
What Is The Fastest Way To Achieve Enlightenment?

38 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, Bob84 said:

@Memeito stop thinking 9_9. Realy, and no thinking about stopping to think.

it's bad advise, because it's not him that is thinking in the first place to stop, just sayin


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11 minutes ago, Bob84 said:

@Memeito stop thinking 9_9. Realy, and no thinking about stopping to think.

Better to say, look away from the thought by holding awareness on the awareness that attaches to the stream of thoughts


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1. Matt Kahn videos.

2. 5-MeO-DMT

3. Trinfinity Academy.

I'm not enlightened, but these three helped me a lot to be happier. :) 

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You're quite fucked my dude.



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Frankly, all the advice received here, is pretty ambiguous, isn't there like a definitive manual or course for fast enlightenment?

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Where exactly do you live? Do you have money e.g. to travel and visit teachers?

Edited by Toby

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Why do you want it so fast is the real question, seems like you use this as an escape and denial from your life, which is totally the opposite of how you will "attain" it ...

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 minutes ago, Toby said:

Where exactly do you live? Do you have money e.g. to travel and visit teachers?

I live in Romania, I don't think we have enlightened masters most of the gurus here are either con men or mentally ill.....

3 minutes ago, Shin said:

Why do you want it so fast is the real question, seems like you use this as an escape and denial from your life, which is totally the opposite of how you will "attain" it ...

Because I wasted too much time and haven't accomplished anything yet...

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17 minutes ago, Memeito said:

isn't there like a definitive manual or course for fast enlightenment?

Anybody who promise fast enlightenment is deceiving you. Unless you have infinite patience , forget about enlightenment.

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Are you living anywhere near Bucarest? I know a really good teacher that supposedly was there just a few days ago and might be coming there in fall again for a week.

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1 minute ago, Prabhaker said:

Anybody who promise fast enlightenment is deceiving you. Unless you have infinite patience , forget about enlightenment.

Hmmm....You know, I googled "fast enlightenment" and found a thread on another forum where a guy says that you can get enlightened in 15-30 days by using a method known as "Mahasi Style Noting". Anyone knows anything about this?

In the same thread somebody else mentions that there "Dzogchen and Bon" techniques that can shift you into enlightenment in an hour or two....

Is anyone familiar with any of these?

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@Memeito Any spiritual growth is your transformation. Change is very deep. It is flowering of your personality. There can't be any technique to do it quickly.


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Enlightenment is not about achieving Enlightenment, it is about un-achieving falsehood.

What best way to cut through falsehood, than to cut through the root that feeds the tree of falsehood?

If someone cuts branch by branch, they indeed will need to have a lot of patience.

Egoic thoughts are delusion. You know they are delusion, because they claim to be thought by you. That cannot be the case, because you are simply seeing thoughts popping up in your awareness now. So we do not need suppress egoic thoughts, no, they will pop up ofcourse! This is good, because if they didn't pop up, you wouldn't be able to follow them to their source and observe that entity which the thoughts so silently claim is you. 

Egoic thoughts do not mean "I want bla bla", egoic thought is any thought which you strongly feel is coming from You, even though you have 0 evidence for it in your own experience.

The goal is to cut that one, that one is the Ego. I hope my understanding is helping you in a non-vague way.

Finding the root is the tricky bit, but you have a lot of help for that given to you by all those enlightened masters out there! Just get stuck in and go for it :)

Edited by Dodoster


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On 4/20/2017 at 10:28 AM, Memeito said:

I'm looking for the quickest way to become enlightened, I've been meditating for seven months but I don't feel any difference, what should I do to really accelerate my way to enlightenment?

I would recommend quit trying to become anything...instead just be quiet, be still, and be present.  So deeply experiencing the present, that you don't refer to past or future (and so no thought, as thought is only about past and future).  In the moment of mental silence, ask yourself but once - who/what am I?  And then don't think, look for an answer, or make any effort.  Perhaps it will reveal itself to itself.

This is my recommendation, because usually we distract ourselves...always looking everywhere else.  Here and now is where the answer resides.

Edited by eputkonen

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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Letting go of all desires one step at a time, the more you trust in all that is the more all that is you become :) although there is no fastest way ultimately as it happens in its own divine order and unique way.

Edited by pluto


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The teacher I talked about in this thread is in Romania/Bucharest the next 10 days. Anyone living there interested can contact me via pm.

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