
Leo Gura's Ridiculous Explanation of Consciousness? VIDEO

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What is your take on this video and Unspirituality in general? In one of his Replies to Comments videos a former member says his videos showed him out and that is a nihilistic cult.

I enjoy the content on Unspirituality and I've seen that Leo says things that are simply not true, such as the "paranormal." What's your take on this video and what are your own rebuttals to my own views that the paranormal doesn't exist? Thank you.

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He didnt explain anything, I dont get it, Is he an atheist? Is he a spiritual guy? If hes actually into non-duality then he’s contradicting what has been said for 1000 years, anyway, is easy to be a critic sitting in your bedroom with a Redbull farting away.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Here's his about page:


He was actually on a spiritual path for 30 years before he had a "human awakening" that redefines spirituality from a natural perspective rather than a dualistic one of a material world and a spiritual one.

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This is fucking retarded and a waste of time. There is no way to actually know except to walk the walk. I mean I can picture how a discussion between the two of them would go: Leo would argue that whatever experiences the guy had were pretty incomplete and basic and that he should do some psychedelics and also that he is stuck in the  materialistic paradigm Leo would then proceed to shit on science. The guy would then turn around and straw man Leo's positions and argue that Leo is just basically making this all up and that there is no scientific evidence.

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Can you explain the "materialist paradigm." Also, I find that the community's views on psychedelics is dangerous. I have nothing against responsible psychedelic use, but they are DANGEROUS substances and viewing them as making you "enlightened" is dangerous and cultish.

Also, "Leo would shit on science." that sounds like a BAD thing, as it asserts that Leo apparently thinks he's above what science has discovered through peer-reviewed research. Can you elaborate on that?

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So much jebait ???

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

Can you explain the "materialist paradigm." Also, I find that the community's views on psychedelics is dangerous. I have nothing against responsible psychedelic use, but they are DANGEROUS substances and viewing them as making you "enlightened" is dangerous and cultish.

They are great tools for having profound realizations, but people jump in here and think the community is just like "yeah go drop some acid you'll be good" thats not the case at all. there's always been promotion of doing your research before doing a drug.

"Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all things, including mental aspects and consciousness, are results of material interactions."

Basically the assertion that reality is physical.


8 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

Also, "Leo would shit on science." that sounds like a BAD thing, as it asserts that Leo apparently thinks he's above what science has discovered through peer-reviewed research. Can you elaborate on that?

He has criticisms of mainstream science and what not but he has never just shit on science as some useless thing.

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@Violinpracticerdude materialist paradigm is the belief that physical stuff is the very fundamental thing that reality is made out of everything else emerges if you smash different physical stuff together taking to it's hight you get the large hadron collider ( I'm only partly joking). I don't really see where the problem with psychedelics is. Take a bunch of psychedelics responsibly and you will see how much truth there is to any claim made so straight forward and easy.

Oh yea he loves taking a piss at science but I suspect it's mostly to trigger people. Well science studies the material world but cannot know what anything is. It can only measure it's attributes and effects it has on other material stuff, right? So if you take the position that there is a more fundamental level than the physical then basically that would mean that science could study what it studies excellently but to get to what's actually true you would need other tools.

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4 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

So, what are the tools to find out hypothetical aspects of reality?

You are it. Figure it out ;)

Its all within you.

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When you look within, you learn about yourself. However interpreting your experiences as revealing things about reality is a fallacy and that's how you get religion, which certainly doesn't have a nice history. But I do appreciate your reply, thank you.

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4 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

When you look within, you learn about yourself. However interpreting your experiences as revealing things about reality is a fallacy and that's how you get religion, which certainly doesn't have a nice history. But I do appreciate your reply, thank you.

Except you are everything. I am you. You are me. You are the rock, the sky, the Earth, everything.

The ego is a pesky thing that can make the self inquiry process tricky as you've pointed out.

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@Violinpracticerdude  Look up the pre-rational/post-rational fallacy.

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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We are all interconnected, but saying that I'm literally you and you're literally me is a fallacy. We are own consciousness having a conversation with each other, not a single consciousness looking throughout both of us.

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8 minutes ago, Violinpracticerdude said:

We are all interconnected, but saying that I'm literally you and you're literally me is a fallacy. We are own consciousness having a conversation with each other, not a single consciousness looking throughout both of us.

Its a single consciousness. You are experiencing what its like to be everything. A rock, me, you, Leo. To be you means to not be me, you see, which is why you don't have access to me.

But when distinctions collapse you just have one infinite singularity. And that is you. Your ego is what creates this illusory boundary between you and other

You and me talking to each other is one thing talking to itself.

Edited by Shadowraix

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Just now, Outer said:

You're not rocks, they are just contents within consciousness.

And you are precisely ALL of those contents. 

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I am a rock I am an islaaaaaanddddd

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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This video is basically two guys arguing how to define word "consciousness"

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