
How many of you actually practice law of attraction?

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22 minutes ago, Consept said:

Bro im taking what you literally used as examples of manifesting, you said LOA got you a studio film, fair enough and maybe your art will help people, maybe its completely self indulgent, i have no idea. But either way im sure there are some kids starving in your town or some kids that need help with jobs or whatever why not set some intentions to help them, i really dont get that if you 100% have the power to do these things that you would choose not to 

So are you saying that I should not have any goals or desires?  And why can’t that studio film be a high quality one?  It is btw.


Look at it this way.  Elliott Smith (who considered himself to be spiritual) is one of my favorite musicians.  His music changed a lot of people’s lives.  His music has gotten me through some dark periods of my life.  That is a huge service.  His music has saved millions of lives.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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1 minute ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

So are you saying that I should not have any goals or desires?  And why can’t that studio film be a high quality one?  It is btw.


Look at it this way.  Elliott Smith is one of my favorite musicians.  His music changed a lot of people’s lives.  His music has gotten me through some dark periods of my life.  That is a huge service.  His music has saved millions of lives.

Alright man, its all love anyway, im glad its working for you and i wish you the best from it. I hope you could see a little bit what im getting at but if not its all good. 

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Just now, Consept said:

Alright man, its all love anyway, im glad its working for you and i wish you the best from it. I hope you could see a little bit what im getting at but if not its all good. 

Yeah.  You were spitting a ton of philosophies without actually being open minded.  What a joke.

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28 minutes ago, Consept said:

But what people are saying with the LOA is that they can reap all kinds of material benefits from believing in it , my point is that if that is true why not help people instead, im not asserting anything myself, im just talking from their perspective. 

That's not what they are saying, that's what you are saying for them. The entire point is that what you think of as material is not. There are no nonmaterial things to want over material things. LOA is the ultimate wanting what you've got. Which is actually nothing, nada, zip. xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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3 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

That's not what they are saying, that's what you are saying for them. The entire point is that what you think of as material is not. There are no nonmaterial things to want over material things. LOA is the ultimate wanting what you've got. Which is actually nothing, nada, zip. xD

That makes sense and i can get down with that, but when i hear people talk about LOA including in this thread, its always in reference to material things so thats why ive framed it in that way (im aware that separate material things are just distinctions we make in our minds). If it was talked about in a higher conscious way i think it would make a lot more sense but in films like the secret its talked about in a certain which is needed to get to the masses, as such psuedo-science and whatever else gets propagated and treated as sacred. But i understand the need to sell it in this way as people just wouldnt pay as much attention in other ways. Again my whole point is that dogmatic beliefs are not the best way to go about things, but if people think thats not the case and theyre happy in their beliefs then all the best to them, there wouldnt be anything i could say to convince them otherwise and of course i could be wrong, there could be brain waves that affect vibrations in the spiritual realm and attract certain things in the physical plain, or it could be a psychological process that happens in the brains RAS and maybe we like stories like the Secret rather than neurological explanations, who knows.  


