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Julian gabriel

How to use intuition?? I'm In over my head

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I am being born into a world of intuition and I need some guidance because i've used logical step by step plans to operate 99% of the time in the past. 

can anyone recommend a YouTube video or something about how to navigate these weird instances of being guided by what feel like a "higher self" or whatever I don't understand how to navigate this.

I'm in over my head, vibrating too high to keep up with it mentally. 

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Yes, you'll need to read books as videos can only do so much.  Let me send you over to this post I just made for this mother:

There are some resources there if you are going through a spiritual emergency.  

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You need to get in your body and breathe deeply.

Yoga. TaiChi. Bio energetics. Workout. Nature. 

Anything to get you out of your head and to start letting your nervous system run the show. 

Edited by Spence94

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Stop asking for methodical steps on how to use intuition if you actually want to learn to use intuition. 

Can you see the irony here? 

Maybe we should shove the culmination of multi-millennia old insight up our asses instead. 

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16 hours ago, Spence94 said:

You need to get in your body and breathe deeply.

Yoga. TaiChi. Bio energetics. Workout. Nature. 

Anything to get you out of your head and to start letting your nervous system run the show. 

Absolutely agree with this, our chattering monkey minds tend to make it hard for us to perceive our intuition so it can definitely help to redirect attention out of thinking and into the body. Your mind really needs to be calm in order to perceive your intuition, it requires a certain sensitivity and a listening.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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well if you are really fucking lost you will surely have to understand how to develop silence in the mind, like.. to actually FEEL stillness, otherwise it's just too likely you will get wrapped in another intellectual exercise.

Intuition is really only understood if you experience life in a ceratin way, you want to look at reality for what it is. Your heart will ache out to what it wants to do, your mind will say no that's dangerous - why do you think people are so out of tune with intuition? it is this bubble of comfort destroying people and choosing ignorance over reality that makes them so fucking unstable and fragile

1. Learning how to develop trust in yourself and the end of having to fear what others think of you truly (and the end of trying to stop caring)

2. Returning to your childhood innocence, your state of harmony, your non-dual natural state - your inner guidance returning home to pure essence/consciousness.

3. Intuition will cathart the trash/trauma/the bonds of your separate self and dissolve the core identities you've created to adapt to your environment, you are returning home to the feeling of being truly free.

4. If you surrender to this form of intelligence, you give up attaching to the duality of the intellect and the limitations of instinct - intuition can drive you forward and pull you out of the grave if you only take the leap of confronting the fears of what you have been conditioned to believe.

5. Intuition is your inner map and your inner parent that KNOWS what is good for you/best for you - it may take some time to be able to read the map, but trusting yourself you can do the right thing creates the integrity that you can rely on yourself to take care of yourself, the bonds of the dysfunctional emotional core of dependence begins to dissolve and you can truly enjoy being alone and instead of seeking completion from people, you can enjoy each others company.

6. It is the lubrication to detaching yourself from a limited form of identity into the limitless/infinite potential you have as this pure witnessing essence, the awareness that is aware of itself.


just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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We tend to abandon intuition and escape to the mind as a defense mechanism for emotional pain and resistance. Could this be the case for you? 

What is your sense of feeling about yourself in the world? How is your feeling in relationship to others? How do you feel?

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