
affirmations for sex

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i was wondering if reciting daily affirmaitions about sex could actually improve sexual gratification. if i were to repeat to myself things like "i am capable of multiple orgasms" or " i am about to have a powerful orgasm", would i see any noticeable differences? i am a women so i know sexual pleasure for a female is a combination of her mindset, experience, body but i just want to know if repeating these affirmations can actually alter my satisfaction in bed? 


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I encourage you to have an open discussion about your sexual needs and desires with your partner. It can be embarrassing (it was for me at least), but it helps tremendously in demystifying sex and as well as promotes intimacy. I know that for some, it can be especially challenging to open up to a significant other about things of this nature, but I am confident that communicating sexual wants and needs will only benefit you in the long run.

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If you want the answers to the universe you must first silence the mind.

Meditation is very important and one of the most used words among spiritual and conscious communities for a reason.

This will also help you be more present during experiences in life so the more present and "in the moment" you are the more you will feel, experience, enjoy things because when you are busy in mind, you miss out on the beauty, the bliss, the orgasm of life itself.

Affirmations help but you have to really believe, feel, embody them to make them work properly and with a busy mind it won't be easy.


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i do not understand then. In leo's affirmations videos he says you can use affirmations for virtually any problem area in your life. if these affirmations will not work then what type will?

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You have to find it out for yourself. Nobody here can tell you whether it works or not; coz they are not you. Repeat those affirmations for 90 days and tell us how it went.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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On 31/10/2019 at 2:53 AM, iceprincess said:

i do not understand then. In leo's affirmations videos he says you can use affirmations for virtually any problem area in your life. if these affirmations will not work then what type will?

Affirmations will complicate your mind. I've made another comment on your newest post that shows you how to disidentify and integrate the pattern so that it stops running your life.  

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On 10/31/2019 at 1:53 PM, iceprincess said:

i do not understand then. In leo's affirmations videos he says you can use affirmations for virtually any problem area in your life. if these affirmations will not work then what type will?

For things to work you have to "know" they will. For that to happen is you have to trick the mind with "repetitive patterning, programming". You have to believe, feel, live and behave is if it is true and actually truly feel and believe it and eventually as you notice your beliefs solidifying into reality then eventually it starts to work every time and then becomes a "knowing" rather than a "belief" Once it is known, it always works but this requires a high level of mastery over physicality to perfect. Even people like myself with decades of practices in these subjects, it still takes A LOT of time and energy to change things in your reality as rapidly as you desire. Its possible but you have to devote most of your life to.

I have posted a topic on this few weeks back, hope it helps.



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Do you have the right parner for that? Im not an expert but I heard that there are things a partner can do that a woman cant do herself for some specific things.

Other than that visualizations might do the trick. Or you could listen to your body, be so deep in your body that you cant even hear the mind talking anymore. Also maybe there is a youtube "howto" video somewhere, or a coach to help you.

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For this issue you'd be better off visualizing yourself having multiple orgasms.

Women can have powerful orgasms simply through strong visualization with no physical stimulation.

Don't underestimate how powerful your mind is.

Of course this is no substitute for having the right partner.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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