Kailash Bhattarai

Bernie Sanders's Successor for progressive moment.

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Ok, i love Bernie Sanders, but he is too old. He would be 83, next election so, i don't expect he will run due to obvious reason, but still no one comes even close to his ability of leadership, his amazing vision,  and his huge experience of 45+ years of politics makes him an excellent political and a very trustworthy guy. I love progressive congresswomen like Rashid Talib, AOC, iihan omar and know they have pure intentions, but i don't think they will be mature enough to lead this moment and run as president. So my question is who do you think is suitable successor of Bernie Sanders of progressive moment?

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1 minute ago, Opo said:

@Kailash Bhattarai Warren? 

Ok she America will be a little bit better with Warren. But still she will comply to establishment and hence the changes will be no where near with Bernie Sanders, she is not his successor. We need a true successor to Bernie Sanders.

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5 minutes ago, Gidiot said:

Nina Turner or AOC

Nina Turner seems like the most appropriate alternative. AOC might be not be ready yet.

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@Kailash Bhattarai maybe in a couple years. What I like about Nina is that she doesn’t take shit from anyone and she wouldn’t call Joe Biden her friend like Bernie, she’s like the brashness of trump with actual political experience and a healthy compassionate attitude and fire.

Edited by Gidiot

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@Gidiot Yeah, i guess Nina Turner is great, still i don't know why, my subconscious underestimated her a little (now i am much more convinced). For progressive to implement their policies, candidate must be extremely shavvy on politics, highly visionary and must be willing to bulldoze full way, like a raising fire  Nina Turner is just like that.

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@Kailash Bhattarai I think AOC is more of a policy genius and has a lot of the same fire as Nina but Nina is more experienced I’d like to see them run together, apparently nina teased running in 2024 I’m for it.

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2 minutes ago, Gidiot said:

@Kailash Bhattarai I think AOC is more of a policy genius and has a lot of the same fire as Nina but Nina is more experienced I’d like to see them run together, apparently nina teased running in 2024 I’m for it.

I agree AOC has that fire, that's why i love her so much haha, she might be ready till 2028. She is destined to be president someday.

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In terms of charisma and public energy, it’s AOC hands down. She was by far the biggest progressive endorsement for Bernie and saved his campaign. Bernie was down and out after his heart attack and AOC single handedly revitalized his campaign and even made him the front runner. When AOC stumped for Bernie, she was a legit star. She can draw huge crowds and gave high quality speeches that strongly resonated with the crowd. She has Robert Kennedy and Obama level skills and resonance. She was more of a headline speaker than Bernie. The only other person that even comes close is Cornell West, yet he obviously not a successor. Omar had a many good flashes yet is not on AOC’s level. AOC is also very good at doing her homework and exposing the hypocrisy and corruption of others - via twitter, speeches and congressional hearing. Her smack down speech of Yoho’s misogyny was legendary and she has eviscerated plutocrats. And she destroyed her opponent in a debate (although it was a weak opponent).  And she is very good on policy. 

There are other good progressives on policy like Nina Turner, Jayapal, Khanna etc. Yet no one comes close to AOC’s broad range of skills, charisma and ability to resonate with the public - especially with GenZ and Millennials. She has mentioned she may walk away from congress some day if she thinks she can make greater contributions in other areas and she has never expressed ambitions of becoming a senator or president. Yet I can see her becoming president in 10 years or so. A lot of boomers will have died off and GenZ and Millennials will be the major voting bloc. Plus the country will likely be more Green. Her rise has been so fast that I could see her potentially running in 2024 if the country continues to worsen under corporate plutocracy and corruption. She is by far the biggest ‘change’ candidate, imo. 

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@Forestluv it's true that AOC can be a good leader, she has the charisma. But i think the progressive left has lot more to show, i think we will see more progressives getting elected in congress and senate in the upcoming future. And any other person can emerge as a Leader then.

I don't agree that AOC is gonna run in 2024. I think she will take her time before making that jump. Maybe in 2028 or 2032.  

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@Forestluv AOC’s speech about Yoho captivated me and so many people.
It was in mainstream media. I saw on “Enews”( the kardashian network) and USweekly. I think her been on “gossip sites” is as mainstream as one can get. Which for me means that she’s killing it! 

ps. I had the honor of voting for her last month since I’m part of her district 

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I don’t know if posting this is allowed. But I literally got goosebumps when I got to vote for her.... fangirling big time over here lol 


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@Jennjenn Thanks to you and your district for electing AOC! She is a strong player on the Green team!

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Lol, what languages are those?

First one is English and Third one is Bengali. Don't know about the middle one.

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