
Question for enlightened buddies

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27 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yeah I know it´s mainly because of fear.

I took 5-MeO and I didn´t breakthrough and I could have taken another dose but I said no because what I saw made me realize this shit was real and I could totally annihilate the version of reality Im used to If I wake up.

This work is fucking scary because you can´t know what is really at the other end of the river until you go there yourself. And nobody can guarantee you that you will be allright 

I came up with a prayer to say before taking 5meo: I give my breath, my life and my sanity to see the truth. I think that you should not do 5meo if you cannot recite that prayer sincerely. I think you didn't do again because you couldn't say that, when you can, you will do

Edited by cobalto

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Think about it:-

First-person unconsciousness is logically impossible. Therefore, all that remains is first-person consciousness.

Even God cannot escape from Eternity, due to the impossibility of unconsciousness.

There can never be a moment when one isn't having an experience. The only thing that can change is the nature of that experience.

So not only does death (as state) not exist, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.


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5 hours ago, Fran11 said:

and really it cant be rated if you have realised the absolute

I agree.

1 hour ago, VeganAwake said:

The body will die.... the separate individual within the body is an illusion... the 'self' is not real... and what is not real cannot die because it's not alive in the first place.

I agree.



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23 minutes ago, peachboy said:



Think about it:-

First-person unconsciousness is logically impossible. Therefore, all that remains is first-person consciousness.

Even God cannot escape from Eternity, due to the impossibility of unconsciousness.

There can never be a moment when one isn't having an experience. The only thing that can change is the nature of that experience.

So not only does death (as state) not exist, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.


@peachboy That´s  exactly what I felt in a kind of "knowing" when I was like 6 years old or so. The fact that I couln´t imagine something as being dead used to made me so crazy and in wonder and in awe. But yeah it´s also terrifying.

@Nahm Ouch!

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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No, sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.

A perspective you remove the magic of attention from no longer exists...  or, you’re creating as you go, listen to feeling and leave anything which doesn’t resonate (non sense) behind. By default the living of life would exponentially raise, like how you feel lighter when you set down a dumbbell. 

Went to shoe store with a friend who has size 10 feet. He tried on the brand of shoes he was used to, but they only had size 9. They did not fit. He did everything he could to force them to fit. I said ‘hey, that’s not gonna fit man’. He kept trying to force em on anyways, in spite of the pain in the feet. I was like..




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@Nahm Oh my God, I'm laughing so hard from this post and from this GIF, thanks for making my day....

This is one of my fav movie.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 15.8.2020 at 3:37 PM, Javfly33 said:

If you would have to score from 1 to 10 how sure you are that death doesn't exist (than when the body deteriorates and heart stops beating you will either re-incarnate, or stay as Infinite Love until you decide to create/imagine another universe) being 1 you are petty sure death will take something real with it and 10 that death won't affect ANYTHING real of reality being as sure as that 1+1 is 2 in arithmetics.

How much score would you give?

PLEASE be honest. If you still have a doubt that there might something as death and you COULD BE AFFECTED by IT, then please be honest and don't give just a 10 score.

In a computer game, e.g. World of Warcraft - when your Gnome Mage character dies, do you also die?

No. Death "IRL" is the same. It's an illusion. A magic trick of God. Death is the great taboo, when in fact death should almost be celebrated as a great blessing. All that dies is that which wasn't even truly real to begin with: your sense of a finite separated self, the human body/person you think you are.

Don't worry, you aren't a human being or a body or a name or a person.

You are something that cannot be put into words. Some call it Nothingness, Love, Consciousness, Dao, Brahman, God, etc. ... it's all just words.

You are 'that which can't be named' having a meta-experience of being a human being, javfly.

Eventually, of course, this meta-experience will also pass, just like all other experiences 'in your life' has passed. 

Now, what happens when this meta-experience of being javfly passes?

No one knows.

Cos you are no one.

Mystery. Infinity.

You see, if you as a human 'knew' what would happen the moment your body died, then we wouldn't call it death, hehe.

We only call it death, cos we don't know what happens.

One thing I know, is that something will happen. Cos Reality is Nothing. And therefore something will happen. You see? It's all truly nothing; absolutely nothing is going on. It's all so empty you won't believe it. Everything you experience is nothingness. And precisely therefore, of course, since something IS nothing (and vice versa), death is also nothing---- therefore, something will happen.


Your question about whether death exist or not depends on perspective. Of course, from the perspective of an ego -- a separated self -- death is the realest thing alive! 