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@Consept No offense but I suspect you're a bit stuck in some sort of intellectual elitism paradigm. Education, intellect and development is just as meaningless and shallow surface level as material success. Some people start with LOA and learn the renunciation, the value in the search for truth, or more scientific parts later. It doesn't matter what you start with. Your desire for material success can be your first foray into spirituality. Leo got into personal development through pick up. Neurological explanations are just as dangerous stories in the materialistic paradigm as The Secret. In a way there's more truth in fantasy stories than in scientific textbooks, because the fantasy stories are honest in their presentation of themselves as just a made up story. LOA is about not demonizing stories but realizing you're writing them. Which also means it's based on nothing. It has no past or future, and there's nothing behind it. None of the characters are real. Yet, this is unfolding. What to do with this? This is your creation. Take the reigns. You appear to be a character but you're really the author, the creator in the story and you've forgotten that you love yourself and others and everything equally. You love everything so fully, you're not. real. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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14 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Consept No offense but I suspect you're a bit stuck in some sort of intellectual elitism paradigm. Education, intellect and development is just as meaningless and shallow surface level as material success. Some people start with LOA and learn the renunciation, the value in the search for truth, or more scientific parts later. It doesn't matter what you start with. Your desire for material success can be your first foray into spirituality. Leo got into personal development through pick up. Neurological explanations are just as dangerous stories in the materialistic paradigm as The Secret. In a way there's more truth in fantasy stories than in scientific textbooks, because the fantasy stories are honest in their presentation of themselves as just a made up story. LOA is about not demonizing stories but realizing you're writing them. Which also means it's based on nothing. It has no past or future, and there's nothing behind it. None of the characters are real. Yet, this is unfolding. What to do with this? This is your creation. Take the reigns. You appear to be a character but you're really the author, the creator in the story and you've forgotten that you love yourself and others and everything equally. You love everything so fully, you're not. real. 

No offence taken, im more taking a devils advocate role, in an effort to encourage people to have a look at their beliefs, i do the same with myself, but i understand why it may have come off it as it has. Of course stories and anything that leads you into spirituality and deeper meaning is great and that will be the path for some and probably was for myself, at some point that will need to be questioned to progress otherwise youll stay in the red pill pick up mindset for your whole life, or youll have a dogmatic religious belief for your whole life. But maybe that is the journey that some people will take and thats ok as well, but my perspective is if i see others in illusion should i at least encourage them to look in different directions, if they dont want to look then thats fine. Yes stories are great at conveying information, to be honest i find them much more digestable than hardcore science, however when they are taken on as truth that could be a problem, the presentation might be honest in that its fantasy but others could take it on as truth to fit whatever needs they want to fulfil.

But i take your point that things need to unfold as they do and maybe its not for me to question things that i see as delusions, im not saying LOA is necessarily a delusion im just saying in general. I will say when ive had awakening experiences, what hit me so hard is the pain and suffering people experience being tied to beliefs, mainly the belief that we are a self, that brings so much pain and i felt a need to help people see out of that, but it is a very difficult task as the mind can feel a certain comfort even in pain. Ill also say that if the LOA lets you see that you dont have to be in pain by writing your own story then fair enough, i would just be concerned about tying yourself to any story as i see it as similar to tying yourself to the bible which can then be used to manipulate, i think there needs to be a certain level of consciousness to really be aware of what the LOA is and to also not get caught up in the dogmatic belief of it   

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14 minutes ago, Consept said:

No offence taken, im more taking a devils advocate role, in an effort to encourage people to have a look at their beliefs, i do the same with myself, but i understand why it may have come off it as it has. Of course stories and anything that leads you into spirituality and deeper meaning is great and that will be the path for some and probably was for myself, at some point that will need to be questioned to progress otherwise youll stay in the red pill pick up mindset for your whole life, or youll have a dogmatic religious belief for your whole life. But maybe that is the journey that some people will take and thats ok as well, but my perspective is if i see others in illusion should i at least encourage them to look in different directions, if they dont want to look then thats fine. Yes stories are great at conveying information, to be honest i find them much more digestable than hardcore science, however when they are taken on as truth that could be a problem, the presentation might be honest in that its fantasy but others could take it on as truth to fit whatever needs they want to fulfil.

But i take your point that things need to unfold as they do and maybe its not for me to question things that i see as delusions, im not saying LOA is necessarily a delusion im just saying in general. I will say when ive had awakening experiences, what hit me so hard is the pain and suffering people experience being tied to beliefs, mainly the belief that we are a self, that brings so much pain and i felt a need to help people see out of that, but it is a very difficult task as the mind can feel a certain comfort even in pain. Ill also say that if the LOA lets you see that you dont have to be in pain by writing your own story then fair enough, i would just be concerned about tying yourself to any story as i see it as similar to tying yourself to the bible which can then be used to manipulate, i think there needs to be a certain level of consciousness to really be aware of what the LOA is and to also not get caught up in the dogmatic belief of it   

What a joke.  

