
Why Stage Blue "represses" Sex

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15 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

You'd find it less sexually repressive than being a serf, slave, or getting castrated in a total red non-system. 

I’m not saying that sexual repression is exclusive to Blue or that Blue-level sexual repression lacks practical value. I am simply pointing out that sexual repression exists at a Blue level and that, to some extent, Blue has awareness and intentionality of sexual repression. Yet there can also be Blue desires to purify away immoral sexual desires.

One example would be with homosexuality. From a Blue perspective, if homosexual desires arose it would be better to repress the immoral desire and refrain from the behavior than to act on it. Yet Blue may also think the person should purify away the immoral homosexual desires via prayer, counseling or conversion therapy. 

Is your position that sexual repression does not exist at the Blue stage? Or is your position that a blue perspective would not see it as sexual repression?

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46 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

I’m not saying that sexual repression is exclusive to Blue. And I’m not saying that sexual repression lacks value or one form of repression is better than another. I am simply pointing out that sexual repression exists at Blue level and that, to some extent, Blue has awareness and intentionality of sexual repression. Yet the flip side would be a desire to purify away immoral sexual desires (rather than repressing them). 

One example would be with homosexuality. From a Blue perspective, if homosexual desires arose it would be better to repress the desire and refrain from the behavior than to act on it. Yet Blue may also think the person should purify away the immoral homosexual desires via prayer, counseling or conversion therapy. 

Is your position that sexual repression does not exist at the Blue stage? Or is your position that a blue perspective would not see it as sexual repression?

I'm not saying the blue system is more liberal than orange or green.  I'm saying it was primarily designed for sexual egalitarianism which is a much bigger advance than Blue to Orange or Orange to Green.

Most of the 20th Century issues on blue's views over homosexuality were quite possibly due to a lack of understanding.  But from a neurological and biological standpoint, there are a very good reasons for both homosexual tendencies and disgust over it.  Bisexuals  gain invaluable experience with relationships and promiscuity from an early age which leads to quick reproductive success, but severely increases the risk of disease.  So there could be a very reasonable explanation for why at times it's been a taboo.

Interestingly, the less common homosexuality is in a sample, the more of a reproductive advantage a bisexual person has due to both unique advantages and lower prevalence of disease.  Contrarily, when bisexuality is common, things like HIV pop up, and it can become a massive disadvantage, a sexual health problem, and a cause for a rule to be written in the Bible for all we know.  I'd also like to point out that if a female and male mating pair both have bisexual genes, there's a one quarter chance that their offspring will only have the gay genetics and no desire to be straight.

So all I understand about blue's lack of homosexual acceptance is that there could be a number of factors that made the concept of disgust for it prevalent off and on throughout history.   I'm not exactly well versed in blue's historic observance of its own rules, but I imagine at times there was lot more going on in nunneries than what the Bible says. Probably to the point where everyone knew about it, too.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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5 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

I'd also like to point out that if a female and male mating pair both have bisexual genes, there's a one quarter chance that their offspring will only have the gay genetics and no desire to be straight.

If there is a purely genetic basis for sexual orientation (which I'm pretty sure hasn't been established), there's no way it would be that simple.

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I’m curious about your fundamental position relative to the thread theme. Is your position that sexual repression does not exist at stage Blue? Or is your position that there is Blue sexual repression, yet from a Blue perspective it would not be seen as sexual repression? 

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7 minutes ago, outlandish said:

If there is a purely genetic basis for sexual orientation (which I'm pretty sure hasn't been established), there's no way it would be that simple.

I wouldn't know detailed exactness of something like this, but the female could be carrier for male homosexual genes and vis versa.  For example, a pair that each had a bisexual dad would have x amount of likeliness of having a completely homosexual son but a 0% chance of having lesbian daughter. 

Somewhere in that vicinity and without precise studies to guide me, I believe genetics plays a part in sexual orientation.

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17 minutes ago, Forestluv said:


I’m curious about your fundamental position relative to the thread theme. Is your position that sexual repression does not exist at stage Blue? Or is your position that there is Blue sexual repression, yet from a Blue perspective it would not be seen as sexual repression? 

Compared to Orange or Green, sure.

Jesus Christ.

Edit: On the other hand, you may also say the whole blue system is built upon maximizing sexual success

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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7 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

Compared to Orange or Green, sure.  But not compared to red.

Ok, it seems like you believe Blue engages in forms of sexual repression. Blue-level sexual repression has justification and is less intense than red sexual repression and more intense than Orange or Green sexual repression.

Imo, Blue-level sexual repression is more intense than Red, since Red is more about the expression of primal desires, rather than the repression of primal desires. Yet this doesn’t mean that Blue level sexual repression has no value toward society. 

12 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

I wouldn't know detailed exactness of something like this, but the female could be carrier for male homosexual genes and vis versa.  For example, a pair that each had a bisexual dad would have x amount of likeliness of having a completely homosexual son but a 0% chance of having lesbian daughter. 


There are likely genetic factors that influence sexual and gender orientation, yet the mechanism would not be what you speculate. Without doubt, it would be a complex multi-genic mechanism that also has environmental inputs. The mechanism would be more like a complex trait like schizophrenia in which many genetic and environental inputs are involved. 

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@Forestluv If you've got a vendetta on your Catholic school, there's nothing I can do about that.  I don't want to answer variations of your questions over and over again.  All I can tell you is that I believe Blue likes to maximize the success of egalitarian pair bonding, and in my experience this is controlled by people refusing to marry prostitutes, a fairly early marriage, and stigmatization of divorce.

