
Importance of 'our' loved ones & other

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What is the importance of family (regarding enlightenment)? If there's "no one home" in each family member, why do care so much about them? We (including everything else) are all part of the whole, so why are 'our' concerns more oriented towards family?

And why are 'we' concerned about others losing their lives? Why do we want to save others? What is a life?

What does all the knowledge about enlightenment say about transgendered people? Our identities are illusions, why do some then claim they are a different gender or sex?

Sorry for newbie questions,

Thanks in advance for answers!

Edited by Tearos
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It might be that you are attached to a person. Even though you think he\she created your suffering, you also think he\she created your pleasure (as you interpret as happiness). So, you want that pleasure forever which means staying with them forever.

But that doesnt work because things in life are impernanent. Life, death, good, bad. Contraries and paradoxes

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But when we realize that our existential Truth, that we're not human beings, but God, what importance does the family have?

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They still hold the same importance.
You just realize it's all relative and there is no such thing as importance or unimportance.

You don't need objective importance of family for them to play a familial role.

Just like you don't need objective morals to not go killing babies.

male and  female energies are still a thing(watch leo's video on masculine and feminine psychology)

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39 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

If you go down this path far enough, there is a big chance you will abandon your family. Not in a hostile way, but the reality is that you will have a hard time relating to people after going really deep into stillness. Same goes for friendships. Don't be surprised if you end up having no contact with your former loved ones and friends. 

Such an unelightened action is an example of one who is still bound and slave to psychological time and who has obviously taken the wrong approach altogether. If this becomes the case then you have actually digressed and are moving in the opposite direction of enlightened being. 

Enlightened being does not self alienate/isolate. It embraces relationships. 

Although if you feel you are wanting to isolate yourself from others and see them different than you then maybe you are not quite free of the self yet. Freedom from distraction in this case is necessary and just means you are not ready to participate in social communication quite yet. And that’s ok. Just be honest with family and friends about what’s important to you. 

But I assure you this Love doesn’t turn its back on itself. 

Because as enlightened being there are no distinctions and seperate entites. To love another is to love yourself. 

Edited by Faceless

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@Meta-Man you have an idea of enlightenment and I assure you it will not be the way you think. This is a solo inward exploration. And knowbody can help you. Advice would be forget about enlightenment all together. Because volition prevents such freedom from becoming so.

Good luck 

Edited by Faceless

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I’m very happy for you?

So I assume you understand my original post then. 

54 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

You also just have to look at some of the sages throughout history, such as Ramana Maharshi, Gustav Graser, Ryokan, and many more who have ended up as hermits. And these I mention are the extreme cases where one ends up isolated in a cave. You can still function in society, have a job and all that, but in the end you will never know what your life will end up looking like on the outside after enlightenment. It's a swan dive into unknowing.

When it comes to timelessness no authority can lead to that realm. I from first hand experience see the falsenss of running off it a cave. This is the product of control and suppression. An indication that one lives a life of prepetual seeking. Wholeness and embodiment are not come upon by second hand knowledge. Freedom from all authority is a necessity. Especially the self and it’s movement of volition. Enlightened being or truth is only when such movements cease. And there is no path. This is an uninvited movement/action. 

I’m sure you understand this though.?

Edited by Faceless

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