
Leo new video on free will?

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Leo in your recent video on what's is the point of life you said you will release a video for free will, although you had one from 2016 I think.

Have you received different insights about free will? 


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I think this story answers the question of free will very nicely: 

"A man once approached the Prophet Mohammad with the question, 'Tell me, Prophet Mohammad, are all my actions because of Divine will, or is it all my free will?'

The Prophet was seated talking with His disciples when the man asked this question. He knew the intention of the man was to trap Him. He asked the man who was seated to stand up. Then Prophet Mohammad started talking with His disciples and ignored the man. After a while, the man got restless. He again asked the same question and asked Him to give a reply if He knew the answer and not keep him standing.

The Prophet looked at the man and said, 'Yes, I will give you your reply but first you raise your one leg and stand.

The man did as he was asked to do and stood on one leg. The Prophet again started talking with His disciples, completely ignoring the man as if He had forgotten about him.

After some time, the man was visibly upset with anger asked the Prophet, 'Why don't you answer instead of making me stand on one foot?'

The Prophet looked at the man and said, 'Yes, I am going to answer your question, but first you must do what I ask you to do. Raise your second leg also and stand.'

On hearing this, the man was totally infuriated. 'How can anyone stand with both legs raised? You are asking me to do silly things instead of answering my question. Do you have any answer?'

The Prophet said, 'Yes. The first leg that you raised is your free will. To the extent that you can move your leg around is the extent of your free will. Your second leg represents the Divine will which supports your free will and just as you are unable to raise your second leg and stand, you cannot change the Divine will and whatever is your free will is also totally dependent on the Divine will.'"

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Notice in your direct experience you can not point to “free will”, nor have you ever heard, seen, or touched it. It is the content of a thought, of or about a thing - “free will”. But free will is not a thing, it’s your reference, to your idea. Notice there is not actually any “free will” found in your thought about “free will”. All that is found in a thought, is thought. Same for “no-free-will”. Notice these are thoughts, you are aware of

Notice in your direct experience you can not point to “me”, nor have you ever heard, seen, or touched “me”. It is the content of a thought, of or about a thing - “me”. But you are not a thing, that’s a reference, to your idea of you.  A thought about you. Notice these are thoughts, you are aware of.

Does thought content “me” have thought content “free will”?     Or am I aware that I am the awareness, of all thoughts? 

Then draw whatever distinctions you want. They’re also thoughts. 



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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Notice in your direct experience you can not point to “free will”, nor have you ever heard, seen, or touched it. It is the content of a thought, of or about a thing - “free will”. But free will is not a thing, it’s your reference, to your idea. Notice there is not actually any “free will” found in your thought about “free will”. All that is found in a thought, is thought. Same for “no-free-will”. Notice these are thoughts, you are aware of

Notice in your direct experience you can not point to “me”, nor have you ever heard, seen, or touched “me”. It is the content of a thought, of or about a thing - “me”. But you are not a thing, that’s a reference, to your idea of you.  A thought about you. Notice these are thoughts, you are aware of.

Does thought content “me” have thought content “free will”?     Or am I aware that I am the awareness, of all thoughts? 

Then draw whatever distinctions you want. They’re also thoughts. 


Nice said, very good.

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@Nahm :) I believe Mohammad was God-realized aka knew God very well, but lived in an extreme situation, which explains the other supposed ''bad'' stuff he had to do and say.

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all will is god's will and gods will is love, you have no other option. you have no free will from the non ego perspective. 

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Just now, Nahm said:

@Conrad Mankind in a nutshell.


@Mezanti ''all will is god's will.'' Ultimately, in the end, yes.

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True, but Leo said he'd publish another video on free will in his "What's the point of life" video which youtube says was published in 2019 and his last free will video is from 2016 and regarding the new insights he received maybe something changed in that stance, and therefore he wants to publish a new video

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It's so hilarious to me how people are eager to tell others there is no free will but I guess they have no choice to not do it.

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27 minutes ago, Schahin said:

True, but Leo said he'd publish another video on free will in his "What's the point of life" video which youtube says was published in 2019 and his last free will video is from 2016 and regarding the new insights he received maybe something changed in that stance, and therefore he wants to publish a new video

I've heard the same, the video is bound to come soon! I'm curious, too :)

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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Ask yourself -- Do I have free will?  Look within for this kind of answer.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor ''You need to realize that God has no limits -- and embody this.  God laughs at the Mind's beliefs and emotions.''

I see that you accept that God exists now and isn't just a concept. What a miracle (jk). Very good. :)

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@Conrad It’s pretty interesting that there is a Hadith from Abu huraira which says, “I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah's Apostle . I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my pharynx (throat) would be cut (i.e. killed).” Bukhari.

This could imply that Abu huraira was receiving mystical teachings from Muhammad, but because the ideas was so radical, the companions wouldn’t tolerate it, and they would kill Muhammad for it, so Muhammad secretly teached a few people about it.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@Joseph Maynor Haha I see.

@How to be wise I didn't know of that hadith, very interesting. It makes me wonder what he told him, indeed probably something mystical and very radical for that time and people. I believe Muhammad knew a lot of Truth he simply couldn't say, like the fact that he realized that he is God. I don't know if he did, but he didn't fight and did all he did for nothing. He undeniably realized God.

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@How to be wise It's clearly obvious. He changed his people for the better, better than they were. He taught that there is only One God and Creator, while his people believed in several gods and did idol worship. If you read the Quran about God, there is truth in it. But he couldn't go all the way, his time and people weren't ready for the Absolute Truth.

They would have killed him like they did Jesus. Although Muhammad had a better chance of changing the world, as he indeed did but now you see what Muslims believe. If he taught non-duality, that's what the second largest population on earth would believe in, and most importantly pursue. It's a difference between believing in God and becoming conscious of God. The latter knows God and himself as God, knows the Truth. The first is merely believing in an idea in their mind. 

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@Conrad Also another Hadith: “I am Ahmad without the meem.” Of course if you remove the meem you will get Ahad or ‘The One.’

He was probably dropping hints here and there.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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7 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

@Conrad Also another Hadith: “I am Ahmad without the meem.” Of course if you remove the meem you will get Ahad or ‘The One.’

He was probably dropping hints here and there.


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