The Lucid Dreamer

Lucid Dreaming Experiences and Discussion

77 posts in this topic

Feel free to share your lucid dreaming experiences here and what thoughts or insights you have drawn from them. Or if you just have questions about it, like what techniques you can use to achieve a lucid dream or whatever, feel free to ask here.

I have quite a bit of experience in this area, and I believe it can be a great tool for exploring consciousness, understanding how reality itself is a dream and learning how to transcend it. 


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Nice. I recently begun to experiment in lucid dreams. Do you think it´s possible to have an awakening inside a dream? Recently I became consciouss of IAMness inside a fucking dream! It was crazy and I think it catapulted the total mindfuck i´ve been in the last few months.

Wondering if you have any techiques inside the dream to make yourself more in control in the dream? I get upto the point of knowing that is a dream, but my character from which i experience the dream "keeps doing its thing". Although the fact that I get consciouss inside the dream and the character keeps doing it´s thing is exactly the way I know that I am not the character hahaha

Mindfucky stuff, definetely. For me dreams have a "wacky edge" that I can´t never quite get comfortable with them. Like they felt always "foreign". Like "I don´t want to go that far". Maybe because deep down I know that maybe this reality is also a dream. Like I had had some insights but I don´t want to bite the bullet yet. 

Edited by Javfly33

Complete Liberation is the decision of the Creator to cut all kind of identification, including with the creation itself. With no entanglement of any kind towards anything, it can truly enjoy it and even dissolve completely if that is the wish. May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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@The Lucid Dreamer we need to transfer some people from that thread 

thanks for doing it ??

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Old post, I’ll drop it here. The old OP was asking about sports, so that’s why you see sports.

I find lucid dreaming to be very much like vivid imagination. I prefer normal vivid dreams, they are surprising and relaxing; lucid dreams are predictable imo.

On 2019-06-21 at 9:26 PM, Derek White said:

I know a friend who is studying engineering and when he’s studying late at night and can’t solve a maths question, he goes to sleep and solves it in his dreams. He does maths in his dream but it isn’t a lucid dream. To do something like this you need to be thinking/doing a lot of sports so that when you sleep your mind is still on the subject. 

I personally have some experience with lucid dreams. When I was younger like 5 I started lucid dreaming a lot. I gave it up at like age 10 or 11. The thing with lucid dreams is they are not very relaxing, so I got bored and tired of it. If you are into sports then you need rest so think about that. 

The way to lucid dream is basically that you need to sleep in a straight position on your back (preferably on a straight mattress, not the ones that sink) and not move. The idea is to make the position a little uncomfortable. Also when you close your eyes, visualize a picture of your sport. Concentrate on the pic. And don’t move about. Now, you should naturally go to sleep. You will go to sleep bc you’ll get tired of concentrating on the pic (like they tell to keep your eyes open if you can’t sleep, it’s the same idea). You should get dreams about the sport or lucid dreams about sports. 

Instead of a picture you can also imagine yourself playing the sport or a story about you playing the sport. If pic doesn’t work  then try story or a scene/scenes.

Tips: you can use blanket, dark room, play the sport before sleeping, don’t be too tired before bed, just a little tired (if too tired then you might get dreams about sport but not lucid ones), and remember to not move about too much.


“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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49 minutes ago, Galyna said:


thanks for doing it ??

Of course! ^_^

Have you tried purposefully inducing lucid dreams as a hobby, or have they just happened spontaneously so far?

9 minutes ago, Derek White said:

Old post, I’ll drop it here. The old OP was asking about sports, so that’s why you see sports.

I find lucid dreaming to be very much like vivid imagination. I prefer normal vivid dreams, they are surprising and relaxing; lucid dreams are predictable imo.


That’s interesting. I don’t find them to be that predictable at all. In fact, one of the reasons lucid dreams fascinate me so much is because even though I am conscious that I am dreaming, unpredictable things will happen, and it feels like I am traversing an environment that was preexisting and interacting with completely unique people whom I’m pretty positive I’ve never seen in the waking world before. And when I talk to these people, they will say things to me that I feel I would never think on my own.

Though some lucid dreams are very fluid and unstable, most of mine are very static and as solid and consistent as the waking world.  My mind will simulate an environment that I’ve never seen before.  It’s just incredible.  It seems to show that the human mind is far more powerful than we typically think. 



