
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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1 minute ago, Michal__ said:

Well most LOA books present metaphysical concepts in ways that bypass over analyzing by appearing magical.

Forget vibration and all that stuff - you can still affect stuff directly with your mind, without action.

Stuff like voodoo still works even though the doll isn't actually "enchanted".


Yes I can see that being the reason LOA books doing that to help people bypass over analyzing, that does make sense and can be beneficial. But I think at some point it's important to realise this as it will turn into a dogma especially if people start seeing it work. Again it's similar to the bible where they might be presented in that way to be more easily understood and prevent over thinking but then it becomes dogma as people miss what it was pointing to. 

I'm not too sure about voodoo but I haven't had any experience with it so I can't really comment. I would feel that you need action as Sadhguru was talking about, but obviously the mind is a massive if not the only component of starting the action. 

@Thestarguitarist14 if someone disagrees with you, how should they present it so that you don't become defensive and aggressive? Love anyway bro 


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I strongly believe that law of attraction works better when "doing" nofap


Edited by Dodo


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4 minutes ago, Consept said:


Yes I can see that being the reason LOA books doing that to help people bypass over analyzing, that does make sense and can be beneficial. But I think at some point it's important to realise this as it will turn into a dogma especially if people start seeing it work. Again it's similar to the bible where they might be presented in that way to be more easily understood and prevent over thinking but then it becomes dogma as people miss what it was pointing to. 

I'm not too sure about voodoo but I haven't had any experience with it so I can't really comment. I would feel that you need action as Sadhguru was talking about, but obviously the mind is a massive if not the only component of starting the action. 

@Thestarguitarist14 if someone disagrees with you, how should they present it so that you don't become defensive and aggressive? Love anyway bro 


For voodoo to work without taking action you need over developed concentration or drugs.

I think Sadhguru is saying you need action because he doesn't want people turning to the occult.

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19 minutes ago, Michal__ said:



@Thestarguitarist14(phone bug) 

You'd have to admit that guessing what Sadhguru meant by contradicting what he actually said for reasons you're suggesting is at least projection and speculation. It might be the case that he meant what you're saying but we have no way to know that, so why not just go off what he is explicitly saying? Otherwise we might as well do that with anyone that doesn't completely agree with us. 

I've got no first hand experience with voodoo but I'm open to the possibility, I don't know if you can show me something or whatever. 

17 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I strongly believe that law of attraction works better when "doing" nofap

Nofap keeps your hands free for action so you can manifest better. Unless you want to manifest more fapping 

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@Thestarguitarist14, your posting style, abrasive and dismissing of differing opinions, attracts other similar replies.

Why don't you practice loa in your interactions with the forum? When it's suggested (with your own words) that maybe your self-assigned 'higher consciousness ' is relative, and there's lots of levels higher than that, you get very defensive.

You probably know this already, but when I said thoughts don't create reality, it's the thoughts you identify with that do create it.  But, thoughts do not have to be identified with. Can you at least accept that? 

The universe does not speak English to understand your thoughts, it 'speaks' energy. So what the universe pays attention to, is intention, desire and embodiment. Again, you probably know this, so please don't bring up consciousness level into this yet again.

Or we should all be graded on the LOC scale, then, we'll truly know :D


Edited by Chris365

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1 minute ago, Consept said:


@Thestarguitarist14(phone bug) 

You'd have to admit that guessing what Sadhguru meant by contradicting what he actually said for reasons you're suggesting is at least projection and speculation. It might be the case that he meant what you're saying but we have no way to know that, so why not just go off what he is explicitly saying? Otherwise we might as well do that with anyone that doesn't completely agree with us. 

I've got no first hand experience with voodoo but I'm open to the possibility, I don't know if you can show me something or whatever. 

Nofap keeps your hands free for action so you can manifest better. Unless you want to manifest more fapping 

Yes, you are right that what I said isn't a valid argument. I just doubt Sadhguru has to take action since he is way further than me and affecting things directly with my mind is not that hard, speaking from experience. Maybe he's developed on a slightly different axis than me, who knows.

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41 minutes ago, Michal__ said:



@Thestarguitarist14(phone bug) 

Appreciate the reasonableness. I've heard him say something along the lines of, 'when you become a bit more conscious, you realise that you can have an effect on your life and those around you, but after a while you also realise that that is not very meaningful'. Something like that anyway, but he was talking about at first you use your consciousness for more material things and then you realise that's not really important so you look to help other people or a deeper meaning. But again his take doesn't seem to be the mind literally creating things, it seems to be to gain mastery over the self, including the mind to then take the sufficient action for whatever your intention is. 

