
The World is not as bad as you think it is

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If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that the theories are a distraction, BUT, yes a big but, that doesn’t mean they don’t hold value, whether it’s the media’s conspiracy agenda, political and ideological conspiracies, or, of course, even the “truth fighting” ones.

The conspiracies that don’t make sense deserve the most attention 

because we all want unity, within so without, freedom bitches 

@Vipassanawanted to share this with you the other day so you could take away whatever you found useful, thought it was interesting ?‍♂️


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@DrewNows The nature of your words suggest otherwise. Please consider what you speak before criticising those that may have fruitful information to share as well. Again, you are making more assumptions than Trump makes complements.

What makes you think I haven’t been aware of these theories for the last few years? I live in the west where information is free to explore, not under a rock with slugs (although, beginning to consider maybe I do). I’ve been in disagreement with vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry for years, please refrain from asserting assumptions for things you do not know ?

hahaha I think @Leo Gura has better things to do than to entertain your bedtime stories.

@Vipassana judging form the quality of some comments here wouldn’t be a bad idea hahaha

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@DrewNows I think we have beaten the horse to death my friend. People on here (including you and me) seem to be more interested on breaking down narratives & rearrange them to concoct a narrative of our own & appear woker than we really are. The goodest of all good is that the Truth prevails & all forms pass. 

I feel like the intensity to articulate ourselves is being lost frying the small tofu when we can be frying the big tofu in our own creative way that will reach to a better audience. I am grateful for you, turqoise, divinesoda & others for being persistent even though this forum is rigged against our best interest which seems to be by design ;) read the guidelines 

Edited by Vipassana

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@Vipassana this forum has better things to discuss that’s why. I think you may have unfortunately misunderstand what has been stated here. Good luck on your journey.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw lol bro you have literally been clinging to these discussion for days. 

In my opinion this forum is purely for mental masturbation and to dick around so you get the sense that you're helping other people. Aside from the Enlightenment, Psychedelics, Meditation etc. Sub forum, everything else is diluted hogwash appearing as 'Truth' & lets not even mention how Leos Self Biases rightfully taint the forum from ever going into uncharted territories. Maybe its just my perception and biases but I dont see any serious concerns being brought up or any tangible discussions being had in the political and environmental subforms. If this was a democracy and I could vote, I would keep this strictly for enlightenment work, especially because that where our authoritarian leader Leos expertise lies. 

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@Consept the only reason I’m giving you guys a hard time, especially Jacob is you seem to like to point out the negatives of these theories rather than the positives, it’s like pretending to entertain them while realistically just proving how they are wrong or dangerous, as if the media shouldn’t have the same level of scrutiny. Have you researched viruses and disease/germ theory? @Jacobsrw

@Vipassana Never say never, persistence is king :P (of course im having a little fun right now but it can’t hurt) feels good to be part of the design xD

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@DrewNows Look, I have my own views on all those topics to which I feel no need to share here. The pharmaceutical industry is a disease, I need not go further, more critique I could mention than I have words.

I disagree with much of what is being done governmentally, but why does that mean I must side with a theory in order to validate this? I agree with some of the points made by them, but they do not at all account for the complexity of a government. Way too simplistic in my view, many areas not considered. If people refute a government so much go and live on an deserted island  and see what transpires.

Also, I pointed out the positives I agreed with in a previous thread. Pleaser refer to them. The dangers in these theories far exceed their positives, hence what I have stated.

@Vipassana Again, I feel you have misunderstood what was conveyed. The point was not these topics but in how one communicates them. You have completely missed this point I feel.

I agree with some of what you are saying. However, If you despise this forums sub areas so much why contribute? You are now projecting your own contrasting bias, careful on what you choose to critique it may become you who you are critiquing in the end.

Wish you the best man.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw im jus dicking around and distracting myself brother. This is a playground for my monkey mind. 

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@Jacobsrw the whole point is informed decision making based on the “news” that’s most reliable/relevant right? If someone holds info deeming the media narrative as being inaccurate and potentially dangerous then don’t they have the right to voice their truth despite how it may appear to others? 

