
Personality after death

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Hi there, 

I'm currently reading The Magnus Opus by John Kreiter and this is definitely not my first spiritual/occult book. I have read everything from "the book of the dead" to the entire Seth-material by Jane Roberts, and I am just confused by the different opinions (?) on personality after death. In the Seth-material Seth talks about the eternal validity of our personality, that we are as valid now that we will ever be (and also continue to learn and evolve) even after physical death. John Kreiter among others talk about the dissipation of the ego and loss of identiy, some spiritual literature talk about "the big black sea of consciousness" while for example "the book of the dead" talks about an hallucinatory nightmarish experience. 

What are your take on this? 

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I recommend Johns newest book, the way of the projectionist, after you finish the magnum opus. It is the second part of his three part trilogy. The third book is yet to be released. Think of it this way. You’re a bubble in a sea of energy. Imagine you threw a rock in a pond, all those ripples would go out. When we die what happens is our bubble pops and sends out ripples. When those ripples disappear we disappear. That’s not the best explanation but I hope it sort of helps. In his newest book, the one I mentioned, he goes into great detail on this. In the final book of the trilogy he will go even deeper. Think of it this way. There’s 3 selfs. The conscious, the ghost, the unconscious. The conscious is the individual that’s bound to physicality, bound to this plane. The unconscious is that which sleeps, that which isn’t aware of itself as a separate entity, that which exists across all space and time. The ghost in the machine is the bridge. The ghost is the one that can travel to the unconscious. The ghost is the mind. The watcher. After death the ghost remains but without substantial energy, will dissipate in time. After death is very similar to the dream state. Or a projected state. An OBE state in a sense. What John discusses is how to train the ghost as well as empower it. Ps. The ghost is the one manipulating energy. 

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@beastcookie when you have a colorful dream with nice character, can we say the character is dead after you wake up in the morning? 

I wouldn't say so. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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1 hour ago, reilsss said:

I recommend Johns newest book, the way of the projectionist, after you finish the magnum opus. It is the second part of his three part trilogy. The third book is yet to be released. Think of it this way. You’re a bubble in a sea of energy. Imagine you threw a rock in a pond, all those ripples would go out. When we die what happens is our bubble pops and sends out ripples. When those ripples disappear we disappear. That’s not the best explanation but I hope it sort of helps. In his newest book, the one I mentioned, he goes into great detail on this. In the final book of the trilogy he will go even deeper. Think of it this way. There’s 3 selfs. The conscious, the ghost, the unconscious. The conscious is the individual that’s bound to physicality, bound to this plane. The unconscious is that which sleeps, that which isn’t aware of itself as a separate entity, that which exists across all space and time. The ghost in the machine is the bridge. The ghost is the one that can travel to the unconscious. The ghost is the mind. The watcher. After death the ghost remains but without substantial energy, will dissipate in time. After death is very similar to the dream state. Or a projected state. An OBE state in a sense. What John discusses is how to train the ghost as well as empower it. Ps. The ghost is the one manipulating energy. 

It makes sense but how come other profound spiritual material say that this is not the case? Have you read the Seth-material or other channeled work? This would imply no personality can survive thus no channeling would ever be possible. Of course I want to believe in life after death and train the ghost to be able to lucid dream and OBE and other fun things. 

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1 hour ago, reilsss said:


Oh another question, since you seem quite aware of this topic, have you noticed much difference since starting to absorb and re-absorb energy? 

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@beastcookie for a slightly different take on your question: you are already dead - welcome to the afterlife. 

I say this because life and death are a duality. In it's non-dual form they are the same thing.

Any explanation of death is always made in the living world. Thoughts and words about what comes after death, are just that, thoughts and words.

Anyway, don't take my word on it. Try this mystic for size:


All stories and explanations are false.

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2 hours ago, beastcookie said:

It makes sense but how come other profound spiritual material say that this is not the case? Have you read the Seth-material or other channeled work? This would imply no personality can survive thus no channeling would ever be possible. Of course I want to believe in life after death and train the ghost to be able to lucid dream and OBE and other fun things. 