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On 2020/9/23 at 4:59 AM, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Basically: You have to drop all negativity 

You have to have a high vibration 

You have to set intentions 

You have to release all resistance before taking action 

Any action that you do take has to be inspired action 

You have to maintain a state of peace

You have to let go and be perfectly happy without or without your desire manifesting.  This is critical.

I believe in all these points. But it's something to be practised. The brain is hardwired for fear-based thoughts and actions. So consciousness needs to create specific habits for it to raise vibration.

Here are some of the practices I'd like to share with you:

1. Visualization and guided meditation. You can choose any theme, peace, money, relationship, letting go, health, etc. My recent theme is self love.

2. Gratitude journal. As small as possible to gradually wire the focus on positivity. 

3. Praying. I use it as a way for setting my intention for the day. 

4. Mirror work. I point out small wins to myself in the mirror. Mirror has strong reflection power. It's the most direct way of raising vibration. 

5. Say "Thank you" every time I make or spend money. 

6. Share my true feelings by writing blogs. That's how I started my own discussion group on self love. It has become a small but solid base for my own emotional stability. 

The most difficult part is letting go of expectations. You have to trust that the Universe manifest according to the level of your vibration, not exactly according to what you want physically. 

I've so far manifested deeper connection with people, more stable and positive self image, higher hopes on life, and a healthier life style. It's not much. But it's quite a big manifestation for a person who has been living off self-hatred for years. So it works. The law of attraction is a magic wand that human beings don't know exists or don't know how to use. Thank you for starting this thread! 


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1 hour ago, susanyzm said:

I believe in all these points. But it's something to be practised. The brain is hardwired for fear-based thoughts and actions. So consciousness needs to create specific habits for it to raise vibration.

Here are some of the practices I'd like to share with you:

1. Visualization and guided meditation. You can choose any theme, peace, money, relationship, letting go, health, etc. My recent theme is self love.

2. Gratitude journal. As small as possible to gradually wire the focus on positivity. 

3. Praying. I use it as a way for setting my intention for the day. 

4. Mirror work. I point out small wins to myself in the mirror. Mirror has strong reflection power. It's the most direct way of raising vibration. 

5. Say "Thank you" every time I make or spend money. 

6. Share my true feelings by writing blogs. That's how I started my own discussion group on self love. It has become a small but solid base for my own emotional stability. 

The most difficult part is letting go of expectations. You have to trust that the Universe manifest according to the level of your vibration, not exactly according to what you want physically. 

I've so far manifested deeper connection with people, more stable and positive self image, higher hopes on life, and a healthier life style. It's not much. But it's quite a big manifestation for a person who has been living off self-hatred for years. So it works. The law of attraction is a magic wand that human beings don't know exists or don't know how to use. Thank you for starting this thread! 


It appears as though we are on the same page.  I do five out of six of those everyday!  I used to write blogs, but I am more a fiction writer (songwriter/screenwriter/novelist) so I prefer to save the “juice” for that.  

I have been using shamanic tapping for manifesting lately and this has been a game changer.  


A lot of people do not want to see to realize that one actually has to be rather conscious to be a deliberate manifestor.  


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If you recognize the fact that you are already One with everything, including the things you seek, there's no more need for manifestation and the LoA, why would you need to attract what you already have?

When you have a sense of separation from things, things you need, want, abundance, relationships, creativity, they become things out there that you have to attract to yourself.

LoA is a good first step to realize "I'm actually participating in the state of my life".  A big step from being stuck with what you have, from the belief "I'm a victim", into taking ownership of your emotions and thoughts, you're participating, inviting things into your life.

But it doesn't go deep enough.