I didn’t ask for your views, only asking if you did the research questioning germ theory, contagion and viruses. The external good/bad focus is a distraction imo, like the virus, so best to accept what is and notice the media’s impact on everything/one and seek accountability and for those who can, to speak out and voice their truth. It’s been unbelievable the behaviors I’ve witnessed going from city to city, state to state, so the resistance offers hope for reuniting the people, at least those who wish to question authority and step out of fear 

it’s literally expanded conscious politics xD

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@DrewNows I rarely agree with the media. But I also rarely agree with “conspiracy” theories. Everything the mind derives is a conspiracy. It’s just to what degree. These theories in my opinion are not as awake as they assume they are, that’s my main point. Just because you find gold in rubble doesn’t mean the ground you then walk on is made of it. Yes I’ve looked into germ theory, viruses and vaccines. All are largely delusional in my opinion, but are much more complex than theorised. 

Yes I agree people with opposing views have a right to share their views, but also have a responsibility in how they convey them. Recent theorists have not acknowledged this point in my view. This is all I have attempted to make clear.

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@Jacobsrw great, personally I like to say fuck agreeableness as it entertains separateness xD 

Do you feel it’s wrong to assume conspiracists do theIr best to communicate their truth? Can’t please everyone, so it’s their agenda, knowledge, opinions and level of development. To expect anything more or less seems silly really but I suppose agendas aren’t always clear or honest, but that’s just how it is, encouraging personal responsibility of the listener as well  

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@DrewNows Haha well depends what allows for more consciousness; separateness is often the ego’s way, where oneness is often consciousnesses way.

No i don’t think it’s wrong necessarily but it’s completely dependent on which theorist you refer to. Many have good intentions, yet champion them in a destructive manner. It’s not about pleasing. If one willingly espouses their views in a disingenuous or dangerous way, we don’t just throw our hands up and go “oh well, their opinion”. We have to be able to see when a message is more dangerous than the quality it proposes, that’s if it proposes any at all. This goes for the media as it does any theorist.

If a terrorist champions non-duality but recruits people to it fundamentalistically their prior intentions are redundant. 

But really we cannot change peoples ways but only enlighten them through our best efforts to communicate authentically.

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The problem is not changing what's around you because as I said from the top what's around you is literally the best it's ever been in human history (please dispute that if you don't feel its true)  the problem is that you can't see that and you also can't see the progress that's been made. 

Your glasses have shit on them so everywhere you look it's shit. Do you say how tightly you and others hold onto this paranoia that your disputing this very thread, your intention, I'm assuming from the direction of your argument lol, is that you want to convince us that we are too positive and your view of being suspicious, fearful and paranoid is the correct view. 

People will always have theories about things its happened since whenever, people were probably skeptical of ww2 at the time. I found conspiracies interesting on a more psychological meta level like what is the over riding context of why people are so interested in them and obviously as you're within this paradigm you can only see the story of government hiding shit that will harm and destroy everyone, me and some freedom fighters need to warn everyone. But actually there are so many bias' mixed with fear of uncertainty, mixed with attaching your ego to theories. 

But anyway I'm sure you'll dispute everything I say and try and convince of my close mindedness in not researching the sky is falling down. 

I personally am grateful that not only was I born in the best time in history so far but in one of the more developed countries within that time and am able to access more accumulated knowledge than has ever been available in history. 

One day you'll see but I hope for you that you die before you die 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not only is it not bad, it's Absolutely Good!

Just clean your doors of perception.

An impure mind sees impurity wherever it looks, like a cracked telescope will show a crack on the surface of the moon.

If everywhere you look you don't like what you see, maybe the problem is you. ;)

I usually don't want to quote posts that I agree with. But I found this one particularly creatively written. :x

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@Jacobsrw fear/judgment is trusting people cannot or are not communicating authentically, it seems you may be unwilling to look at certain aspects of yourself here, no? The goal is to see through them, not identify 

@Consept like I said before I am merely giving you a hard time. 

You’re here looking at the shit instead exploring the facts that make the shit perspective possible in the first place. If all the facts seem probable or likely but point to an undesirable view then do facts need to be disregarded, or ignored? (Perhaps written off?) 

We can enjoy our privilege all we want but that doesn’t mean there isn’t ignorance in not asking questions, trying on various lenses and painting a larger view acknowledging the multiple realities which  is, IMO, the highest position relatively speaking, even though many may not be capable of this type of expanded attention 

assume all you want about me but realize they are what they are, yours, and there’s no obligation to change your own view, at least the potential and limitations are apparent 

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“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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@DrewNows I'll be honest I have looked into a lot of this stuff and come to the conclusions I've come to. But of course there could be a higher position of which you're saying your at, where these facts and worldview that you have come together and create this reality you speak of.

Maybe I'll have some kind of Awakening and one day find out, very excited as it seems a fun place to be. 

@Zanoni ????

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