Death is a nuanced topic. I’m not sure what spiritual material you’re referencing so I can’t necessarily comment on that idea. What I can say is that we live in a world of half-truths. I’m not inherently disputing what those materials say. But they may only have one piece of the puzzle. I’m familiar with one of the Seth books, the name is eluding me. Here’s my understanding. Due to the non-linear aspect of time, one could say that we are immortal already in the sense that all moments exist right now. Ancient Egypt? Right now. Your birth? Right now. Your death? Right now. Every single possible alternate timeline? Yup. Right now. So by no means do I mean to dispute the very true activity such as channeling. Take a few minutes and put all your awareness in the here and now. Get to your most present state. Now relax that tension. Note that any mental movement is truly a projection of the ghost. When you’re in the here and now that’s where the ghost is. Channeling can be thought of the ghost entering a different vibrational frequency. Of course our language is lacking so please forgive me. My understanding of the unconscious is still elementary, which is why I’m not speaking heavily on that side of things. I greatly look forward to the final book in the trilogy, he promises to go into deep detail regarding the unconscious, past life’s, life after death, and all those other goodies. So we are already immortal in that sense I mentioned earlier. What John is writing about is the continuity of individuality after this physical body perishes. The nuance lies in the understanding of time. An understanding I’ve developed is that all questions we have can be answered, and should be answered personally. That we will discover the direct knowing as we progress in our journey.

2 hours ago, beastcookie said:

Oh another question, since you seem quite aware of this topic, have you noticed much difference since starting to absorb and re-absorb energy? 

I have. Both have their particular benefits, although they’re 2 sides of the same coin. I greatly enjoy absorbing the negative intent of those I’m around. When someone around me is in a poor mood I’m able to consume the energy and you can feel the difference immediately. Beyond that, often times the individual “mysteriously” lightens up mood wise. Re-absorption has been particularly beneficial. There are many events in my past, whether it be something financially, socially, physically, etc. that have caused me to expend a great deal of energy. If you think of yourself as a multidimensional cloud, you can think of your energetic wounds as leaks in the cloud. Of course these wounds are what you’re closing through re-absorption. Someone who can perceive energy can actually “see” all of your past and future wounds, and they are basically holes that make it difficult to store and refine energy. I particularly enjoy the ability to absorb whole situations. By re-absorbing, many things that have plagued me from my past have stopped bothering me. The circumstances stopped appearing, and if my focus goes back to those events where I expelled a great deal of energy, I no longer feel emotional about it, it has been invaluable. 

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On 2020-06-11 at 3:29 PM, reilsss said:


Thank you for your elaborate answer I greatly appreciate it! 

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the comprehensive answer:
throughout the spiritual journey, there could be thousands upon thousands of opinions, ideas, and perceptions, the thing is that the most stupid thing for us is to take everything blindly without our first-hand experience of that abstraction/concept! 

for instance, someone could read dozens of legit books about reincarnation and he might get an idea of the reincarnation but it's not that simple to form a mental image in the mind about that and then believing into that for the rest of life.

what I really love to recommend for this certain situation is to clear your mind from any abstractions that are taught in any book or video, and prioritize the very own direct experience which is beyond any mental image/imagination/visualization/over-conceptualization!

only learn the basics of consciousness work which are more practical and implement them to reach the hands-on experience!


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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3 hours ago, hamedsf said:


the comprehensive answer:
throughout the spiritual journey, there could be thousands upon thousands of opinions, ideas, and perceptions, the thing is that the most stupid thing for us is to take everything blindly without our first-hand experience of that abstraction/concept! 

for instance, someone could read dozens of legit books about reincarnation and he might get an idea of the reincarnation but it's not that simple to form a mental image in the mind about that and then believing into that for the rest of life.

what I really love to recommend for this certain situation is to clear your mind from any abstractions that are taught in any book or video, and prioritize the very own direct experience which is beyond any mental image/imagination/visualization/over-conceptualization!

only learn the basics of consciousness work which are more practical and implement them to reach the hands-on experience!


So how do we have first hand experience on such concepts? Is it just like if I meditate consistently, I will get such insights naturally at higher states of mind? I am a beginner meditator with an open mind.

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@An young being Yes, if you learn to increase your consciousness with any practice, you will begin to grasp things automatically. of course you should also let go of the "need" of deeper insight/comprehension.

Edited by hamedsf

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Your personality after death is whatever you imagine it to be.

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Read 1000 By Ramaji, it very much clears up the many differences in spiritual teachings, and why there are subtle differences. 

Hint- Awakening has depths to it. 

A Neo-Advaitan like Tony Parsons or Fred Davis hasn't had the same realizations and integration as guys like Ramana Maharshi or Francis Lucille. 

This isn't to say they aren't awake, just that there are depths. 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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