wisdom-seeking man

Get your foundations right first

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After 4 years following actualized.org, I realized that the most recent videos were not really helpful because I didn't work on my foundations enough (basic self help, self-esteem, relationships, productivity and life purpose). What are the videos I should watch again? Which books from the list would you recommend (you can identify it by saying the nth book from the section m)? If you have any other recommendations, I would be happy to hear from you.


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That's a healthy way to go about it. Nice. :)

Your question is highly subjective and there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

I'd recommend creating a dreamboard. Write down and envision what you want for your life, and what you love. By creating this gameplan, you will naturally gravitate towards the things (videos, books, people etc.) which will help you with the actualization of it.

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@EmptyVase Tanks for your answer,

Shure, I understand that everybody has lived different experiences so we all have particular strengths and weaknesses to work on. I think I will just have to explore a lot of content and apply it to see what helps me the most.

The dreamboard looks interesting. I never did one but I guess it would truly help me. I will most likely focus on life purpose and motivation (yes, I need to take the life purpose course).



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Your ego is tricking you..don’t fall into this trap.

If you’re interested in being happy, energized, have amazing relationships in your life and so much more..and I believe you do.  Self realization is the best thing you can do for yourself.

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I've found value from every one of Leo's video I've watched, so I recommend just going through his videos by which title seems most interesting and important to you. Make notes of those ones that resonate with you the most and re-watch those from time to time.

Leo's ratings is a good way to approach those books on the book list. Pretty much all of his high-rated books I've read have given me huge insights and changed my life for better in one way or another.

If you resonate with Leo's teaching style, you will most likely resonate with books he recommends the most.

Edited by Snader

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@wisdom-seeking man 

Go to the Start Here tab on the site  read through the whole page. Identify the areas you want to work on and research them via videos, books, etc.

Here is  a blog video I think most people missed that I found useful:


Go to the tab All Videos > Foundational  and watch those.

You could also just start with Leo's older videos and work your way to the newer stuff.


One dating book that isn't on Leo's list is Models: Attracting Women Through Honesty By Mark Manson. Best dating book I've ever read.

Dating: books 1, 2, 3, & 10
Emotional Mastery: books 3, 6, & 7 

Productivity: books 1, 3, & 4

Dealing With People: books 4 & 6

I love the audiobook version of The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin. He is a great role model. Here is the link if you are interested:


For Life purpose, I can't recommend Leo's Ultimate Life Purpose Course enough. Life changing.


Edited by Logan

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I Would start by "Start here" on Actualized.org and take the life purpose course. Maeby you also could take a look on Spiral Dynamics and Maslows Hirarchy and look who you at and begin where you are the lowest on these consepts:) I would also recommend to do Shadow work.


Edited by eliasvelez

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The 5 stars books from the list are all amazing. I have a long way to go to read all of them but i could give you 2 suggestions to start of because i found both life changing. From emotional mastery the first one and from success and productivity the 6th.

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