From a higher perspective that sees that ego/the separate self is illusion/unreal, well, then death is also that: unreal, illusion. Nothing is going to die! Hehe?❤️????

Since you are still asking this fine question, you are still operating from a deep inner persistence on the sense of separate self being real.

- there is no one to reincarnate

- Infinite Love is what is. It's always the case. You are Infinite Love right now. What hinders you from seeing your true nature (Infinite Love) is ignorance, attachments and unconscious survival-mechanisms. 

Start from where you are right now: a person. Then start working on becoming conscious of how you came to be that person...childhood and all that.  Unravel all your survival mechanisms if you are courageous enough. This takes extreme amounts of openness, radical self-honesty and thus also courage. This isn't easy work. It kills you. Suffering will be necessary. 

Try to acknowledge/become conscious of the fact that what you call 'your whole life', all your 'voluntary actions', all your rationality, all your 'good, and bad, actions' is one big fat lie. You had nothing to do with it. You are just an extremely efficient survival-machine, an ape in suit, doing everything for only one purpose: biological and social survival: climbing or maintaining the human social ranks of being "a good and/or successful person". Selfish beyond imagination.

When you have become fully conscious of the fact that you are one big fat survival machine (which will make your ego cry in pain...- ego hates and fear consciousness/awareness/light), then, only then, can you take the next step, which is: transcendence (of all that).

You cannot transcend that which you aren't fully conscious of.

Ultimately: love is consciousness is acceptance is transcendence is liberation.

Only that which is loved can be understood. Only that which you have become conscious of can be transcended. 

The roads that do not lead you to the heart are all illusory.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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17 hours ago, Nahm said:


No, sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.

A perspective you remove the magic of attention from no longer exists...  or, you’re creating as you go, listen to feeling and leave anything which doesn’t resonate (non sense) behind. By default the living of life would exponentially raise, like how you feel lighter when you set down a dumbbell. 

Went to shoe store with a friend who has size 10 feet. He tried on the brand of shoes he was used to, but they only had size 9. They did not fit. He did everything he could to force them to fit. I said ‘hey, that’s not gonna fit man’. He kept trying to force em on anyways, in spite of the pain in the feet. I was like..


If what you mean is I should stop seeking for a while and focus on material accomplishment things (joyful things I want to create), I think you are right. I´m going to take some years to go back to self-development/lifestyle creation and then I´ll take trascendence seriously.

I probably (my ego) wants to accomplish stuff and so on before surrendering to truth- So that´s Ok and I´m going to let him @Nahm

Edited by Javfly33

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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5 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

In a computer game, e.g. World of Warcraft - when your Gnome Mage character dies, do you also die?

No. Death "IRL" is the same. It's an illusion. A magic trick of God. Death is the great taboo, when in fact death should almost be celebrated as a great blessing. All that dies is that which wasn't even truly real to begin with: your sense of a finite separated self, the human body/person you think you are.

Don't worry, you aren't a human being or a body or a name or a person.

You are something that cannot be put into words. Some call it Nothingness, Love, Consciousness, Dao, Brahman, God, etc. ... it's all just words.

You are 'that which can't be named' having a meta-experience of being a human being, javfly.

Eventually, of course, this meta-experience will also pass, just like all other experiences 'in your life' has passed. 

Now, what happens when this meta-experience of being javfly passes?

No one knows.

Cos you are no one.

Mystery. Infinity.

You see, if you as a human 'knew' what would happen the moment your body died, then we wouldn't call it death, hehe.

We only call it death, cos we don't know what happens.

One thing I know, is that something will happen. Cos Reality is Nothing. And therefore something will happen. You see? It's all truly nothing; absolutely nothing is going on. It's all so empty you won't believe it. Everything you experience is nothingness. And precisely therefore, of course, since something IS nothing (and vice versa), death is also nothing---- therefore, something will happen.


Your question about whether death exist or not depends on perspective. Of course, from the perspective of an ego -- a separated self -- death is the realest thing alive! 

From a higher perspective that sees that ego/the separate is illusion/unreal, well, then death is also that: unreal, illusion. Nothing is going to die! Hehe?❤️????

Since you are still asking this fine question, you are still operating from a deep inner persistence on the sense of separate self being real.

- there is no one to reincarnate

- Infinite Love is what is. It's always the case. You are Infinite Love right now. What hinders you from seeing your true nature (Infinite Love) is ignorance, attachments and unconscious survival-mechanisms. 