In Oneness, it is not an object I'm attracting, it is literally a reflection in a mirror. You and the reflection are One. The idea of the Universe reflecting back to you begins to point to something much deeper, not that you are attracting things, but that you are literally creating with your mind. And you are not creating it "out there", but whatever you create, you're experiencing through your senses. It is an embodiment of your own thinking, feeling, state of being, state of consciousness. Which means you're literally One with what it is that you're seeking.

What you experience of the universe as it is, is completely happening within your Consciousness. Everything you're experiencing is a product of your Consciousness. That means that you are One with it, it is as much you in the waking dream as everything in your sleeping dream is you.

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6 hours ago, Chris365 said:

If you recognize the fact that you are already One with everything, including the things you seek, there's no more need for manifestation and the LoA, why would you need to attract what you already have?

When you have a sense of separation from things, things you need, want, abundance, relationships, creativity, they become things out there that you have to attract to yourself.

LoA is a good first step to realize "I'm actually participating in the state of my life".  A big step from being stuck with what you have, from the belief "I'm a victim", into taking ownership of your emotions and thoughts, you're participating, inviting things into your life.

But it doesn't go deep enough.

In Oneness, it is not an object I'm attracting, it is literally a reflection in a mirror. You and the reflection are One. The idea of the Universe reflecting back to you begins to point to something much deeper, not that you are attracting things, but that you are literally creating with your mind. And you are not creating it "out there", but whatever you create, you're experiencing through your senses. It is an embodiment of your own thinking, feeling, state of being, state of consciousness. Which means you're literally One with what it is that you're seeking.

What you experience of the universe as it is, is completely happening within your Consciousness. Everything you're experiencing is a product of your Consciousness. That means that you are One with it, it is as much you in the waking dream as everything in your sleeping dream is you.

Here is the thing about oneness. Oneness actually does not exist.  Spiritual teachers only say this as it takes you away from separateness.  Teal Swan made a great video about this years back,


You are acting as if law of attraction is training wheels when you have to realize that everyone creates their own reality.  Your feelings create your thoughts and your thoughts create your reality.  The energy that you put out into the world is what you get back.  That is law of attraction.  You attract whatever dominant feeling that you have.  

So it isn’t a matter of needing law of attraction.  You already practice it unconsciously.  It is a matter of becoming a conscious co creator.


The key to being a conscious co creator is actually realizing that you have everything on the inside.  That if you desire an external outcome, you have to become it first.  Then your outer reality will match your inner reality.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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11 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Here is the thing about oneness. Oneness actually does not exist.  Spiritual teachers only say this as it takes you away from separateness.  

I'm glad we have you to singlehandedly discard thousands if years of non duality. Not to mention 5Meo.

Loa is training wheels for the ego, if you insist on identifying with it, loa is a step forward.

Thoughts do not create anything, they appear and are gone with noone creating them, they are being witnessed by who you truly are. Identifying with thoughts? Sure, meet your friend the ego.

An external outcome, an outer reality do not exist. Thank you for playing, you almost made it past the training wheels stage.

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1 hour ago, Chris365 said:

I'm glad we have you to singlehandedly discard thousands if years of non duality. Not to mention 5Meo.

Loa is training wheels for the ego, if you insist on identifying with it, loa is a step forward.

Thoughts do not create anything, they appear and are gone with noone creating them, they are being witnessed by who you truly are. Identifying with thoughts? Sure, meet your friend the ego.

An external outcome, an outer reality do not exist. Thank you for playing, you almost made it past the training wheels stage.

You have got to be kidding me. Leo literally was talking about in his most recent episode now thoughts create your reality.  Guess he is wrong too.

If there truly was oneness and you believed in it, then you would not be acting the way that you are right now.  There is only awareness.  That is it.

This forum is full of people who posture.  People have jade zero direct experience. It is insane.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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Look guys, Sadhguru is also deluded :o

You should send him and email or a letter to correct him as well, to set him straight.


