
What are your Biggest Sticking Points on the Path?

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How can someone know if neo advaita is bs? To me it seems just as valid as any other spiritual school of thought.

a sticking point for me is I just don’t feel like there is someone in a body on a journey that could do things to get me anywhere better, it’s all just this right? How could it not be will this change if meditation or psychedelics happen? And isn’t it me making up all the meaning?

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I really appreciate this question here. 

On the one I want to express the obvious that there is no barrier and that there’s the belief and insistence of illusory barrier that holds up the hindrances and the veil of ignorance (including this here) that I would say “barrierless barrier”. Which is ultimately just more gibberish and an insistence for ignorance. It is the insistence for my own self damnation. 

That said…

  • Traumas. Very deep traumas. Working on it and it’s taking time. If I’m fair with myself I’m doing a good job with all the work I’ve been doing but yeah, traumas for sure. 
  • Not sitting enough and doing enough practice because I honestly don’t to do more for various reasons and motives. 
  • Not maintaining practice off the cushion throughout the day.
  • Not enough trust and faith and too much of a closed heart which ties in with number one. 
  • Not having the courage to follow my heart and following this path as much as I deeply desire to.
  • Not enough selfless service (karma yoga). I’ve had the inclination to do volunteer work and start following my intuitions to say hand out food or clean up street and so forth but I’ve been resisting and avoiding it. Every time I open up to those similar types of inclinations things really open up for me and I get out of my own way. A lot of this boils down to surrendering to this path of purification. 
  • Staying consistent with my practices. 

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Confusion within me and contradiction between teachers.

The insistence that 'getting >>there<<' will somehow save me.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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26 minutes ago, tsuki said:

Confusion within me and contradiction between teachers.

I agree with this, however in my experience, best teacher is yourself, the True Self. And a lot of the work for me, has been establishing a connection to source/soul, meanwhile listening to different teachers.

29 minutes ago, tsuki said:

The insistence that 'getting >>there<<' will somehow save me.

Isn’t “there”, here?

There is a beautiful quote by a sage, cant remember the name, it goes:

“In the beginning is you, in the middle is you and in the end is you”

It is always here and always with, you.

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Even in lucid dreams there is a slight anxiety when you get killed in it. You're pretty sure you're going to wake up in bed but you're not 100% convinced.

I'm also curious about some elements like evolution. What is the world that was dreamed up that creatures adapted to? Food for example, perhaps it has no physical literal reality, but it had some form of reality which caused animals to evolve in certain ways.

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