
Emotions vs Consscionues States

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what is difference between emotions, those which are studied by science (joy, anger, disgust, sadness, fear)  and those pseudo-science conscious states scale ( ... apathy, pride, reason, peace, love ... etc  ) ???

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They’re all just different flavors of experience, some of which require a more contracted ego/mind/body state than others. For example, fear requires more contraction than love. Ive found that the emotions lower on these various scales feel more dense, the “higher” the emotion, the more free and light the emotion feels. Another example - true peace, equanimity we may call it, feels like the reciprocal of apathy. Both have a “whatever happens, happens” orientation, yet one is lighter, more free, and connected with actuality. The other is self oriented, disconnected and heavy. 

The “pseudo science” emotions are just different distinctions in experience mainstream science may or may not study. The truly scientific mind would examine their direct experience and begin their contemplation there. Ive personally learned far more about emotions watching them directly in action than reading books or studying science, but study can be an important piece of the puzzle. 

Edited by Consilience

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yeah but "normal" emiton are easy to locate and be aware of - you can feel it in the body - unless they are deeply unconcious - for example in me it's around types of women i found attractive to me - I tend to be shy and insecure - which is ridiculous from logical stand point

but when in comes to those concioussness states - it's more like (wtf are you talking about ? ) where or how do you feel it

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36 minutes ago, OmniYoga said:

those pseudo-science conscious states scale ( ... apathy, pride, reason, peace, love ... etc  )

You are talking about David Hawkins' scale?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thos emotions studied by science I don't have. Those are all self created emotions aren't they. That's how devil rules. All are based on fear of death. 

Sorry to say, you are already dead so you know heal from that crap. Dream is Absolutelly safe. 

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2 hours ago, OmniYoga said:

what is difference between emotions, those which are studied by science (joy, anger, disgust, sadness, fear)  and those pseudo-science conscious states scale ( ... apathy, pride, reason, peace, love ... etc  ) ???

The difference is syntactic sugar. The latter makes the language "sweeter" for human use. 

Emotions are the things that set things in motion. 

Science can't study subjective states since science relies on objective third party validation. Spirituality can't explain objective states since it relies on subjective experience. 

The most surprising thing is that all emotions can be deconstructed. David Hawkins's scale is a useful approach to deconstruction. 



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Emotion is a broad term that applies to different subsets of cognitive states. Think of those other things being emotions, but there being more basic emotions that are classically studied.

Emotion is a kind of cognitive state experienced as a feeling, often throughout the body or in some other part of one e.g. the mind. There are different forms of emotions. Some, for instance, relate to the MBTI dimension of Feeling. Others relate to the stress-oriented states in the enneagram (anger, shame, fear). Others are different from these entirely.

The point of emotion is to guide one into better states of being, or to reflect a state of being. In that sense, they can be proactive or reactive. Emotion in a Feeling sense relates to a value judgement of some state of affairs, whether in the external world or within one, as to whether it is good, bad, important etc. So it is a basic form of reasoning.

Edited by Artsu

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@Leo Gura yeah, it's already spread in new age circles, frederick dodson - levels of energy, 1000 - ramaji I guess it's base on that too (I didn't read it)
and ppl actaully belive in that (including "gurus") - which is kind of mind boggling

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In my opinion emotions like fear disgust anger are created based on mind interpretation of situation and last shorter in time while consciousness states are longer lasting and are more an overarching way of dealing with  and interpreting life situations 

Edited by DecemberFlower

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@DecemberFlower yeah I knew that xD but I didn't want to spoil or project the answears

my understanding:
emotion - feeling in the moment as reaction to the outside world based interpretation of the situations

state - determining current paradigm that shift the attention to filter everything through that paradigm in order to reinforce it
(self fulfilling prophecy loop) more like a underlying main schema through which ego project belifes on to reality in order to validate them as right

Edited by OmniYoga

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@Johnny5 when I think of it it might be that the state is just habitual emotion, which no longer need a cause to occur and its driven just by homeostasis, as ongoing loop

Im not sure, as I wrote those states are just a vague pseudoscience, might not be even real

Edited by OmniYoga

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