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About eliasvelez

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  • Birthday 05/16/2001

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  1. https://www.enlightenment-intensive.net/de/enlightenmentintensives.php
  2. Thanks for your inputs! I understand that its about the contemplation but isnt the excercise also that you should talk about everything that comes up, no matter what? And isnt everything that comes up not also a layer you need to peel before you can go further?
  3. I honestly dont care that much if I have an enlightement experience or not. I was at the Nomind festival and there we had a workshop about enlightenment intensive and someone told me that a retreat is like 5 years of going to a psychologist and considering the method, it makes a lot of sense to me. Im more interested in that aspect. But yeah, it will probably be different than I imagine
  4. 6 days, with 3 days of dyads. I heard some peiple say it is the worst and the best thing they ever did. So it will probably be pretty hard
  5. Hey. Im registered for going to an enligtement intensive retreat. Im pretty scared, mainly because I imagine that every experience I had, every shameful thing I did , every fantacy, every neurotic tought and just everything else I dont want to be exposed haha and im not shure if Im ready for this. What is your experience with enlightenment intensives? And how do you deal with that fear? Is it justified?
  6. Hello My name is Elias, and I can honestly say that Erik’s coaching was a great boost for my growth. I approached him in December and worked some months with him. My main goals were coming nearer to my vision, more authenticity and overcoming limitations in different areas of life. Working with Erik felt enjoyable and safe. In the coaching sessions I became aware of blockades, limitations, new perspectives, and new possibilities in regard to how to approach things. With Erik’s support, I discovered and actualized a part of my potential that before was more difficult to access or hidden. When I compare myself with Elias from December, I can say I’m more centered, more aware of myself, I’m clearer with what I want out of life, I trust myself more, I’m more disciplined, I’m much more aware that I literally can do what I want because I’m good enough NOW, I’m executing more, my social relationships bettered, and I’m in general more confident that before in social circumstances and life in general. My work in all these areas of course is not finished, but after the coaching I’m nearer and more in alignment to my goals than before the coaching! I also have a wider tool kit of techniques, an updated mindset and ways of approaching things that I still use after the coaching. I’m happy that I took the coaching and would do it again! PS: if you’re interested: my final talk with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQjD-N8qeoI
  7. Do you know good meditation retreat places in europe? (beside the goenka retreat)
  8. Hello I want to do a vipassana retreat in my vacations but i didnt found a 10 day goenka retreat in europe (for my timeframe) but i found the dhammacari vipassana-meditation centre in germany. this retreat goes 15 days (only for beginners) and is harder than the goeanka. my question. the technique here is not the body scanning, but the Mahasi noting. -> Has someone experience with this and would you recommend it? -also a question is. it is my first time and is 15 days mabey too much for the first time? i meditate daily 30 min
  9. thanks , defenetly gonna check them out! , no, i first want to know more or less what it is, what i want to take out of coaching.
  10. okay, thanks for the inputs
  11. hello do you think it is a good idea to have 2 coaches, and see each one every two weeks? or is it better to have only one? i am thinking about getting 2 for having more than one perspective.