In many past societies, I'm sure they also got mad at the gay population for hedonistically spreading diseases around and repressing everybody else's sexual health.  I also believe there's been times they've tolerated and knew about what monks, nuns, and priests were doing. 

So do you really call that repressive?  There's just something that seems innaccurate about that if we're going to judge this over a multi-century timeline involving several continents.

And the number one piece of repression I'm seeing in the blue society I'm currently residing in is lack of personal space, not rules.  It's hard to bang whoever the heck you want while you're living with your parents in an apartment, regardless of what phase society is in.  Orange has a solution to that.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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27 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

@Forestluv If you've got a vendetta on your Catholic school, there's nothing I can do about that.  

That is your projection. 

27 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

In many past societies, I'm sure they also got mad at the gay population for hedonistically spreading diseases around and repressing everybody else's sexual health. 

You seem to hold some Blue-level beliefs about homosexuality and STDs.

27 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

So do you really call that repressive? 

Justifications for sexual repression do not make it any less repressive.  Blue represses sexuality such as pornography, sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, polyamory etc. The justifications and practical value of that repression for society is a different issue. The sexual repression could be 100% justified and it would still be sexual repression. 

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I remember reading an anecdote from the Victorian era where a woman went to the doctor's office because she had a serious disease with her private parts. The doctor told her to take off her clothes so he could check. She was so mortified by the idea that she stormed out of the office, saying that she would rather die than have a doctor see her naked.

That's stage Blue sexuality in a nutshell.

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54 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

You seem to hold some Blue-level beliefs about homosexuality and STDs.

Go to the gay community with some of your gay friends, and watch the sheer volume of hedonistic sexual activity and drugs occurring 24/7.   You're going to see exactly why HIV popped up..


54 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Justifications for sexual repression do not make it any less repressive.

That would be like calling condoms repressive even though they open up a lot more opportunity than they take.  These aren't justifications at all, it's something else entirely.


Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I remember reading an anecdote from the Victorian era where a woman went to the doctor's office because she had a serious disease with her private parts. The doctor told her to take off her clothes so he could check. She was so mortified by the idea that she stormed out of the office, saying that she would rather die than have a doctor see her naked.

That's stage Blue sexuality in a nutshell.

Okay, I'm sure that's what will happen as the Philippines finishes transitioning into stage Blue. 

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5 hours ago, Dryas said:

Just look at this imams explanation for why music is HARAMMM!

Lol my friend was talking about an imam who apparently said weed turns you gay and that too much sex with women will turn you gay

They're so funny

Describe a thought.

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12 minutes ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

That would be like calling condoms repressive even though they open up a lot more opportunity than they take.  These aren't justifications at all, it's something else entirely.

Condoms are not sexually repressive, they are sexually liberating!! 

You seemed to acknowledge that Blue is sexually repressive, yet now seem to be backtracking. A few examples of Blue sexual repression:

NO sex out of wedlock.

NO polyamory sex

NO homosexual sex

NO masturbation

NO pornography

NO Backdoor

These are forms of sexual repression. Justifying this repression is another issue. 

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2 hours ago, GenuinePerspectiveXC said:

Jesus Christ.

you write jesus christ a lot, are you trying to repent your sexual sins?

12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I remember reading an anecdote from the Victorian era where a woman went to the doctor's office because she had a serious disease with her private parts. The doctor told her to take off her clothes so he could check. She was so mortified by the idea that she stormed out of the office, saying that she would rather die than have a doctor see her naked.

That's stage Blue sexuality in a nutshell.

IMO if a woman has a little bit of blue in her, it hot. Just a sprinkle of blue, like a little sprinkle of salt. Its nice if she's a bit embarrassed about showing her private parts, and gets you to chase her to get it.  

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20 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Lol my friend was talking about an imam who apparently said weed turns you gay and that too much sex with women will turn you gay

They're so funny

Too much sex will make you gay?! Clearly they don’t know anything about their prophet


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20 hours ago, Parththakkar12 said:

This is why the notions...'nuclear family'... we're created by religious institutions. 

Sorry my intent is not to lecture you, just want to slightly correct you that concept of a nuclear family (a married couple household with one or more kids) hasn't originated and wasn't developed by a blue pre-modern traditional society but is in the contrary the family organizing unit that came into being during the industrial revolution in Europe, in what is generally taken as the beginnings of the today's modern industrial society, and was later by ways of the spread of modern industrialization and urbanization across the globe later accepted in other former colonial and developing nations for the purpose of fullfiling the lifestyle and work demands of the new industrial and market-based economy, so one can say in essence it was a product of an orange breakthrough in collective consciousness in regards to it's rational and scientific way of approaching nature and organizing productive units in society. 

It doesn't of course necessarily, and mostly wasn't and isn't still , organized completely around orange-based values but it wasn't originally created by and for the purpose and function of a blue instution but for a more broadly generalized orange-based organizing societal changed economic context. 

The traditional extended family of the pre-modern era, included mostly a shared household of family members three or four generations apart, or traditional family communities were several households will engage in shared economic activity, usually agricultural or cattle-based. 

Sorry in advance I don't want this seem and appear as, like a gotcha pseudo-intellectualuzing online, just I thought from what you posted before on the forum that you value strictness and precision when using certain terms and terminologies, and I wanted correct yo just quickly on the use of this term in the context you mentuoned since it is something that we learn in sociology early on and wanted to share how is it used and in what context there when talking and studying about the family in sociology. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

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