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Illusory Self


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I procastinate way too much & i'm fully aware I do it. I find it hard to sit still and focus on something for even an hour. I feel like I am stuck in self fulfilling cycle, the more I procrastinate the worse I feel. I don't have much going for me, work 12 hours a week, do some part time work for my fathers business.

I started doing Leos life purpose course but could not even finish it because checking my phone all day seems more enjoyable. I do seem to have a couple of hindrances though, I lie in bed a lot during the day and worst of all I feel tired a lot during the day so I would rather just be in bed checking my phone than contemplating what my top values are & finishing the course. What's worse is when you know everything that you should be doing but don't do it anyway since I have consumed a lot of Leos content.

I think I must have deep rooted internal mindsets that stop me from taking action possibly. I have so much free time but spend it just sitting around my room most days being bored, procrastinating, checking my phone. The only thing I look forward to is going back to sleep. I sure feel stuck in a rut.

Something deeper in me knows that I need to make more of my life, but I feel like I waste each day which in turn makes me feel worse. Maybe it is depression, I am not sure but when you know what you should be doing & don't do it. I lack clarity in life purpose, I have no money, lack socialization skills... I don't even know where to begin. 

This is incredibly hard self-sabotaging behaviour to break out of, it feels like. I know you can say just stop being lazy etc.. but I feel like it is a lot more complicated than that. My mind feels trapped in some kind of bubble or something. 

How can someone break out of some overwhelming horrible rut that they are trapped in. I think I lack motivation also. I have everything handed to me in terms of finances for survival needs so don't really have to work that much, just 12 hours a week at a minimum wage job & some work for my Dad. I think that decreases my motivation to achieve more. 

I am in a good position in life & unfortunately feel like I am completely wasting it.

I enjoy spirituality, enlightenment. I know I need to get clarity with my life's work. I know I need to improve social & dating skills, It just feels very overwhelming & I don't know where to start, especially since I feel lethargic & tired a lot during the day. Just feels easier to lay in bed on my phone, procrastinating. 

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@Illusory Self I have a similar problem. I've had some success working with a life coach that yells at me and holds me accountable.

Try and get a sense of what you want to accomplish so you have an ideal to strive towards. You can also find a therapist/coach to help you develop a vision.

I recommend finding someone who hold you accountable and will show some tough love to shake you out of apathy 

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Vision comes first.
That's what I do with all my clients, is build out all aspects of a powerful vision.
That then works as an attractor, that pulls you toward it with a gravitational force.

Daily check in with your vision also gives motivation and prevents detours and distractions.

Right now you say your issue is procrastination, but I would counter that it's not clear what you are procrastinating on. If your goal was to work 12 hours a week and chill and be on your phone for the rest, which is a valid thing to want, then you are not procrastinating at all! ;)


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@Illusory Self if you find a positive habit to replace your negative habit of works very well.  I used to procrastinate all the time with YouTube videos and I was unable to break the habit until I received 5 chess books.  This helps me in my vision to become a professional player, and I enjoy this more than watching YouTube.  Like Flowboy said "vision comes first.". It is hard to motivate yourself to do something If you don't have a vision for what it could bring you.

By the way, the life purpose course was pretty good and it is a valuable investment.  Good choice.  Just remember how powerful your life will be when you clarify your vision.

The other method you can try is studying emotional mastery.  It reaches you how to respond when you feel stuck, frustrated, and unable to motivate yourself.  There are some books on Leo's book list on these topics which I found useful.  If you like Leo's content, you can try replacing your cell phone habits with books you enjoy the most and supplement the vision you create in your life purpose course.

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@Illusory Self What needs are you getting met through procrastinating? Start exploring the behaviour with curiosity instead of trying to fix it or get rid of it. 

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Procrastination, in the way you’re using the word, is self referential judgment. It feels off because it is off, as in because it’s not true about you at all. Similar to someone identifying / believing the thought “I have an anger issue”, or “I have a confidence issue”, or “I have an esteem issue”, the energy zap is due to the discord of believing the thought is about you / identifying with, or by the thought.  

It’s not about you, it’s about you understanding the emotion you are experiencing, boredom. 

The significance of realizing it’s not about you, but about the emotions you’re experiencing, is that when the belief is acknowledged it is inherently let go, and you are thus unfettered, and the true nature if you will, better feeling, inspiration, etc, naturally arises. 

There is nothing you can do which will work as a supplement to letting the belief go. To let it go means noticing you’re behind it, as awareness aware of the thought, and of the emotion. You’ll notice that when you focus on a discordant thought (about yourself) you zap your energy. There is no effort or fixing involved whatsoever. There is nothing to ‘go through’ etc. Letting go feels like relief. Acknowledging you are experiencing the emotion of boredom frees you of it, and naturally results in then experiencing contentment. 



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On 11/12/2021 at 7:37 AM, Nahm said:

Acknowledging you are experiencing the emotion of boredom frees you of it, and naturally results in then experiencing contentment. 

@Nahm I agree with you but this takes years of daily mindfulness practice and at least one awakening. Even then it’s very challenging because it’s goes for all emotions. How do you explain to someone who’s experiencing pain (physical/mental) that you can free yourself from this pain by simply acknowledging “you” are aware of the perception of pain. Just let it go, drop it like a tennis ball in your hand ?


My point is, even though what you said resonates in my experience, you don’t just realize it in an instant because you read it online. You’ll need a lot of consciousness to fully grasp the implications of your statement quoted above.

OP simply needs to go on a dopamine/stimulation detox and learn to find enjoyment in the raw/natural things in life. Lean into the boredom and suffer for a while like an addict in withdrawals. It’s the only way man. I’ve done a lot of work with this in my life. You can fuck around and ignore it but you’ll never grow and you’ll never awaken. It’s brutal but I can promise you it’s worth it. @Illusory Self

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31 minutes ago, Meditationdude said:

@Nahm I agree with you but this takes years of daily mindfulness practice and at least one awakening. Even then it’s very challenging because it’s goes for all emotions.

Looking at the emotional scale and acknowledging one is experiencing the emotion of boredom takes a few minutes. In this regard, years of practice and one awakening are procrastination (self referential thought, rather than looking at the scale). 


How do you explain to someone who’s experiencing pain (physical/mental) that you can free yourself from this pain by simply acknowledging “you” are aware of the perception of pain. Just let it go, drop it like a tennis ball in your hand ?

By helping someone inspect their direct experience and realize distinctions between physical pain and mental suffering. 


My point is, even though what you said resonates in my experience, you don’t just realize it in an instant because you read it online. You’ll need a lot of consciousness to fully grasp the implications of your statement quoted above.

Helping someone explore their direct experience, such that they realize there isn’t a separate self which could need consciousness, and helping them to understand the guidance of the emotion of powerlessness. 


OP simply needs to go on a dopamine/stimulation detox and learn to find enjoyment in the raw/natural things in life.

Up to OP.  Not sure what is more raw and natural than understanding the emotions we experience and consciously creating. 



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I believe one has to find the protocol that works. Like a scientist one hast to work on that.

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