Start from where you are right now: a person. Then start working on becoming conscious of how you came to be that person...childhood and all that.  Unravel all your survival mechanisms if you are courageous enough. This takes extreme amounts of openness, radical self-honesty and thus also courage. This isn't easy work. It kills you. Suffering will be necessary. 

Try to acknowledge/become conscious of the fact that what you call 'your whole life', all your 'voluntary actions', all your rationality, all your 'good, and bad, actions' is one big fat lie. You had nothing to do with it. You are just an extremely efficient survival-machine, an ape in suit, doing everything for only one purpose: biological and social survival: climbing or maintaining the human social ranks of being "a good and/or successful person". Selfish beyond imagination.

When you have become fully conscious of the fact that you are one big fat survival machine (which will make your ego cry in pain...- ego hates and fear consciousness/awareness/light), then, only then, can you take the next step, which is: transcendence (of all that).

You cannot transcend that which you aren't fully conscious of.

Ultimately: love is consciousness is acceptance is transcendence is liberation.

Only that which is loved can be understood. Only that which you have become conscious of can be transcended. 

The roads that do not lead you to the heart are all illusory.

Incredible post thank you. 

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

If what you mean is I should stop seeking for a while and focus on material accomplishment things (joyful things I want to create), I think you are right. I´m going to take some years to go back to self-development/lifestyle creation and then I´ll take trascendence seriously.

I probably (my ego) wants to accomplish stuff and so on before surrendering to truth- So that´s Ok and I´m going to let him @Nahm

When you’re talking about seeking you’re talking about thinking. When I’m talking about seeking I’m talking about feeling. Thus for you there is two, for me they are the same. Nonetheless, whatever feels best to you, do that. 



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23 minutes ago, Nahm said:

When you’re talking about seeking you’re talking about thinking. When I’m talking about seeking I’m talking about feeling. Thus for you there is two, for me they are the same. Nonetheless, whatever feels best to you, do that. 

Being totally honest I just know I know 0 about conscioussness, self, feeling, thoughts, seeing, going, perspective or anything. I know absolutely nothing. Less than Nothing. So clueless about just about everything I might just well stop everything and behave like I didn't even started.


May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Change is love. Love is change. Infinite Love is devastating. It will floor you. It's all-destructive - completely annihilating you.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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28 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Change is love. Love is change. Infinite Love is devastating. It will floor you. It's all-destructive - completely annihilating you.

Yes I'm scared of infinite love because my limited sense of self is all I now (had glimpses of expansive Self but since they have been 0.0000001% compared with this limited identity, it feels I AM MORE THIS LIMITED IDENTITY than I am the Self)

And at the same time I know I am BIG THING Lol. Is here, here it is. But I am the thinking monkey, I feel myself like I am important lol

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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21 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Yes I'm scared of infinite love because my limited sense of self is all I now (had glimpses of expansive Self but since they have been 0.0000001% compared with this limited identity, it feels I AM MORE THIS LIMITED IDENTITY than I am the Self)

And at the same time I know I am BIG THING Lol. Is here, here it is. But I am the thinking monkey, I feel myself like I am important lol

Have faith in the process. You are on the the right path, already - in a sense - completely whole and perfect. Have faith in the design and intelligence Infinite Love is putting into each and every human life, yours included.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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9 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Have faith in the process. You are on the the right path, already - in a sense - completely whole and perfect. Have faith in the design and intelligence Infinite Love is putting into each and every human life, yours included.

Thanks for the message man ❣️?

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

it feels I AM MORE THIS LIMITED IDENTITY than I am the Self

What does that feel like?



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31 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What does that feel like?

Not good. I know its a thought, but I meant that I still identify with feelings in the body.

To be honest, I think I have progressed a lot into being able to not believe thoughts, but now there´s still the body, I have a hard time not "believing the body".

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Subjectively speaking, the feeling of identification is the body. At least for now.

But it's only "a self" if you buy into it being "a self". Like what if a sleazy used car salesman tried to sell you something that you just know is too good to be true. The car may even look like it's the best deal you could wish for, but nonetheless you just know there is something fishy about it, because that guy is way too eager to let you fall for his tricks. Convincing as it all may seem, you are not obliged to buy into it. See what I mean?

So your experience doesn't need to change for you to start questioning why you buy into it, and what if you didn't... You don't need to remain a slave to how convincing it seems when you already know there's something fishy going on. Give it a try, without any expectations.  ? 

Edited by Johnny5

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