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Where is Infinity/God when you are having a dream at night?

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I just woke from the most intense , crystal clear, dream of my life.( I wouldn't say lucid )

The dream was divided in several parts, going intense and more intense in each one pursuing absolute total God realization. 

1. The first part, it was like an emotional trip, I cried a lot saying sorry to my father for not having loving him enough in this life  (I had all the memories of him in the dream)

2. Then, things got more spiritual. I basically focused my sight on one fire extinguishers mouth and I wondered if I could turn it into a flower with my pure will (remembering what Leo says about tripping , mystics states of consciousness and basically everything being imaginary). And INDEED ?, it fucking started to morph progressively into a flower.

3. Then, I started meditating with my eyes open helping focusing my sight with my fingers, in a sort of kriya kundalini meditation. I opened completely my body and started levitating in circles while remaining my sight in between the fingers (trying to realize the "Presence"/awareness in the dream I guess)

4. Cool uh? Well there is more, the final part. At this point my avatar starts asking God for answers. He starts saying something like "But I want more God! I want more answers! I want all the answers! Why this and why that, and why X and why Y! Why! And while my avatar starts complaining and asking for answers to God a subtle intuition of "THIS IS IT" starts arising. My avatar can't really accept yet it's not Actual and Completely 100% God, because it it would, well there wouldn't be more answers, hehe. I'm God, this is a dream, and I am imagining everything. Including my father. 


*** 3 hours later / I woke up from the dream ***

5. I woke up from the dream and start to remember. I know question myself, where was Infinity/ God when I was deep asleep in the dream. It felt so complete and One that the question of Infinity existing seems very difficult to contemplate.

Because obviously in this reality, I am not really 100% God as in the I'm just a branch of God. A wave in the ocean. A part of Infinity. Which will merge into Infinity (my own Infinity/Godhead) when the physical body dies. But other infinities/Godheads with their correspondent avatars will keep going. That's what infinity means. The universal dream is infinite. This is more than a single player dream. This is universal and multiplayer. It's not really like the dream I experienced. I'm not really, really and only God, right God? ?

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@Javfly33 Notice how you are making a difference between waking and sleeping. God always is , doesn't metter the circumstances.
God is never asleep. It seems so because there seems to be missing link between a bundle of sensation and another.
Notice that you are always awere, doasn't metter of what. You are alweys creating.

25 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Because obviously in this reality, I am not really 100% God as in the I'm just a branch of God. A wave in the ocean. A part of Infinity. Which will merge into Infinity (my own Infinity/Godhead) when the physical body dies.

God is making up this story. Cought in the process of making itself finite and at the same time giving his creation a context for its existance

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You are God/Infinity right now, imagining that you have slept and dreamed in the past.

God is always here right now, imagining some other state, or some past or future state.

You will never realize God as long as you are getting trapping in past or future experiences. God is NOW, THIS!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo GurarGurar 

Have you become conscious of God in your day to day life now? Your baseline conciousness, I guess I am implying.

I have awoken many times now, but seem to can't seem to break free from the illusion permanently.



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24 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Have you become conscious of God in your day to day life now?

Day to day life IS God.

You can't escape God. You can't escape yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, _Archangel_ said:

@Javfly33 Notice how you are making a difference between waking and sleeping. God always is , doesn't metter the circumstances.
God is never asleep. It seems so because there seems to be missing link between a bundle of sensation and another.
Notice that you are always awere, doasn't metter of what. You are alweys creating.

God is making up this story. Cought in the process of making itself finite and at the same time giving his creation a context for its existance


3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are God/Infinity right now, imagining that you have slept and dreamed in the past.

God is always here right now, imagining some other state, or some past or future state.

You will never realize God as long as you are getting trapping in past or future experiences. God is NOW, THIS!

But why, it can't be this way. No, I don't want to be alone. No, no, it just can't be this fucking way. I'm not really talking to myself right now, no way. No, you do exist right now. 

Why can't we all exist independently in our own Infinity. It's beautiful that way. The way you guys you are talking about is extreme Aloneness.

Cmon, there's gotta be a way that you do exist and I'm just not talking to myself right now asking myself questions through you HAHAHAH

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4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

The way you guys you are talking about is extreme Aloneness.

Extreme Togetherness ;)

We are so together, I am your own mind. There is no barrier between us.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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30 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


But why, it can't be this way. No, I don't want to be alone. No, no, it just can't be this fucking way. I'm not really talking to myself right now, no way. No, you do exist right now. 

Why can't we all exist independently in our own Infinity. It's beautiful that way. The way you guys you are talking about is extreme Aloneness.


We can! Your missing the best part.  Whatever God imagines becomes real, because imagination IS reality.  Think of how radical this really is.  It's not just word games.  As you are talking to me I become real!  You are imagining it into Being :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

But why, it can't be this way. No, I don't want to be alone.

@Javfly33 If you think you aren't alone, You aren't, problem solved:P! And even if you wake up from the dream, it can still be enjoyed, like when you watch a film (you know these are actors, but you still laugh, cry, feel emotions, Right?).
If it can be comforting, I aswell have to get completely used to it but i try to enjoy the process.

