Sahil Pandit

Spiral Dynamics Infographic

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Misspelled Scandinavia :$

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11 minutes ago, Andreas said:

What is stage teal about if it isn't on the map?


Ken Wilber includes Teal and more nuanced stages. Ken Wilber's spiral is like a more nuanced "edition" to the Graves spiral. 

The problem I see with all these stages beyond Turquoise such as Teal, Coral, and Indigo is that I can't see any real world examples of this at all even from research. Turquoise is already soooooo rare in the world where whose your person that you can really deem Teal, Indigo, or Coral? 

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Why are terrorists red instead of blue?

What part of Hitler is blue? Is it his ethnic cleansing part? Because isn't blue the stage of serving the afterlife? What is the connection between ethnocentrism and religion? Aren't they totally different things?

The yellow examples are discouraging because it makes it seems like I have to become a genius in order to be yellow. 

Hippies are placed at high-green. What is the little thing that hippies need to transition to stage yellow? Is it a giving up of "my perspective is the only true one" mentality?

What is vision logic?

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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1 minute ago, StardewValley said:

Why are terrorists red instead of blue?

What part of Hitler is blue? Is it his ethnic cleansing part? Because isn't blue the stage of serving the afterlife? What is the connection between ethnocentrism and religion? Aren't they totally different things?

The yellow examples are discouraging because it makes it seems like I have to become a genius in order to be yellow. 

Hippies are placed at high-green. What is the little thing that hippies need to transition to stage yellow? Is it a giving up of "my perspective is the only true one" mentality?

What is vision logic?

Watch the latest episode and do research ;) 

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this is fucking beautiful

i need more models 

Edited by thehero

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22 minutes ago, StardewValley said:

Why are terrorists red instead of blue?

 It depends, some of them are Blue. Many of them are a mix of Red/Blue.


What part of Hitler is blue? Is it his ethnic cleansing part? Because isn't blue the stage of serving the afterlife?

Hitler was the epitome of ethnocentrism: my race, my people, my civilization is superior to all others.

Hitler also had Red aspects because he had a lust for absolute personal power.


What is the connection between ethnocentrism and religion? Aren't they totally different things?

Religion is almost always a part of one's ethnicity. Religion does not exist in a vacuum.

If you are religious, your religion was indoctrinated into you as part of your culture and geographic location. If not for that, you would not be religious. You might be spiritual, but not religious. Religion is culture. And their own culture is what ethnocentrists strive to defend.

Jews are a great example of how ethnicity and religion go hand in hand.


The yellow examples are discouraging because it makes it seems like I have to become a genius in order to be yellow. 

Not a genius, but integral and multi-perspectival and well-read/educated. It does not have to be formal education, but you must read books.

That chart is not comprehensive. There are many examples which were not shown due to space restrictions.

22 minutes ago, StardewValley said:

Hippies are placed at high-green. What is the little thing that hippies need to transition to stage yellow? Is it a giving up of "my perspective is the only true one" mentality?

Hippies need a more cerebral integral approach. More book smarts. Learning systems thinking would help them. And studying Spiral Dynamics would help them a lot.

Also, laying off the weed might help them :P


What is vision logic?

A nonlinear, hyper-intuitive sort of rationality which is more right-brain dominant vs left-brain dominant, and which focuses on holistic big picture thinking rather than technical analysis or linear logical proofs.

Vision-logic fuses rationality with intuition, consciousness, and high emotional intelligence.

Albert Einstein is a great example of vision-logic. He was not the typical cold-hearted, paint-by-numbers academic. Also, Richard Feynman is a good example.

Vision-logic is more playful, whimsical, creative, than traditional logic and very importantly it can handle paradox, which traditional logic cannot.

Douglas Hofstadter is a good example of vision-logic.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Douglas Hofstadter is a good example of vision-logic.

I wonder why he doesn't get more credit on here, GEB is literally shattering my mind.

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@StardewValley nooooo I wrote an amazing answer to you wondering about Hitler but my unstable train WiFi means its lost FUCK. Imma copy and paste some shit I wrote ages ago for part of my answer to save time. 


Jordan Peterson has this amazing lecture on conscientiousness as a personality trait in the Big Five Model. 

Conscientiousness is a great predictor of political orientation. Conservatives tend to be high in conscientiousness and be low in opness whilst liberals tend to have the converse traits (low conscientiousness and high openess). Conscientiousness is composed of two things: orderliness and industriousnes. High orderliness in particular seems to be partly explanatory of prejudice (often in regards to the racial, sexual and ideological charecteristics of other people) and ethnocentrism that you see in stage blue conservatives. Orderliness gone mad wants to draw boxes and boundaries around everything. 

In Jordans conscientiousness lecture he talks about how conscientiousness predicts political orientation and life success, and how racial prejudice and avoidance of your "out group" may in part be an evolutionary adaptation (of course he isn't morally justifying this). This is because unfamiliar groups of people can carry pathogens which can kill you. For example, when Europeans came over to meet the Native Americans it is estimated that 90% of Native Americans were killed from pathogens that Europeans were carrying. He speculates that racial prejudice can be the result of "orderliness" going out of control in order to avoid infection. He talks about Hitler in general as well as example of orderliness taken to extremes, and he talks about how Hitler in his speeches and writings would describe Jews using words related to medical disease. 

The psychological pathology behind Hitler ideas seems to be of very similar origin to that of stage blue conservatism (not saying that all conservatives are Hitler obviously). The fact that prejudice and discrimination may be an evolutionary trait expressed through orderliness is interesting. Studies have shown that the prevalence of contagious disease in a population is a very strong predictor of authoritarian attitudes in that population. I can't remember the exact numbers, I believe the correlation is very strong. Everything I've talked about is from the lecture I linked. 


Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@Aimblack Precisely because you have to be at vision-logic to appreciate vision-logic.

And he's kinda nerdy and not very practical as far as self-help goes. As great as GEB is, it will not actually develop you. It's mostly just food for thought. Like mind-porn.

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@Leo Gura Really? Wouldn't reading and trying to appreciate a book like GEB actually pull you up because it shows perfectly how linear and rational thoughts have limits in a way that a person at stage orange can't deny?

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@Leo Gura Thanks.

@lmfao Thanks and I would've loved to read what you wrote on the train.

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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@Aimblack That wouldn't be enough for most people.

Plenty of Orange people read GEB and stay Orange.

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I got a lot out of this weeks video and this infographic.   Really helped me understand Spiral Dynamics better.   Thanks!

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