This doesn't discount that you could be correct on what you're saying, I just don't think sadhguru would agree entirely with what you're saying, going by what he's said. 





29 minutes ago, Dodo said:


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5 hours ago, Consept said:

He also specifically says that God will not lift a finger to help you, as in nothing magical is going to happen, 

That's your materialistic interpretation about it. 

5 hours ago, Consept said:

The disagreement comes in the pseudo-scientific explanation, where the reason given is somewhat magical, in that your thought vibrations are literally creating things. 

You have no fucking clue what a thought even is. You are taking the mind totally for granted.

Pseudo-scientific? Ok, let's reverse it: Try explaining a thought using materialistic science. Why do you think a thought is? Neurons? 

Edited by Fran11

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Anyway, I would be interested in other people's LOA/magick experiences.

It has changed my life and I would love to hear other people's stories.

Also have any of you experienced negative side effects when changing physical reality too much/too fast?

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5 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

@Fran11 Maybe you should stop assuming that Sadhguru is right, and instead start thinking for yourself and look at your own experience?

I actually already have, maybe you should do that too.

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7 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

That's your materialistic interpretation about it.

You have fucking clue what a thought even is. You are taking the mind totally for granted.

Pseudo-scientific? Ok, let's reverse it: Try explaining a thought using materialistic science. Why do you think a thought is? Neurons? 

Youre pegging me as materialist which i understand you coming to that conclusion as im saying the reasoning given by the law of attraction is not sufficient and is more allegorical, so i guess if youre thinking binary you would get to, i must be materialist. But i agree with you in that science is limited, of course it can not truly tell you what a thought is, you would have to experience it directly thats the only way to know, so any explanation or description is always second to direct experience. But if thats the case it would go with magical beliefs also, your direct experience (just an example) is that maybe you set an intention, did practices and tried to keep thinking and feeling you already had whatever it is you wanted. Now we can explain this using logic, or psychology or even science but the direct experience of the thing happening cant be understood without directly experiencing it. Now what youre doing with LOA is trying to explain  happening using what you call meta-physics or vibrations but you dont know that that is whats going on, its not in your direct experience. It doesnt make the happening automatically sacred or unquestionable because youre using this language, the same way that someone religious could say, i prayed for something and God granted me it, the happening is true but the meaning put onto it is created. 

The Sadhguru video to me it was quite clear what he was saying and i think @Michal__ agreed to a certain extent, Sadhuguru literally said if you have simple faith that would at least let you not have mental blocks and be questioning so youre able to take action on things, i dont think anywhere in the video he said that whatever if you think will magically come to you via vibrations. Im willing to hear your interpretation but i would ask please be truly honest about what he saying. 



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44 minutes ago, Consept said:

Youre pegging me as materialist which i understand you coming to that conclusion as im saying the reasoning given by the law of attraction is not sufficient and is more allegorical, so i guess if youre thinking binary you would get to, i must be materialist.

Relax, I just said that that interpretation is materialistic, no need to take it personally.

44 minutes ago, Consept said:

But i agree with you in that science is limited, of course it can not truly tell you what a thought is, you would have to experience it directly thats the only way to know

Yes, and you can become much more concious about these subtler forms of conciousness.

If you did, you would find out that there's much more going on with mind stuff than what you are currently aware of.  And suddenly vibrations wouldn't seem so stupid as your mind is portraying it to be.

You have to understand that you can be concious of any particular thing at many levels.

For example, most people when listening to a chord in music, cannot separate out the individual notes, but it doesn't mean they are not there and that people who can and liars, insane or dogmatic.

Edited by Fran11

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29 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

Relax, I just said that that interpretation is materialistic, no need to take it personally.

No offence taken, i was just clarifying 

31 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

Yes, and you can become much more concious about these subtler forms of conciousness.

If you did, you would find out that there's much more going on with mind stuff than what you are currently aware of.  And suddenly vibrations wouldn't seem so stupid as your mind is portraying it to be.

You have to understand that you can be concious of any particular thing at many levels.

For example, most people when listening to a chord in music, cannot separate out the individual notes, but it doesn't mean they are not there and that people who can and liars, insane or dogmatic.