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@The Lucid Dreamer so it all started a couple of years ago, when I started to follow Leo and ponder about reality. What is real, what is not. Objectivity vs subjectivity. Basically during the whole day I was trying to be super attentive to physical world, I was looking around and tried to rest in my awareness. Then, all of a sudden I had a lucid dream. It was so funny because I immediately in my dream did something I would never do in reality. It was laughable. It just happened to me, never did anything special for it. Sometimes I would be dreaming and realizing that I am dreaming because what I see is nonsense ( once I saw lots of dead ,kinda like dolls in New York subway. It triggered the realization that I am in the dream) 

what about you? What do you do in your lucid dreams? I know lots of guys are dreaming about sex with ladies. Other than that was there anything else you do and what was it?

thanks for your participation:) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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46 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@The Lucid Dreamer so it all started a couple of years ago, when I started to follow Leo and ponder about reality. What is real, what is not. Objectivity vs subjectivity. Basically during the whole day I was trying to be super attentive to physical world, I was looking around and tried to rest in my awareness. Then, all of a sudden I had a lucid dream. It was so funny because I immediately in my dream did something I would never do in reality. It was laughable. It just happened to me, never did anything special for it. Sometimes I would be dreaming and realizing that I am dreaming because what I see is nonsense ( once I saw lots of dead ,kinda like dolls in New York subway. It triggered the realization that I am in the dream) 

what about you? What do you do in your lucid dreams? I know lots of guys are dreaming about sex with ladies. Other than that was there anything else you do and what was it?

thanks for your participation:) 

Can you please share some of your methods to induce LD? Are they spontaneous without deliberate effort or do you have a specific process to induce it? 

The best I can do is realize I’m in a dream but I can’t control it. Once I had a dream that everyone hated me in high school and I felt horrible. As I was going to the lunch table, I was gonna sit by myself when all of a sudden, I realized that I’m inside of a dream. I felt so relieved and happy afterwards, but yeah, I couldn’t change the setting or anything. 

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Just saw a nice video about it on youtube from someone who tried it for 2 weeks, really interesting.


Anyone who has experience with it. Im interested how lucid dreaming could help with somekind of goal or problem. How could you overcome barriers or struggles from waking life in a lucid dream?

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33 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@The Lucid Dreamer so it all started a couple of years ago, when I started to follow Leo and ponder about reality. What is real, what is not. Objectivity vs subjectivity. Basically during the whole day I was trying to be super attentive to physical world, I was looking around and tried to rest in my awareness. Then, all of a sudden I had a lucid dream. It was so funny because I immediately in my dream did something I would never do in reality. It was laughable. It just happened to me, never did anything special for it. Sometimes I would be dreaming and realizing that I am dreaming because what I see is nonsense ( once I saw lots of dead ,kinda like dolls in New York subway. It triggered the realization that I am in the dream) 

Yeah it’s funny how just a little bit of mindfulness of the present moment and attentiveness to your physical surroundings can trigger a lucid dream that quickly.  I started having lucid dreams almost immediately after starting to practice mindfulness meditation 5 years ago.

Eventually I wanted to kick it up a notch and increase the frequency and vividness of my dreams, so I started keeping a dream journal(to increase dream recall) and started taking supplements.  I’ve tried many, but the ones that I’ve found that seem to be the most effective for me are Melatonin, Huperzine-A and Calea Zatatechichi.  These supplements coupled with the “wake back to bed” method just about guarantee that I’ll achieve lucidity to some degree or another.  

45 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@The Lucid Dreamer I know lots of guys are dreaming about sex with ladies. Other than that was there anything else you do and what was it?

thanks for your participation:) 

Haha, I love how you just assume that I’ve done that. Us men are pretty predictable in that way I suppose. It’s how we’re wired, whattaya gonna do?  :P

You might be surprised to hear that sexual activity in my lucid dreams is quite rare, and that I tend to be far more interested in doing experiments with the environment and people within the dream.  Whenever I step into a lucid dream, I immediately think to stop and look around very mindfully.  I focus intently on my visual experience to see just how real it seems.

I will pay attention to very subtle things, that most people don’t think about, like the shifting and rotation of the three-dimensional objects as I move around the environment.  Somehow it fascinates me that my mind is able to simulate the 3D rotation of objects.  

I will also go around touching things to see how accurately my mind can simulate the sense of touch of certain textured surfaces.  If I find food or drink, I will consume it to see how well my mind simulates taste and the texture of the food or liquid.

I will test the consistency and static-ness of the environment by looking at a certain object, looking away from it, and then looking back at it several times to see if the object stays static.  

One of my favorite things to do is to go look into the mirror, if I can find a restroom or something. That’s when things usually get very trippy.  My mind usually does a very good job of simulating my facial features, but sometimes some very weird things can happen.  One time I looked in the mirror and my entire face was completely white, including my hair and my eyeballs, and then it morphed into an aged version of my face where I looked like I was 80 years old.  Other times, my facial features will just morph like my eyes will get really big or my mouth will get really small or whatever.  Other very disturbing things have happened when I looked in the mirror that I dare not even describe. 

