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Terell Kirby

Spiritual teachers who oppose psychedlics

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To be fair, their opinion is highly valued by thousands of spiritual seekers and a huge percentage is mentally unstable, psychedelics would mess them up even more. Not condoning psychedelics is a safe choice for spiritual teachers and their followers. 

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@Recursoinominado I see. To play devil's advocate, not everyone can be assumed to be mentally unstable in regards to their following. Psychedelics have the potential to be useful it seems (for some at least)

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28 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

@Recursoinominado I see. To play devil's advocate, not everyone can be assumed to be mentally unstable in regards to their following. Psychedelics have the potential to be useful it seems (for some at least)

You only need a handful of mental cases to create a shit show to you and your work. 

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Rupert Spira. He said no object of consciousness can have an effect, but he clearly stated he had no experience so he cannot reallz say to much about it.


Adyashanti said he had awakenings woth shrooms but he prefered the grounded ones.


Shinzen young took lsd, but never mentioned if it had an effect on his psychospiritual development except for curiosity.

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If you can only get high with substances, it seems like an ability out of your control. When you can break all possible laws of experience using a natural understanding of insight alone, you can be Perfection in any state and even beyond states. Drugs help develop insight if used right with contemplation though. But they are there to show you the possibility to do things even psychedelics can’t trigger with your own inherent nature as nonexistence and existence simultaneously. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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This is because they distinguish between peak/mystical experiences and normal life. If the 'new' Consciousness is not grounded/assimilated in the 'default' state, then the peak experience only remain as such. And that is the downside with psychedelics - you break your mind with the substance in order to free Consciousness, but over time the mind will reform and entrap Consciousness again. In order for you to ground Consciousness, you need to reform the mind permanently via other practices. However, it is very possible that deep direct consciousness, even on psychedelics, will reform the mind for good.

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he said he has no psychedelic experience, so how can he talk about it :D

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10 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

I have been contemplating this for a while now. Why is this the case? Where does the bias come from?

Psychedelics make spiritual teachers obsolete. If they didn't oppose them, they would be out of a job :D 


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20 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

Psychedelics make spiritual teachers obsolete. If they didn't oppose them, they would be out of a job :D 


or have to do something valuable to the world like write a life purpose course or run a forum for folks to interact

Edited by gettoefl

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