Of course you can become conscious of many other levels, the material realm is almost like the surface i guess, but i wouldnt assume i have come complete clarity of every other level of consciousness, all i can say is the material world is limited. Vibrations are not necessarily stupid they exist and in a heightened state maybe you could be more aware of them. How you can tie them to changing thought patterns that then lead to magically create something to appear in your life i have no direct experience of but maybe its true. My explanation would be more like if i wanted to buy a house, before i decided to i wouldve said i didnt really notice for sale signs, after i decided i started noticing a crazy amount of signs. Did the signs magically appear because i decided or were there the same amount of signs and my brain paid more attention as i added importance to the signs that i didnt before?  Maybe both of them are not true, maybe one is and one isnt but in my direct experience i dont think more signs suddenly appeared because i thought about them. But maybe your experience is different i dont know, could you break down how you experience something like the example i mentioned? 

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

Did the signs magically appear 

NO. Again, you are portaying it as something very stupid. 

It's like if I was talking about God and you were thinking about a bearded men in the clouds. It's more subtle than that.

Can you manifest signs out of thin air? NO.

Can synchronicities cause you to take a different path where you see a sign that you wouldn't have seen otherwise? YES.

How do you know that's the case?

- Because these sort of things will start happening you so consistently that you won't be able to dismiss them as random.

- Because you will be much more of aware of the real nature of the mind stuff and the subtler planes of reality. This is impossible to explain, you have to experience it.

- Because when you advance of the spiritual path you develop a strong intuition and knowingness about this stuff. Like Leo and many masters can also tell you. 

From your POV, I understand that still all of this could be BS. Without experience you will never get it.

It's up to you if you decide to experiment and see for yourself or not.


Edited by Fran11

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

my brain paid more attention as i added importance to the signs that i didnt before?  

Well guess what?

The mental phenomena that psychology studies in an abstract conceptual way, actually happens on a subtler "material" level of reality which you can become concious of.

You are taking a lot for granted. You make a duality beetween mental and mystical stuff without knowing what the mind really is.

Edited by Fran11

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OK apologies i didnt mean to frame it in a way that youre not framing it, i was trying to go off what others on the thread were saying.

So i would say ive experienced wanting something and believing i would get it and it came true and also not in a surface level way but it did feel like more opportunities were popping up for this thing out of nowhere. However i wouldnt necessarily put it down to an unexplained synchronicity. Also it should be noted that as humans we tend to experience things and then try and find an explanation after, this could be the case whether its scientific or magical. I have personally experienced deeper planes of reality through psychedelics and meditation, but i would describe this more as a seeing whats not real rather than having new explanations for things, it was more a thing of seeing and becoming aware of the illusion of pretty much everything.

I have looked into what Leo said about it and he specifically says in his video about the law of attraction that it works but its not to do with vibrations and the meta-physical stuff. Sadhguru also explicitly states that God will not lift one finger to help you and that its more about taking away the blocks you have in your mind, if youre being honest you will at least be able to see what he was saying if you watch the video, even if you dont agree. That doesnt mean what youre saying is wrong just interesting to note their opinions. But like i said i have experienced it and it has works but i just dont see why the magical explanations are needed. The other thing is why did so many more people start experiencing it in the way you describe after the Secret was popularised? 


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9 minutes ago, Fran11 said:

actually happens on a subtler "material" level of reality which you can become concious of.

Finally someone said it.

I guess it is better when not everybody realizes it, since you wouldn't want billions of people manifesting whatever they want.

Even manifestation works with limited resources here on earth.

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Man, if you want to take the attitude of  "I see reality is non-dual conciousness, but still basically behaves like mainstream materialism tells us"  it's fine.

You will miss 90% of spirituality unfortunately. 

I tried my best to encourage you experience more and expand your understanding, can do no more. Good luck.

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6 hours ago, Chris365 said:

@Thestarguitarist14, your posting style, abrasive and dismissing of differing opinions, attracts other similar replies.

Why don't you practice loa in your interactions with the forum? When it's suggested (with your own words) that maybe your self-assigned 'higher consciousness ' is relative, and there's lots of levels higher than that, you get very defensive.

You probably know this already, but when I said thoughts don't create reality, it's the thoughts you identify with that do create it.  But, thoughts do not have to be identified with. Can you at least accept that? 

The universe does not speak English to understand your thoughts, it 'speaks' energy. So what the universe pays attention to, is intention, desire and embodiment. Again, you probably know this, so please don't bring up consciousness level into this yet again.

Or we should all be graded on the LOC scale, then, we'll truly know :D


You can say whatever you want.  It’s about your inner feelings.  I was not even mad when  I wrote that.  I was stating a fact.  If someone refuses to be open minded up acts stuck up, they are an asshole.  It’s like if a guy walks into a telephone pole on the street and I call them dumb.  Am I being abrasive?  No.  I am simply starting a fact.  Some are just vibrating in that level of consciousness.


I just call it like it is.  Guess you can say that I am authentic.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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