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itachi uchiha

Is there something better than redpill

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Red pill is a map to understand human behaviour, particularly female/male dynamics but it is not absolute or simplistic, people are complex. A lot of negativity and toxicity is attached to it now so you have to be careful not to go down that path. Best way forward is to get out and socialise, even just talk to girls as friends without trying to pick them up at first and see how they are first hand. 

Human nature and biologically men and women are all the same in terms of their instincts, but human nurturing ie their environment and cultural upbringing will influence them also and interplays with those biological instincts. Deep down the hardware is the same, but our social conditioning is the software. You have to approach people with nuance, red pill can give you a good working framework and generalities, but has its simplistic and extreme points.

When your out there don't analyse things, just socialise and enjoy yourself. Analyse after being out.

Check this video for a balanced view of redpill:


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9 hours ago, itachi uchiha said:

my theorotical knowledge in redpill is rock solid.i have a black belt in it. but i have 0 practical experience.i am basically a keyboard warrior

Well, then if you look at concrete results, redpill hasn't brought you anything. If it was really so great, wouldn't you have a girlfriend by now?

It hasn't brought you the results that you (say you) want. So take a break from it.

All theory.

You want to know what gets results?

Going outside and talking to people.

Edited by flowboy

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15 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

The thing is that if you disregard this idea of applying a system, you'll simply end up with the default system, which is women red pill, which is super manipulative, exploitative, and abusive, let alone the fact that it's completely unconscious in most cases.

See. That's why they call dating a game. If you give up your game, you won't escape it; rather, you will have to be playing the woman's game, by the woman's rules, and you will not like it, guaranteed. You will either end up in a relationship that's skewed to the woman's side, or you will end up rejected and lonely and an incel. Women don't really care about your agenda as a man. In fact, they are in most cases cutthroat. A woman will not have sex with you out of sympathy. She is not concerned about your lack of sex. In other words, she's selfish and does not care about your agenda. And she isn't to blame, because survival is cutthroat. Everyone is selfish and nobody cares about anybody expect themselves, at the end of the day.

That being said, it would be wise to step up and do something conscious instead of that BS. It's especially wise because it's conscious leadership, instead of the unconscious rulership of women.

Now, is the red pill the best system out there? I don't know. And I don't care. For me, it's rather a tool; a means to an end, not a religion or a cult to follow blindly. There are principles that I find super accurate, and others that I find not so much. The map is not the territory. Red pill is not about women. It's about achieving a man's agendas, regardless of women's agenda. If you want something more woman-friendly, then there's the purple pill. But either way, conscious leadership is better than the monopoly of pussy.

Best post in the thread. Indeed. Redpill shouldn’t be taken as a religion but it definitely has lots of info that will save your ass. Like seeing through womens’ mind games and understanding why they play them, such as “shit tests” for example. And best of all imo is it protects you from getting divorce raped.

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the brown pill (fallen human nature)

the white pill, (the grace of Baptism)

the blue pill (worldly, secular thinking)

the red pill (sudden insight into difficult but liberating truths)

the black pill (despair and depression, anxiety, crisis of meaning)

the gold pill (the sacramental return (or entry into) to Christ and His Church

the mysterious seventh pill (because it’s heaven, it cannot be described only hinted at)

There you go...

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@itachi uchiha  Humans are highly irrational, emotional, unpredictable... They are also the opposite of that, but they cannot be easily captured by systems. Different things apply to different people.

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OK, here's my take as a very long term incel before the term existed. I was lonely, which sucked, but red pill would have made me miserable. Red pill is in fact making red pillers unhappy. I have never come across anyone steeped in red pill culture who came across as happy to me. We live in a materialistic culture and you can't see past it. Time to move up a level. 

You don't allow the possibility of love or spiritual connection, which probably would make you happy.

If you want the kind of woman who will respond to these "systems" like some kind of machine, maybe it will get you laid. If that's all you want, congratulations, but you'd be better off with an escort. If you want a relationship and you approach it with these red pill values, your relationship will be shallow and transactional. That doesn't sound like happiness to me. 

There is such a thing as love, and what it amounts to is selflessness. Be cheeky, be confident, don't be a pussy. That's what finally worked for me. It's not that complicated. Main thing is try, and learn from your failures. Rinse and repeat till you don't fail. Stop hanging out in forums full of negative men. Women can smell that on you.

Edited by Late Boomer

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