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Tony 845

You ever notice sadguru & Echart have no direct ways of enlightenment.

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Guys like Rupert, adyashanti, mooji, shinzen young do.

this is not a who’s guru is better then who’s post either, this dawned on me the other day, think about it all Echart says is be here now, meanwhile self inquiry got him enlightened.

Sadguru only said he sat on a rock to mediate & he awakened.

just wondering you’re thoughts on the topic. 

Edited by Tony 845

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Some are more spiritually gifted than others. Period.  And there are other things at work.  Such as where your base level of consciousness is to begin with when you begin meditation, and how much you have suffered.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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In Sadhguru's case he had been doing Hatha Yoga since the age of 12 everyday until his enlightenment happened at 25. The specific style of Hatha Yoga practice he was doing is called Angamardhana. 

Basically his path for everyone to enlightenment is through Yoga and he offers various programs for it. Starting from a beginner level all the way to advanced levels. His beginner level program is called Inner Engineering and you can find a link to it below. They are quite effective from personal experience.

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@Tony 845 You're just not understanding their teachings at a deep level. They are giving you the way but you haven't been serious about applying it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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They are talking at a level that appears surface level, but really, if you read between the lines and apply what they say

100% you'll awaken on the long term.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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In terms awakening, a teacher can seem overly simple because the mind wants to think and conceptualize. It thinks this is a massive journey with lots of theory and skills to learn. So when one speaks simply of “Now”, “This is it”. “It’s Nothing / Everything”, “Presence” “Just Be” - it is very unsatisfying to a mind that wants to think and theorize. I remember simple teachers seemed like lightweights to me. I would think “She keeps saying the same simple things. I already know all this”. Sometimes they would just sit and stare without saying anything! I was like “c’mon say something wise dude”. Yet I was perceiving it from a position lacking direct experience. . . . Later, I revisited from a perspective of direct experience and was like “whoa. . . that’s it. That’s beautiful”.

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@Serotoninluv I’d like to meet someone awakened face to face, I was supposed to meet Rupert last month but something came up. 

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@Chi_ wow he made it seem like he never mediated before. 

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No one can awaken you. 

No one can awaken.

One can awaken.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

@Chi_ wow he made it seem like he never mediated before. 

Well he did Yoga not necessarily meditate. He actually got into Yoga for the wrong reasons, he wanted to be fit and agile but he didn't realise he was actually unknowingly doing a spiritual practice everyday from age 12 to 25 before his enlightenment experience happened 

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49 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Chi_ holy shit! ?

He explains it in this video



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