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Tiny Nietzsche

should i quit master degree?

9 posts in this topic

- hi, i'm 27, one year to go to graduate, feel free to laugh & feel pathetic for how crazy i am

- i just get in at first because a girl i was chasing, so i think it's a chance to get close to her (and it worked, but really not in the end - we broke up, i'm completely dumped)

- it's like 80% for my girl / 20% for interesting in a degree (i study philosophy)

- now the course itself is not that difficult, but i feel like im wasting my time every single day, it doesn't along with my purpose, i won't help me to get close to my dream, i have negative motivation to read it, as i said, i ended up here just because my crush back then

but, in the other hand

- *by leaving her unconsidered* should i keep it up and get a degree? or else i would lose my one and half year before for free (well, some may say it's not - i just managed to find out another one thing that is not right for me, so there's not 'what if' in later)

- some say that it might benefit somehow later on (i'm quite at ease for what i'm studying, but i find it irrelevant to my dream, so i don't wanna wasting my time)

TLDR: i went after a girl in grad school, now want to quit because she's gone, and i'm not into what i'm studying anymore

TY !

Edited by Tiny Nietzsche

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Oh man you’re so close! I feel like you should hold out and finish regardless but you have to follow your heart on this.

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I'm assuming that a degree in philosophy doesn't really land you good paying jobs in the country you live. So I think you should quit, don't waste this extra year on something that's not going to give you anything. Get a degree in something that you feel to be more suitable for yourself and where you can provide more value in future potential jobs.

Again, I'm talking entirely from my own perspective. I had a college soccer teammate who majored in philosophy. He's works as a security guard now.

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Some things to consider:

  • What is the alternative? What are you going to do with your time if you quit?
  • How do the job opportunities look like once you get the degree?
  • Financial situation
  • Is there a way in which you can make the most of this experience? How could you reframe the situation from negative to positive motivation?
  • What is the return on investment on your career capital? What meta-skills are you going to learn, like critical thinking, writing skills, etc.?

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On 14/11/2021 at 1:38 PM, Tiny Nietzsche said:

- hi, i'm 27, one year to go to graduate, feel free to laugh & feel pathetic for how crazy i am

- i just get in at first because a girl i was chasing, so i think it's a chance to get close to her (and it worked, but really not in the end - we broke up, i'm completely dumped)

- it's like 80% for my girl / 20% for interesting in a degree (i study philosophy)

- now the course itself is not that difficult, but i feel like im wasting my time every single day, it doesn't along with my purpose, i won't help me to get close to my dream, i have negative motivation to read it, as i said, i ended up here just because my crush back then

but, in the other hand

- *by leaving her unconsidered* should i keep it up and get a degree? or else i would lose my one and half year before for free (well, some may say it's not - i just managed to find out another one thing that is not right for me, so there's not 'what if' in later)

- some say that it might benefit somehow later on (i'm quite at ease for what i'm studying, but i find it irrelevant to my dream, so i don't wanna wasting my time)

TLDR: i went after a girl in grad school, now want to quit because she's gone, and i'm not into what i'm studying anymore

TY !

@Tiny Nietzsche I'm prone to the winter blues, so I have quit many things in November over the course of my life. I had to make a pact with myself to not quit anything between September and March.

You may not have that, but you are in a state of being affected by a breakup.

I can tell you are trying to minimize it, by the way you phrase things, and pretend like you are not affected.

But I think you are affected.

So that's not a great place to make life decisions from.

My advice: stay put, and do whatever it takes to make yourself happy, while not making major life decisions.

When you feel good again, optimistic and mentally clear, then look at the dilemma again.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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Quit school and find your own purpose or something you really love to study.


Edited by hyruga

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On 11/14/2021 at 7:38 AM, Tiny Nietzsche said:

i went after a girl in grad school, now want to quit because she's gone, and i'm not into what i'm studying anymore

This is concerning.

Maybe this situation happened to show you that you were really aren't committed to grad school like you may have thought.

It's less about the girl, and more about what she has revealed in you.

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In my opinion you should quit the degree and not waste a single more day pursuing it since it is not aligned with your dreams. 

God sets traps for us. This is one of them. If u fall into this trap again, you will waste 1 more year regretting. This might be hard but do it. 

Also chasing anyone per say Man or Woman is gonna lead to ruin. It's simply a trap. Since she is gone, let the rest of this negative energy channelize into something u wanna pursue.

Be the ultimate badass 

Edited by Vivaldo

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Philosophy school is kinda useless, unless you want to become a teacher. If you want to learn philosophy, do psychadelics :-).


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