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Communicating With "undeveloped" People

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I have been trying to find ways and methods of communicating with "not so developed people"(I don't know how else to verbalize it, you will get what I mean as you read.). So far I have been hitting a brick wall,

To be more specific, in my case its about very absolutist people that think they are rational. Deriving from emotion and belief and labeling it as fact. Communicating in "facts-not facts", you are arguing for that side, not for this, some people are more right than other (in a shallow way), I ll give you evidence, you ll give me, and than we will measure it. good dose of confirmation bias and ambiguity effect a lot of should and shouldn't, is and is not. Snobbishness.

And all of this stuff over "debates" about immigration, should white people live in deserts and black in snowy parts, genetics, is there a conspiracy against Europe and Caucasian people ect, are Jews doing something ..... stuff that I am just ..... not ...... able to debate, not interested, not seeing any meaning to do so, and generally not able to do so, because of the ability to see, what is happening with all that "bla bla" info, in my mind, what their mind does. There is an expectation to talk/debate the topics, but I just cant. I find both agony and humor in those situations. Trying to turn them inward, tell them to question their thoughts, and yet they see it as a position. Leftist propagandist, don't go spiritual now, or what not flags do I get associated with. Pretty basic stuff ... and still I have no clue how to reach to them. Short term, long term doesn't matter ....

We all have people like that around us. So, how do you do it, do you even do it, what if they are people important to you?

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i didn't really read the whole thing but the simplest way out of your problem is to realise that it just doesn't matter what other people think and it also doesn't make any sence to debate with people. you gotta let go of the will to change people, develop yourself and let the others do what they think is right for them, otherwise you'll spend all your life debating with people. if you wanna teach them how to think rationally just tell them to watch certain videos on leo will do the work for you and you can concentrate on your own life ;).

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in my experience you can't. you're on a different level wave-length then them. if they're the kind of person that is open-minded then that person is okay to discuss with. otherwise, you just gotta let it be and just avoid the topics. speak to them as close to their wave-length that they are on. i know for a fact I would not have resonated with Leo AT ALL 3 years ago. I would have shut Leo down and told you that "science" is the only way. That whatever I believed was fact and there was no other opinion besides my own. it took a great amount of suffering for me to finally be open to these new ideas. 

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Recognize that the inability to talk to undeveloped people means that you yourself are undeveloped.

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If you are in an argument with an undeveloped person and you know they get triggered, don't even engage. When someone's mind is closed off to being wrong, that individual is so locked in their perspective that they can't comprehend what you say. Their mind plays the false skeptic and you both lose in the end. The situation is left unresolved.

If you communicate with undeveloped people at all, just be nice and empathetic. Don't try to change them! 

But ideally,  focus on yourself the most. How am I undeveloped? Where can I do better in my life objectively? Focus inward instead.

"If there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do us no harm". 

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practice, and look to the successes for what to do and the failures for what not to do.

realize that you've done this before, and that the only change is that now you have this arrogant expectation that other people care about the same thing you do when most things people can care about are niche interests. you believe you've seen the light but all you've actually found is a geeky hobby. you're at risk of becoming the Jehovah's witness or the high school ubergeek that obsessed over some obscure thing to the point that everyone avoids you because you won't stop talking about an unpopular subject.


it may make you happy but don't forget - to each their own, whatever floats your boat, different strokes for different folks. one man's treasure is another man's trash.

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Stop trying to change the world, change yourself.

You can't change how people think, and you said yourself that talking about these kind of things are uninteresting to you, so why complaining about it ?

Let people be, and find people that aren't that inconscious if you need a social circle, because you'll never make them understand how they are biased, and you don't have to.

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@Clayman Other people have quite good general points for you. If you really have the time to speak with the person dont even mention spirituality. From what you describe they are quite far away from that. First you can try to show them the better side of rationality that is no longer about just doing debating. Good rationalist wont be doing what you described, it might feel good for them because they will know that they are getting better at something that they have been doing the whole time. That process might make them a little bit more tolerant and at some point they might crack and you will be able to talk about spirituality etc. But this is hard process and people are probably not ready to do teachers until much later on.

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People with strongly held opinions often believe in them as being "right, good and true" using it to create self identity in separating themselves from what they think is "wrong, bad and false" so oppose it.

In someone who is working to remove self identifying dualism from the mind those that believe strongly in their own ideas see just another "wrong, bad and false" to be against.

There is no way reach those who want and gain self value from the separation with appeals from what they are in opposition to.

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