Revolutionary Think

The Depression Epidemic: Only In America Or Can You Others Relate As Well?

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@electroBeam Interesting. I never said anything about race. Why do you keep talking about it? 

Yes, repressing racism makes individual people go covert ops about their racism. Long-term effects about changing the public domain may be different, though, and for real...people don't have to hate Trump based on racism. The people who are allegedly tired of everything being about race keep bringing that up (projection).

He will cause great damage to our institutions. Perhaps in the long run, that will be good. We can build new and better ones. But the people who voted for him thinking he would both break and fix the system in 8 years max were wrong. We have to buckle up now. 

/end political discussion on my part

Edited by eskwire

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the saddest thing I see in america is the obsession with "chronic" meaning "permanent" when it only means "ongoing" 


people sealing themselves into learned helplessness, not even trying to seek growth. 

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Well I think the main cause of all this is a system you grow up in that wants to build a fake version of yourself. Schools are factories that produce docile unhappy workers. When things get bad enough people snap and go insane. I think that all people who value being happy and doing what they enjoy should be working to have a revolution. I'm not talking about that as in a bloody coup but, more like a revolution of ideas and speaking to people about what we can have instead of what we have now. 

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On 21 May 2017 at 1:15 AM, Leo Gura said:

What else can you expect from a spiritually bankrupt society?

Trump won because he perfectly represents the level of consciousness of the average American.

The ego amusement park isn't so amusing in the end. It's only going to get worse. Wait till we have mainstream VR in 10 years.

Leo, this has always bugged me. The world we see is pretty fucked up as you mentioned but then why does spirituality says that the world is perfect the way it is? Is the tangible world out there with wars and VRs simply an illusion so to speak? And if yes, how?

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8 hours ago, Posho said:

Leo, this has always bugged me. The world we see is pretty fucked up as you mentioned but then why does spirituality says that the world is perfect the way it is? Is the tangible world out there with wars and VRs simply an illusion so to speak? And if yes, how?

an empty bowl is useful because it has potential. a full bowl is useless because what can you do with it?

The adult cannot come to be without the child. the buddha cannot come to be without facing life in ignorance. 

something which is perfect never was imperfect. if it was, then in the necessity that the imperfect state exists in order to attain perfect, makes the imperfect state perfect. 


time and space are both illusory. we move about in this world only observing the duality of change. we can never look at a moment as it is itself, only the differences is what we can observe. we become blind to perfection because of this, as we are fooled into thinking what was is not what is. But all which was, all which will be, all are. and what is still is not the limits of infinity - because infinity is not something which can be attained, if it can than it is finite. and what is finite is what is - what is infinite is what does not end, that which isn't. naturally, that which is cannot be attained either, as we can only see the differences the change. so that which is is also infinite. Do you yet see? 

imperfection is the illusion that we can see. the change. that which is attained. of course, once attained, it is existent to us - and immediately lost, as we can only see the change. the past is a memory, and is one with the infinite. the moment is the only thing we possess. but without the moment we have no knowing of those infinities. That which is perfect is the world, the way it is, no matter which way that is. What is imperfect is all which we hold regarding the world - but the world itself, which we can never attain, is perfect. 


this is the paradox of our dual existence in the world. the challenge is in finding how to access infinity with the imperfection of our limited knowing. We seek out this knowing, the awareness of presence, because it is the only way for us to access the infinite perfection which is all around us, within us, our true self. In order for the infinite to be existent, it must become imperfect. 

but even that is duality. our search is full of paradox, is it not? 


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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

In my opinion most of the anti Trump mentality is just a form of neurosis. Those people have problems with themselves.

In my opinion most of the pro Trump mentality is just a form of psychosis. Those people have problems with everyone.

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@Clint Eastwood What is there to understand about the other "side"? It's people extremely attached to their opinion and finding an opportunity to vent their hatred on others, it not about understanding someone's position, it's about something on the in "side" of themselves they need to understand.

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8 minutes ago, Clint Eastwood said:

I'm not sure I understand you correctly. You say that you don't need to understand Trump-supporters, because they need to understand themselves? And stop hating? 