If I can find a person in the dream, I will ask them questions.  One time, I went into a room where I found an older gentleman sitting in a chair just chilling. I went up to him and I said, “Hey so I’m dreaming right now, and we’re inside my dream.” He nodded his head as if to say “Yeah, duh.”  I then asked, “Are you dreaming to? Like do you have a body outside of this dream?” He shook his head No, and so I said “Oh okay, that’s very interesting, so how does that work? Do you just exist and live inside my mind? Do you have a life here?” He proceeded to explain that he lived inside the matrix of my mind and that everyone, including myself, lives inside a dream or some layer of the infinite matrix.  I was so shocked by this answer that I immediately woke up from overstimulation. 

If I’m not doing little experiments like that, I will be just doing the typical things, like running around super fast, jumping really high, sometimes flying, ya know... just having fun.  And by god, is it fun. 


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Depends what you mean by lucid dreaming. I’m conscious that I’m dreaming a lot. Controlling dreams is not something that I enjoy, I did it a lot when I was younger.  

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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@The Lucid Dreamer It is very interesting, I loved your story.... I will get back to you shorty soon with the description of my own dreams :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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15 hours ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

I have quite a bit of experience in this area, and I believe it can be a great tool for exploring consciousness, understanding how reality itself is a dream and learning how to transcend it. 

Fuck all that

The only reason to learn how to lucid dream is to shag celebrities 

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10 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

Fuck all that

The only reason to learn how to lucid dream is to shag celebrities 

Only if you have no existential curiosity and are only concerned with satisfying your carnal animalistic needs. -_-

Sex is great and all, but my intellectual needs tend to supersede my carnal needs inside these spaces. 

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@The Lucid Dreamer

That's good and all 

But look

1 - Shag Margot Robbie

2 - Existential Understanding

When the rubber hits the road

Shag Margot Robbie > Existential Understanding


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7 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

@The Lucid Dreamer

That's good and all 

But look

1 - Shag Margot Robbie

2 - Existential Understanding

When the rubber hits the road

Shag Margot Robbie > Existential Understanding


Nah my guy.

Sexual desire is momentary and can never be fully satisfied.

Awakening is forever.

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13 hours ago, Free Mind said:

Can you please share some of your methods to induce LD? Are they spontaneous without deliberate effort or do you have a specific process to induce it? 

The best I can do is realize I’m in a dream but I can’t control it. Once I had a dream that everyone hated me in high school and I felt horrible. As I was going to the lunch table, I was gonna sit by myself when all of a sudden, I realized that I’m inside of a dream. I felt so relieved and happy afterwards, but yeah, I couldn’t change the setting or anything. 

The best method that I’ve found that works for me is what’s called the “wake back to sleep” method.  The idea is to force yourself to wake up after around 6 or so hours of sleep, and stay awake for 30 minutes to an hour or just until you’re basically woken up.  

After you feel like you almost don’t want to sleep anymore, force yourself to go back to sleep.  During the process of trying to get back to sleep, try to stay mindful of your visual field until you start to drift off. You should start to see images appear in your visual field as you enter into a hypnagogic state, and if all goes to plan, your mind should generate a physical environment right before your eyes and you should start to feel yourself being able to consciously control your body in the dream.

The hard part after that is to not get too excited as to wake yourself up. Which can be very difficult, because the feeling of knowing that you are dreaming can feel so intriguing that it will overstimulate you. 

If you really want to get into lucid dreaming, something you have to start doing is keeping a dream journal. This is not optional. Whenever you wake up from a dream, lucid or not, right down what you can remember of the dream right away. This will exercise your minds ability to recall your dreams. 

I would also consider certain supplements. Melatonin, Huperzine-A, and Calea Zacatechichi extract are what I’ve found to be the most effective. Take Huperzine-A before you go to sleep at night, and then take the Melatonin and Calea Zacatechichi after you wake up after 6 hours and are getting ready to go back to sleep to attempt a Lucid dream. You can take the Calea Zacatechichi immediately after waking but I would say to take the melatonin 30 minutes before trying to go back to sleep. You need to give yourself time to wake up before taking the melatonin and then you need to give the melatonin time to kick in before attempting to go back to sleep. 

Another thing you need to start doing, (and I’m assuming or hoping that you already do this since you are on this forum,) is start practicing formal mindfulness meditation, and practicing simple mindfulness throughout the day. Get into the habit of being mindful throughout the day of the present moment and whatever you are sensing in your visual field. If you get into this habit in your waking life, this habit will carry over into your dreams, making you far more likely to go lucid while dreaming. 

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