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Don't worry Jay, if you don't accept that you are alone, you won't be.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Ahah you're not ready xD xD xD

Hardest shit to accept in life xD 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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 Notice that right now you are conscious. Feel the wholeness. There is no real fragmentation in Reality. Notice how you are literally constructing the idea of being a PART of God. Being a PART of God is nothing but a figment of your imagination turned into a belief. 

You are mistaking thoughts from actuality.

"A part of God" is a distinction, a label, you are isolating a corner of God's infinite imagination from the wholeness of Infinity. Nothing=Everything. The gap you imagine is being imagined by God itself. Consciousness cannot be cut into slices because it is not form it is formlessness. But it can dream form into being, because it is infinite. This is why everything you imagine can turn into a belief. 

You are literally God. Infinity cannot be cut into slices.

"Words mean something because they point to meaning beyond themselves."



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1 hour ago, Shin said:


Ahah you're not ready xD xD xD

Hardest shit to accept in life xD 

Who are u talking with then ?

If I'm God you are just my imagination 

9 hours ago, _Archangel_ said:

@Javfly33 Notice how you are making a difference between waking and sleeping. God always is , doesn't metter the circumstances.
God is never asleep. It seems so because there seems to be missing link between a bundle of sensation and another.
Notice that you are always awere, doasn't metter of what. You are alweys creating.

God is making up this story. Cought in the process of making itself finite and at the same time giving his creation a context for its existance

The worst thing is that you are right. It's a story.

But you guys have also said, if you believe they are real, then they are real. Because reality is imagination.

So maybe the infinity theory is correct as long as I believe it then I won't be alone and it will be true ?

9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


@Inliytened1 there's gotta be more than this solipsism thing man 

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I don't know what I'm talking to, but it replies so it's fun.?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Sorry to break it to you, but as God, you have absolute consciousness.

You and I are not "alive" at the same time. Both of our lifetimes were imagined at once and then God decided to watch them like films, one frame at a time.

You are god imagining everything into being, retroactively past and future. The present moment is one and has always existed.

Think of this.

Where did the space that the universe "expanded" into during the big bang come from?

Nowhere. Because the universe itself is an illusion.

You are inside of a singularity of pure mind, dreaming that it's being a human, you.

Pure fantasy.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are God/Infinity right now, imagining that you have slept and dreamed in the past.

God is always here right now, imagining some other state, or some past or future state.

You will never realize God as long as you are getting trapping in past or future experiences. God is NOW, THIS!

@Leo Gura Yep, this was the most shocking realization for me.

I just "came" back from a 3 day trip to New York, and I am here realizing that I went nowhere, and I am imagining it right now.

Edited by justfortoday

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14 minutes ago, justfortoday said:


Sorry to break it to you, but as God, you have absolute consciousness.

You and I are not "alive" at the same time. Both of our lifetimes were imagined at once and then God decided to watch them like films, one frame at a time.

You are god imagining everything into being, retroactively past and future. The present moment is one and has always existed.

Think of this.

Where did the space that the universe "expanded" into during the big bang come from?

Nowhere. Because the universe itself is an illusion.

You are inside of a singularity of pure mind, dreaming that it's being a human, you.

Pure fantasy.

Cute. But The movie theory is just more stories of the mind to not feel alone, it's not really different from my theory/story ?


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13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Cute. But The movie theory is just more stories of the mind to not feel alone, it's not really different from my theory/story ?


You're totally not aware of non dual states, because if you were, you would realize this is ONE BIG MOVIE. 

Force of Light + Force of Sound imagining reality eternally.

We are all squares on a giant zoom call. You have your square which is a part of the screen, and I have mind. It's one flat layer of consciousness imagining all the individual experiences.

Have you even had a mystical experience? 

Come on. 

Edited by justfortoday

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2 hours ago, justfortoday said:

You and I are not "alive" at the same time. Both of our lifetimes were imagined at once and then God decided to watch them like films, one frame at a time.


As I have said in other posts, there's no difference beetween people you interact with and "dead" people.

I am not more alive/real/conscious than a million year old dinosaur or Hitler, or you own two year old self, from your POV. 

We naively tend to think "other people's" bubbles of consciousness exist somewhere outside of our experience as an actuality that's happening right now, but it's not so.

It's all superposed in Infinity beyond time as a singularity. Total oneness.

This is Non-Dual Solipsism. One of the biggest mindfucks you can have for sure.

Even if you know you are God, you don't REALLY get it's only you if you still believe "God is having separate experiences at the same time".

Edited by Fran11

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2 hours ago, justfortoday said:

You're totally not aware of non dual states, because if you were, you would realize this is ONE BIG MOVIE. 

Force of Light + Force of Sound imagining reality eternally.

We are all squares on a giant zoom call. You have your square which is a part of the screen, and I have mind. It's one flat layer of consciousness imagining all the individual experiences.

Have you even had a mystical experience? 

Come on. 

You don't want to accept that you are God and you are imagining me, and you know it.

We basically stuck in the same page.

And don't give me the "you haven't had an awakening" phrase just because I don't agree with you man. 


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