
Will I ever feel fine without coffee?

72 posts in this topic

12 hours ago, flowboy said:

From the day of going zero (also without the tea) = T0, 7 days of bad performance, after that you'll perform okay but it will still suck a bit, until 30 days in then you're fine. And between 40-70 days from T0, you'll achieve the awesome state.

Cool, then its good that i start a new job in 10 days, i have some time then to re-build performance. 

@Gregory1 Cool. Can´t wait then Lol

Edited by Javfly33

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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Btw guys you think its Ok if once i quit It I can drink one coffee every two weeks or so like on a friday or saturday to celebrate? Or os this addiciton talking? @flowboy @Gregory1

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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@Javfly33  Yes you can do that. But better not in the first 3 months, I'd say. And if you find yourself taking it multiple times per week again, you've screwed up.

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16 minutes ago, flowboy said:

@Javfly33  Yes you can do that. But better not in the first 3 months, I'd say. And if you find yourself taking it multiple times per week again, you've screwed up.


The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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12 hours ago, flowboy said:

@Javfly33  Yes you can do that. But better not in the first 3 months, I'd say. And if you find yourself taking it multiple times per week again, you've screwed up.


Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

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I´m so sick of this. I can do about 40minutes of work and then I have to take a fucking nap because I get sleepy and tired again. I wish I had never tried coffee in my life. 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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Had to take 2 chocolates because i couldn't function at work 

Total 20Mg of caffeine @Gregory1 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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21 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Had to take 2 chocolates because i couldn't function at work 

Total 20Mg of caffeine @Gregory1 


Are you at 0mg on a daily basis? You have to push through, it only gets better - remember that!

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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Ever considered transitioning to matcha green tea? 

It has less caffeine ( about 60 mg) and has L theanine which works with caffeine to produce a more meditative effect.

Switching to green tea from coffee is a smoother and easier way to drop caffeine dependence if it's a problem for you. 

I find caffeine dosages from 30mg-70mg are more sustainable and provide a healthy boost (still, you gotta see for yourself), I'd look into matcha green tea and read up on people's experiences. 

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20 minutes ago, Fearless_Bum said:

Ever considered transitioning to matcha green tea? 

It has less caffeine ( about 60 mg) and has L theanine which works with caffeine to produce a more meditative effect.

Switching to green tea from coffee is a smoother and easier way to drop caffeine dependence if it's a problem for you. 

I find caffeine dosages from 30mg-70mg are more sustainable and provide a healthy boost (still, you gotta see for yourself), I'd look into matcha green tea and read up on people's experiences. 

No. This is not gonna work. You will built tolerance, it will only dragg you down. Simply quit

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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@Gregory1 you don't build tolerance by taking less of an amount of something. 

If OP is going from 500-600mg of caffeine to 60 mg twice a day, that's actually lowering tolerance and lessening withdrawal symptoms. 

It's a game between pain and ease, if you full on go 100 percent cold turkey the pain could be so Intense that it ends up backfiring. Adding in some ease (tapering instead of cold turkey) may make for a smoother transition. 

Like if OP stuck to low amounts of caffeine daily (40-60 mg per dose) for a few months to a year that'd be a HUGE win already. His sleep would improve, and the drink would serve as a healthy boost compared to 500 mg of caffeine (sheesh ?).

It's up to @Javfly33 to do whatever feels right of course, I'm only suggesting. 

I do acknowledge that it's different for everyone, some behaviors are easier to just cut cold turkey and others may need a little ease sprinkled in.

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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@Gregory1 oh lol sorry I misunderstood something earlier. 

Edit: It doesn't have to viewed as lengthening the torture, it can be viewed as taking a smoother approach. 

Not to mention matcha green tea has awesome health benefits. 

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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2 hours ago, Gregory1 said:


Are you at 0mg on a daily basis? You have to push through, it only gets better - remember that!

Yeah i ditched the chocolate bar.

Today i am waaaay waay better than tuesday.

Feeling almost normal! 

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah i ditched the chocolate bar.

Today i am waaaay waay better than tuesday.

Feeling almost normal! 

GREAT! Don't get tempted to take coffeine. If you want chocolate, take chips instead - most important thing is no caffeine. How long are you at 0mg Caffeine now? The best results you will see after 1 month and later.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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@Javfly33 If you want extra energy without the side effects of caffeine, try shilajit or goji berries. I have had great results with them. 

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Don't be afraid of naps. 

When I was going through the sugar withdrawals I would get the craving, tiredness and everything would be shit but then I would take the nap and wake up feeling great. 

I tried pushing through it and it was possible but life wasn't enjoyable. So if you don't have to work or something like that take a nap. 

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@flowboy Thinking about relapsing with a expresso tomorrow because tomorrow I start my job as a developer and I literally can´t imagine coding withouth coffee. It´s like its ingrained in my brain. I literally haven't be able to do basically nothing this last week since going 0 caffeine. 

Physically I finally feel good and honestly it's amazing to wake up in the mornings and not feel the need to have a coffee, but mentally...it´s like I have 0 "fuel" to do stuff. 

Do you still do coding and do it without coffee?

Edited by Javfly33

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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You sure it's not some form of kratom use doing that or at least contributing?

Edited by The0Self

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@Javfly33 Yes, I managed to code without coffee... but man, it took me a long time to believe that it was possible.

People with more practical jobs don't get how much raw abstract thinking power is needed to do programming.

And there's two types of programmers I found: those who have never gotten into coffee drinking, and those who drink it every day.

I'm the third kind: I managed to stay quit and do my job again. Those are more rare :P

I had to quit multiple times, and each time it was multiple weeks of pretending I knew what I was doing, until the brain came back online. It sucked, and I felt guilty and bad about myself.

But I see these people just drink water and code away, so I knew it must be possible.


27 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Physically I finally feel good and honestly it's amazing to wake up in the mornings and not feel the need to have a coffee, but mentally...it´s like I have 0 "fuel" to do stuff. 

You probably got at least 2 more weeks of this, depending on when you quit.

I won't judge you if you go back to caffeine, I did many times.

Also when I got a new job, I started again.

Starting a new job may not be a great moment to have zero mental power.

But keep in mind that there will never be a good time to get off it, because it takes 40 days to regain full function.

So if you still want it, it's something that you have to pick a time for, and then commit to performing like shit for 3 weeks and being okay with that.

That time might not be right now.

Or maybe it is.

It's up to you, a very personal choice, and there's no wrong answer.

If anyone judges you, dare them to give up their precious tea, coffee, sugar, or cigarettes when starting a new job. Didn't think so xD


Edit: hot chocolate (homemade with a lot of pure organic cacao powder) could be a good alternative to hold you over for a couple weeks, if you still want to go ahead. It still contains tiny amounts of caffeine, similar to decaf, but it doesn't give the jittery feeling and crash, because the active ingredient is mostly theobromine, and more importantly, it's by definition harder to make (heating up oat milk etc), and not available in every office / street corner, so less chance of escalating into an addiction.

(I say that because drinking chocolate you can buy ready-made won't have enough cacao to have an effect on you, and probably has other ingredients that actually hurt your mental clarity)

Edited by flowboy

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