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Just ran into my first girlfriend from 6th grade - how do I proceed?

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It went very well. She is slightly anxious type of person, so when I said we should catch up she put her hand on her neck, however it went very well aside from that. 

I feel a lot of love and almost like divine guidance that we saw each other. She really had a crush on me in high school too, so I’m sure it would work. 

should I wait a couple days to hit her up on Instagram? That’s where we agreed to link. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Careful not to be fixed on her. "How do I proceed" is how you're framing it, like you want a plan on how to close with her.

It's a lot better to just hit her up if you want, and quickly move on if the answer is meh or half-assed. 

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Stop being creepy. Girls can sense that you are just in it for the s3x.

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13 hours ago, hyruga said:

Stop being creepy. Girls can sense that you are just in it for the s3x.

Then why do girls constantly complain guys slept with them then stopped calling? Surely they could have sensed he would do that.

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