Joseph Maynor

Do You Think Women Have Less Ego Than Men, Or Is It Just Differently Expressed

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It's expressed differently, most of the time anyway. Men sometimes perceive women as having less ego because they aren't as familiar with how it is expressing itself, and they are less threatened by it. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Ego is the function of your survival, generally speaking ( in unenlightened individuals) they have about the same level of development of their survival mechanism (ego) but how they are expressed can vary dramatically, think about it primitively:  a man's ego had to go out into the jungle, make tools, kill and strategize, while a woman's ego had to be that of securing shelter, nurturing babies and communication in the tribe. 

In today's society despite a huge cultural and technological advancement (closer to tier 2 on the spiral), you can still see these biological tendies playout.

 woman tend to much rather be a nurse than an engineer and men would much rather be an engineer than be a nurse. I'm not talking out of my ass there is actual research behind this.

this is demonstrated in some Scandinavian countries where they tried to minimize cultural/societal influence on the careers of men and women, and ended up with a less egalitarian country.

Hope i helped clear things up :) 

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In my opinion, girls have more ego. Young girls anyway, they aggressively protect their self image more than guys (of that's the type of ego you're talking about, who we believe we are). Girls often post on Instagram building up their feed with changing themes every 3 rows, they post pictures of them trying to look cute or whatever to get guys interested, post group photos of their social group, tagging members to try work their way up the social ladder.


If you're talking about the arrogant kind of ego, I'd say maybe equal, girls just tend to suppress it because it's unladylike. And then during arguments and fights it really comes out. And actually, whenever girls get into fights, it's very different from guys, guys tend to fight for their own pride and settle a dispute, but when girls get to the point of wanting to throw down they just try go for the kill lol. Unfortunately for them they rarely have the skill or luck to do so.


Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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There is only one ego, and that is imagination.

It's creative, sneaky, and unexpected. You cannot capture the ego with the ego ^_^

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Joseph Maynor A user on this forum sent a great e-book about dating that is more in accordance with david deida, the way of superior men and does not emasculate without the pickup stuff and the book basically demonizes pick up a bit and explains why it does not work to a degree. I generally feel women have less ego, yet they define their ego in terms of their social relationships and their relationships. 

Men are obviously, more attached to their work and material things, status, and power. 

It thinks it goes both ways, that the ego is just differently expressed in more societal terms, in order to have a chance to not be demonized by a societies standards, which is also counteracted by individualism nowadays. Or collectives standing up for smth. see feminism.

Yet, still, I often feel that her ego becomes yours. Which is odd to deal with.

Considering what I read years ago in a spiritual perspective from the Varadarajan or thunderbolt tradition in Tibet. Is that women often embody wisdom on the spiritual path, and men are doing the spiritual path. Which with all the talk, yoga seems to fit better for women since it is more feminine in nature like nature.

I generally would say women would have an advantage even in the spiritual path because they are more sensitive, yet this is also a hindrance or could be. For instance, women who project their emotional attachments are horrible, yet a woman who is more attuned with her emotional side, can also be more masculine. Meaning she becomes more feminine and therefore is more comfortable in the masculine. So, at a stage yellow emotional line or even gender identity line. (Integral Psychology). The difference between ego expression diminishes, yet should also be expressed in a more healthy way. Depending on the nature of the person. So, a man can rely more on the masculine side of things and slip into the feminine and be caring, vulnerable and emotional, while she does the work. And I take care of the children. So, there is a constant role swapping even in parenting I assume.

So, anything under stage yellow is expressed more in a dichotomy of the feminine and masculine. While higher stages most likely transcend it altogether. 

Biologically, depending on how the person is wired, I assume women still become more egoic, about caring and become more possessive of bonds between social relationships. Yet, even these changes nowadays with hormone injections and what not.

Men, most likey dominate, want power, seen as strong, status, put others down, compete. So, I would say their ego goes more into a way of grandiosity and status, outcome and product of work, effort, and abilities. Still, this also counts for women, yet I feel men are more expressive of their ego in that way. HEY look what I can do! 

P.S Gender union is described as becoming one with the gross releam of creatrix. But these words do not make sense even when I translate them. 


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