
I am trying to dodge as many bullets as possible while I still am young, any advice?

27 posts in this topic

19 minutes ago, Ampresus said:

@zambize Be my guest.

So you learn two things primarily in calculus and I'll quick run through briefly how they can be used.

Derivatives:  you've probably learned about the slope of a regular old line as some constant, it might be 0,1,-8, but its consistent throughout the graph because it's just a line and the slope stays the same.  However it doesnt make sense to say a graph of the function x^2 has slope 0,1,-8 ever because its different everywhere.  At x=0 the slope is 0, at x=1 the slope is 2.  Each unique point has a unique slope, and learning how to take a derivative or a function will allow you to extract the slope of the function at any point.  This can be useful because real world system like the position of a particle can be modeled by a function, and the slope at a point will tell you its velocity at that point.  There are many other examples.


Integrals: integrals would allow you to extract the area under the curve of a function, let's say we have some force that is being applied that can be modeled by that same x^2.  So at x=0 0 force was applied, x=1 1 newton of force was applied and x=2 4 Newtons of force was allied.  The area under the curve of a force function like this between say x=0 and x=3 would give you the total force for the first 3 seconds that was applied.  This should be 3 doing math in my head, this total force can be used to calculate the total acceleration after applying those 3 seconds of force.


As you can see it's a lot of modeling, I used physics real world examples cause I'm a physics major, but there are plenty of examples in finance, engineering, medicine, everywhere.  Calculus is the math of the real world, if you decide to learn it and need help, I'm a forums message away

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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sometimes don't dodge the bullet bite the bullet 

i wish i faced more of my fears 

and was more self disciplined so i don't rely on motivation to get things done

Edited by BjarkeT

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Im not too old but i made a mistake. Don't get into a serious relationship before you are ready for it. It will mess with your mind and development. 

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@Ampresus That's amazing you're starting this stuff at such a young age.

This video is extremely important in order to organize and retain all the self-development info:


Also, Leo's LP course is NOT a waste of time or money. You definitely want to do it before you finish high school, perhaps in a couple years.

Plan to watch ALL of Leo's videos over the next year or so, and take careful notes. You will grow so much it won't even be funny. Treat it like another class, but much more fun and helpful. You will be in the top 0.00001% of kids your age, no doubt. This won't take too much time and effort, just an hour or two a day. It's also important to not over-do this work at your age. An hour or 2 a day AT THE MOST, the rest should be socializing, playing, whatever. Good luck!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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58 minutes ago, Andreas said:

Im not too old but i made a mistake. Don't get into a serious relationship before you are ready for it. It will mess with your mind and development. 

I got into a „serious“ relationship when I was 13, I thought it would last forever and I cried in front of the whole class when it ended after 2 months, I even lost a bet with my friend, that it would last at least 10 years. I was fucking stupid :D This was 2 years ago and without it, I would've been lost completely in my life, there would be next to no suffering, as it was all going well till then and I would have absolutely no motivation to grow, because I had this massive ideology about everything. I think that it is one of the best things you can hurt yourself with :D 

15 minutes ago, TheAvatarState said:

@Ampresus That's amazing you're starting this stuff at such a young age.

This video is extremely important in order to organize and retain all the self-development info:


Also, Leo's LP course is NOT a waste of time or money. You definitely want to do it before you finish high school, perhaps in a couple years.

Plan to watch ALL of Leo's videos over the next year or so, and take careful notes. You will grow so much it won't even be funny. Treat it like another class, but much more fun and helpful. You will be in the top 0.00001% of kids your age, no doubt. This won't take too much time and effort, just an hour or two a day. It's also important to not over-do this work at your age. An hour or 2 a day AT THE MOST, the rest should be socializing, playing, whatever. Good luck!

Using a journal to contemplate is also a VERY effective thing to do, don't underestimate it. If you actually write down your thoughts HONESTLY, you will learn so much about yourself. Sometimes your mind is so slippery, that it wouldn't allow you to see some aspects of it, unless you make them substantial.

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  • Try not to judge or look down on anyone, especially your peers. Recognize that everyone has a different path in life, and is starting from a different set of conditions. Usually if you find yourself judging or looking down, it's your own flaw because you're using the wrong perspective.
  • On the flip side, try not to venerate or elevate anyone too much, especially your peers. If you do find yourself putting someone on a pedestal, recognize the qualities in them that you admire, then remember that they are simply humans too. And their shit stinks.
  • As @Hello from Russia said: use condoms always. If you're a male, don't leave the house without a condom on your dick xD ... jk.. but seriously, whether you're male or female, not even the tip, condom always. Get comfortable with condoms. It will save you so much strife.
  • Work hard in school. Even if you don't think something is applicable, learn it anyways. It expands your mind at a time when your brain is the most plastic, and will facilitate your ability to learn other things as you get older. It's not about the content of your studies necessarily, it's about *learning how to learn* in all different contexts.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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While reading this, don't think that you got it all clear, contemplate about it, write your actual thoughts down and go to the real core of your psyche, don't fall into your own trap :) 

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