Edited by Fran11

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4 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Fran11 Maybe you should stop assuming that Sadhguru is right, and instead think for yourself and look at your own experience?

This is how I feel about LOA:


If you go poo pooing actual mystics you should have something to show for it first.

If you had maybe your opinion would change, you never know :P.

Try going to a meditation retreat and then think about LOA again.  

There is a difference between pre-conventional and post-conventional world view that is hard to see from conventional (YOUR) POV.

The meditation retreat would hopefuly unlock the post conventional stages for you.

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4 hours ago, Fran11 said:

Look guys, Sadhguru is also deluded :o

You should send him and email or a letter to correct him as well, to set him straight.



I don't disagree with what's said in the video, he's basically saying to make anything happen you have to believe or know that it can happen, of course that's the case, if I really don't believe I can go outside of my house (agoraphobia) I won't be able to do it or at least it would be very difficult. He also says that you can become more conscious and as such be aware of what you truly want, again of course, these are all very important and very necessary. He also specifically says that God will not lift a finger to help you, as in nothing magical is going to happen, you have to do it and remove whatever mental blocks you have preventing that, which I whole heartedly agree with and my own life literally changed when I realised this. 

The disagreement comes in the pseudo-scientific explanation, where the reason given is somewhat magical, in that your thought vibrations are literally creating things. I think you can look at the secret as somewhat allegorical, I think some people take it as literal, similar to what happens with the Bible. Which becomes the danger if you make dogma out of it and become attached to it so much you get defensive when it's questioned as you shape your life around it. 


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3 minutes ago, Consept said:


I don't disagree with what's said in the video, he's basically saying to make anything happen you have to believe or know that it can happen, of course that's the case, if I really don't believe I can go outside of my house (agoraphobia) I won't be able to do it or at least it would be very difficult. He also says that you can become more conscious and as such be aware of what you truly want, again of course, these are all very important and very necessary. He also specifically says that God will not lift a finger to help you, as in nothing magical is going to happen, you have to do it and remove whatever mental blocks you have preventing that, which I whole heartedly agree with and my own life literally changed when I realised this. 

The disagreement comes in the pseudo-scientific explanation, where the reason given is somewhat magical, in that your thought vibrations are literally creating things. I think you can look at the secret as somewhat allegorical, I think some people take it as literal, similar to what happens with the Bible. Which becomes the danger if you make dogma out of it and become attached to it so much you get defensive when it's questioned as you shape your life around it. 


Well most LOA books present metaphysical concepts in ways that bypass over analyzing by appearing magical.

Forget vibration and all that stuff - you can still affect stuff directly with your mind, without action.

Stuff like voodoo still works even though the doll isn't actually "enchanted".

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11 minutes ago, Consept said:


I don't disagree with what's said in the video, he's basically saying to make anything happen you have to believe or know that it can happen, of course that's the case, if I really don't believe I can go outside of my house (agoraphobia) I won't be able to do it or at least it would be very difficult. He also says that you can become more conscious and as such be aware of what you truly want, again of course, these are all very important and very necessary. He also specifically says that God will not lift a finger to help you, as in nothing magical is going to happen, you have to do it and remove whatever mental blocks you have preventing that, which I whole heartedly agree with and my own life literally changed when I realised this. 

The disagreement comes in the pseudo-scientific explanation, where the reason given is somewhat magical, in that your thought vibrations are literally creating things. I think you can look at the secret as somewhat allegorical, I think some people take it as literal, similar to what happens with the Bible. Which becomes the danger if you make dogma out of it and become attached to it so much you get defensive when it's questioned as you shape your life around it. 


Yeah, it’s because you are an asshole.  Have you ever considered getting that fixed?  I had a friend who you remind me of.  Atheist, rational, nerdy, judgmental know it all type whose religion was science.  The night that I ended our friendship I told him that he was an asshole straight to his face and said “go to bed.”

To you I will say, stay asleep.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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