the nomenclature touted on this forum for the most part, I had my awakenings independently from this forum and prefer to follow them over what Leo talks about.

That fact of the matter is, when someone dies prematurely, the people around them suffer for it.

Haven't you ever had a person close to you die?  You didn't go with them, you're still here.

Think of it as a dream. When dream characters in your dream die, the dream continues. But when you die, the entire dream disappears.

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On 20/7/2022 at 4:53 AM, CuriousityIsKey said:

and this mediocre eixstnce that I have currently is below my standard

Let's analyze this sentence. mediocre. standard. all this is comparative. Forget the others, to compare yourself. the starting point of true spirituality is to transcend the ego. this means that you are absolute, not relative, that is, not measurable according to standards or comparisons. totally forget that ,and you will enter heaven. I guess you already know this, don't you? 

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Let's analyze this sentence. mediocre. standard. all this is comparative. Forget the others, to compare yourself. the starting point of true spirituality is to transcend the ego. this means that you are absolute, not relative, that is, not measurable according to standards or comparisons. totally forget that ,and you will enter heaven. I guess you already know this, don't you? 

I see your point Friend. But if that was truly true, all these enlightened teachers, or even those who claim to be such in thsi forum, would be eating dirt and leafes, instead of fruits, vegetables, meat etc. Because we are absolute and thus it makes no difference if ones eats a well made pizza or dirt from the ground right?

Is Sadgurra eating dirt from the ground, or Ekhart Tolle? 


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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Let's analyze this sentence. mediocre. standard. all this is comparative. Forget the others, to compare yourself. the starting point of true spirituality is to transcend the ego. this means that you are absolute, not relative, that is, not measurable according to standards or comparisons. totally forget that ,and you will enter heaven. I guess you already know this, don't you? 

I see your point Friend. But if that was truly true, all these enlightened teachers, or even those who claim to be such in thsi forum, would be eating dirt and leafes, instead of fruits, vegetables, meat etc. Because we are absolute and thus it makes no difference if ones eats a well made pizza or dirt from the ground right?

Is Sadgurra eating dirt from the ground, or Ekhart Tolle? 


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9 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Is Sadgurra eating dirt from the ground, or Ekhart Tolle? 


I mean absolute in the sense not to compare yourself with others. to be the only one possible for you. because it really is. that doesn't mean you have to stop breathing, just put aside the "should be", since it is a fantasy. I should be healthy, I should be rich, I should be more handsome... all that is: I should be at least as handsome as my neighbor. all this is very human, it is the ego, but if you want to have a life that is not narrow and miserable, you have to let go of that ballast. since you're talking about tolle, look at him with his strange rodent appearance giving conferences all over the world. 

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