I don't have to understand anyone's "side", pro or anti anything, it doesn't benefit me at all to "understand" an opinionated "side", any of them. All animosity and hatred is a product of not understanding one's self on the in "side".

That's the only "side" I seek to understand, my in "side".

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8 minutes ago, Clint Eastwood said:

Okay. Well, that's your choice ofcourse. But you're very judgemental about Trump-supporters (and anti-Trump?). 

If you're not trying to understand them, but at the same time say that they are not psychological normal...well....that's not a very healthy attitude it seems to me. 

People's behavior speaks itself and is what it is, I don't "judge" anyone.

You think being so attached to one's own opinion to the point that it produces this type of hatred and behavior is psychologically healthy?

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32 minutes ago, Clint Eastwood said:

First of all. Everybody has their own reasons to vote for or against Trump. It's not only because of hate. 

Second of all. Hate is not necessarily healthy, no. But it's perfectly human. Besides maybe a handfull of enlightent people, everybody experiences these kind of things. 

I could say that Muslims, Christians, etc., are hateful or afraid. Then I could declare that I don't need to understand them, because they are psychological ill or something. But then what? You still live with these people and you are not 'above' them. You have your own issues as well. 

You keep focusing on all the externalized opinion "sides" but are failing to recognize the source of the anger, hatred and hurtful behavior, the in "side". No, I don't need to understand their opinion "side" but each one of us understanding our own in "side" is how we will cease building up and expressing the type of emotions and actions that harm ourselves and others.

If someone is awake and examining their self no opinion or viewpoint should foster such harmful emotions and behavior, it's that simple. Although, if is someone is asleep in ignorance of their self this is the type of stuff that it produces. Whether it's "perfectly human" or not isn't the question.

Edited by SOUL

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Do you think it's healthy that you find happiness in others misery?

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@SOUL I think that video you've shown doesn't represent the average Trump supporter just a lunatic at the airport who's racist. 

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18 hours ago, SOUL said:

@alyra Please explain this "duality", I don't see it.

looking to the world as something which is imperfect, looking at change as if it is improvement, looking to people as if they are less than. this duality is what I speak of, it has much more limited usefulness than what many people believe. I try to speak to it so that people (and myself) can work to transcend that belief. To see how what is apparently less than is just as great as its potential is. 

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@Revolutionary Think  That response was merely a reflection to a specific reply so the poster could possibly see the nature of it.

Of the person acting that way I see someone in pain very much like everyone who identifies with their pain and creates the self caused suffering carried on with d an ideology built to justify their self suffering. It may be an extreme version of it but it is no different than what we all can experience if our self suffering manifests unchecked.

It is the very same method we all use to justify our self induced suffering and while it can produce hatred of others it also is the source of what can also become the depression of the thread topic in so many even if it isn't so outwardly offensive. With depression it may be a hatred of oneself or one's life or a helplessness but just like that man it's a pain, that the self continues to suffer with.

Of course that isn't the chemically caused depression which is another matter altogether, that isn't a self induced suffering.

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@alyra That duality you speak of you called it a belief, though it's not a reality, there is no duality. So it's a belief that would be transcended, not a duality, which would make no sense to tell others it exists just to transcend, when it really doesn't.

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3 minutes ago, SOUL said:

a belief, it's not a reality

what duality :)

duality is nonduality. this is the meaning of nonduality. yes, transcend the belief. but, before enlightenment... chop wood carry water.. after enlightenment.. chop wood, carry water. 


edit: you see the yin and the yang. they are a duality. but the yin and yang represents nonduality.. do you see? you cannot have nonduality without duality. you cannot have transcension without beliefs. transcending beliefs is not removing beliefs - just as removing the yang from yin-yang will leave yang behind in its place. 


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1 minute ago, alyra said:

what duality :)

duality is nonduality. this is the meaning of nonduality. yes, transcend the belief. but, before enlightenment... chop wood carry water.. after enlightenment.. chop wood, carry water. 



I don't even really like to use the term nonduality because it implies that duality exists as some basis to contrast which forms another duality in mistaken perception through the premise.

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