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About Cocolove

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    United States, Minnesota
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  1. How to explain post-modernist insights to people who aren't construct aware. How to use postmodernism throughout your life. Should we use postmodernism to enhance conceptual understanding or to deconstruct our worldviews. Is it psychological or spiritual.
  2. I use fidelity. The finance bro's tell me fidelity and vanguard are solid
  3. Yea I'm finally going to therapy or something but at least I know not to get on some medication, thanks for sharing though
  4. haha see I expected more of this on here. When I say I think it's higher consciousness I just mean this kind of thing.
  5. @puporing Ok but what if I do have that, it's not just armchair philosophy it actually works. @Basman I think that is all true but STD risk can always be mitigated in any situation, its worth the work, and jealousy is something to trancend one way or another. @Danioover9000 I don't think I'm conflating SD and polyamory, I was pretty clear to not do that. I just think the model could help us evaluate a conscious way to practice polyamory. For me, a low consciousness criticism would be a moralistic one, or a moralistic one veiled in practical or traditionalist takes. I think you're getting a little battle-brained. I'm not ideological about this or trying to convert people. I want to understand how to do polyamory in a healthy high consciousness way. If you think that's not possible, of course I want to hear why. But overall I don't think I resonate with your perspective very much. @eos_nyxia I really appreciated your post thank you very much. Helps me understand why some people who understand the appeal might not want to do it. For me I just feel very poly and also don't think it needs to interfere with the depth of my relationships. @nerdspeak That's very interesting thank you! I think I just need to try it and if it doesn't work for me there's only one way to find out, obviously. But it's interesting to hear these takes and very helpful.
  6. Self diagnosing with type 2 bipolar but it really matches up perfectly. Recently had a horrible episode. @BipolarGrowth videos look fascinating im watching those today
  7. Yea makes sense. I don't know, for me, why would I want to get in the way of other people's love. And why would I think that it affects me? I just feel like people have the capacity to love multiple people and it doesn't take away from my relationships. Furthermore, if someone ends up closer to someone else than me, maybe they are a better match and have a better relationship. I woudn't want to restrict them and prevent them from having a better relationship for my own needs. And I would want the same. The sacrifices, control, limitations, jealousy, insecurity, romanticization, and everything associated with monogamy feels so low consciousness I just don't feel drawn to it.
  8. Ok well what about relationship anarchy, that's a whole super green antihierarchical school of thought that doesn't believe in primary partnership. Certainly lots of green people are actually poly. You heard on a podcast extreme levels of jealousy can occur? i mean yea, but it can also be worked through and you can live without it. It's not optimal to be always jealous. In my situation some people just don't really have much jealousy to deal with, including me. Why would you be jealous? I appreciate these takes though since you're not just saying its fundamentally flawed haha.
  9. i think plenty of green people do it fine if they have a heathy psychology. Why do you think it doesn't work unless everyone is turqouise? come on I know you got some reasons!
  10. bumping because i know yall have opinions i dont understand why everybody aint doin it
  11. Not in my experience, with communication and everyone taking a conscious approach there's no need for drama. Haven't had any other than working out initial dynamics can be complicated and hard. I think drama can certainly be avoided its low consciousness.
  12. Okay but what if you totally can handle monogamy and have invested and work hard on healthy relationships, and polyamory comes as a natural next step as I find it fulfilling, helps me embody higher consciousness, healthier attachment, better communication, etc. I mean I have an opinion I think it's great. Honestly i'm just surpised more people here aren't into it.
  13. I also just struggle with all the low consciousness criticisms, it would be nice to hear a better pro con evaluation. I think it can be done and it's not that hard
  14. Hello, What are your thoughts on polyamorous relationships? (just started and its lit) A couple things, there is definitely a lot of green in things like relationship anarchy, orange can practice open relationships or swinging or whatever, and so I think its way too simplistic to reduce it to a stage, but please do use the spiral to explain things. Do you think polyamory can be practiced in a yellow way, in a healthy way, in a self-actualizing way, etc. If so, how can this be done?
  15. Yup I signed up! 100 pages into the ebook now