
Dear Leo, a question about Jack Black

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So, I love everything you said in this blogpost. Spot on. My game nowadays is very much like Jack Black as in being fully free in expressiveness and authenticity that aligns with my core personality and to who I am as a person. I have the looks but I rarely depend on it / use it. Oftentimes I look like a homeless man just because I'm too lazy to put my A-game looks on or really to do anything about it.

But the thing is, I contribute a lot of my Jack Black style to Owen & Julien. That's where I mostly learned this natural, Jack Black style from.

You've got a bunch of ''negative'' stuff to say about Owen tho, including:

- ''He is not really the best in game. He is a much better at teaching game than at game itself.'' Of course he isn't literally the #1 best in game, but the way you come across makes him sound like he doesn't have an elite-level game.

- ''He dresses too try-hard''

- ''He doesn't get laid that much (relative to how much he approaches)''


So I'm just trying to connect the dots. What am I missing? From my understanding, Owen teaches everything you said in the blogpost. That's his whole foundation. His whole schtick.

Are you saying that Jack Black doesn't get laid much? Or he wouldn't if he didn't have the status?

The cool thing here is that Owen and Jack Black are quite alike both in looks but also in game. And it seems like you tend to overall give Owen more shit compared to how much you are praising Jack Black here.

Curious to know why.

Thanks for taking your time to answer.

Edited by Miguel1

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Posted (edited)


But the thing is, I contribute a lot of my Jack Black style to Owen & Julien. That's where I mostly learned this natural, Jack Black style from.

The core fundamentals of game that RSD teaches are valid. I've never said otherwise. Owen has done pioneering work in the field of "natural" game. His work back in the 2012 era was next-gen stuff.


You've got a bunch of ''negative'' stuff to say about Owen tho, including:

- ''He is not really the best in game. He is a much better at teaching game than at game itself.'' Of course he isn't literally the #1 best in game, but the way you come across makes him sound like he doesn't have an elite-level game.

- ''He dresses too try-hard''

- ''He doesn't get laid that much (relative to how much he approaches)''

You have to be more nuanced and careful.

Just because I have a few criticisms of Owen doesn't mean the fundamentals of RSD theory are wrong.

I'm sure Owen's game is good when he's in the zone. But you have to understand that Owen does more business than he does game. Owen's top shtick is running RSD. He's not out there purely gaming like Julian was in the early days. Owen has a business to run.

I know from insiders that Julien had a much higher lay count than Owen and Julien's game was much better. But again, this doesn't mean Owen isn't good at times or that his teaching are false.

You have to remember that Owen is/was a hard case newbie autistic introvert and pretty weird and socially awkward. Owen is not a natural and his game will never be as good as natural. The best PUAs are naturals.

I've met real naturals. True naturals are even better than professional PUAs. Professional PUAs are just aping naturals. I have a natural friend who knows nothing about pickup, but he's better than RSD coaches.


Are you saying that Jack Black doesn't get laid much?

Jack Black is not a PUA. So relative to a PUA he doesn't get laid much, I would assume.

Again, looks STILL matter. Just because Jack Black is a charismatic beast does not mean he will get infinitely laid. It just means that he will get laid more than a whiny incel with zero frame.


And it seems like you tend to overall give Owen more shit compared to how much you are praising Jack Black here.

I was just using Jack Black to demonstrate charisma. Of course Owen has charisma too and you could make a video of Owen's game and use it illustrate the same point. But I wanted an example that was outside pickup. This is an issue which transcends pickup. That's what I was trying to highlight. Guys get so stuck in gaming girls that they overlook something more fundamental.

I also used Jack Black because he's fat, short, and not good-looking.

My criticisms of Owen mostly come down to the immature aspects of pickup which I want to see him outgrow. And Jack Black is free of that, so I got nothing to criticize him for.


Owen teaches everything you said in the blogpost.

Yes, of course. And that's the gold in his teachings. I've never criticized him for that part.

Owen's 2012-ish RSD content is the foundations of game and I have always recommended it. If he hadn't deleted all his old YT videos, I would be linking them.

My criticisms are more about 2022 Owen vs 2012 Owen. Part of the criticism is that I expected Owen to outgrow some of this shit by now. But as I have said before, there's much you can learn from Owen and his work should be respected.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I just read the blog post. I don't know why I get so much flag for what I've been saying all along when the blog post is the epiphany of what I've been saying in some of these threads about attraction. Leo is perfectly right here. Not saying  Mr Black here will get all the hot girls and women will be lining up for him but he is a prime example of what looks look like for a woman. She sees a confident, authentic, dont-give-a fuck, kind of guy who isn't trying to impress her and who has a lot to offer just by being himself. Not some fat hero with a foul mouth and doesn't have any respect - no, no, that's completely different. 

So you can't be going around with a not giving a fuck attitude with a foul mouth and disrespecting women and looking all creepy and shit it won't work because that's not authentic, that's a show and a projection.

I was married once. I met my ex-hubby when I was a stripper. He was balding with a beer belly and was much shorter than me, but he captivated me with his personality. I'm still attractive but I was really hot then, one of the hottest black strippers in a mostly white strip-club even the owner wanted to date me. So, believe me when I tell you, looks ain't that important, its the attitude that counts more, amongst other things. 

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

He was balding with a beer belly and was much shorter than me

Your taste in men is not to be trusted xD

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2 hours ago, Miguel1 said:

But the thing is, I contribute a lot of my Jack Black style to Owen & Julien.

Be careful of your Jack Black style, though, as a handsome young man. It can take away from that if you're not careful and will come off as trying too hard. I know you know what you're doing from reading your posts and you seem to be emotionally intelligent and good with game, but it doesn't work for everybody. It's like a hot girl coming off desperate for attention and coming on to every man she sees. It takes away from her attractiveness. Don't try to emulate but cultivate.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your taste in men is not to be trusted xD

Yeah, that's why I loovvveeeeee you, you're bald and reminds me of my hubby. Only thing you're not short and fat enough.

Seriously, though, that was a long time ago and I was in my very early twenties. My daddy was short and balding and my mommy tall and beautiful. I was probably attracted to that dynamic, as they say young girls look for a papi-figure. He was 10yrs my senior at the time. My taste has since changed as now look for the intellectually stimulating as you do to me. It turns me on. Yes papi, talk to me. Yum, yum. Stimulate ny erogenous labia mind into ecstacy, my love, lmao.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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I don't trust any woman who finds me attractive :D

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Jack Black must have had Amazing parents. I don't think any level of trauma healing, game mastery etc. Could get you to that level of self expression.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't trust any woman who finds me attractive :D

Good, that means you'll always be mine and not fall for her trap. See, you can't escape. You're entrapping yourself even more by resisting. Hehehehehe. Yeah, I'm delusional. 

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, RightHand said:

Jack Black must have had Amazing parents. I don't think any level of trauma healing, game mastery etc. Could get you to that level of self expression.

It's not that.

The best guy in game who I ever met was a natural. He didn't even know about pickup. But he's better than RSD pickup coaches.

I tried teaching him some game concepts, like state. He said, "What's state?" I explained it to him, and he said, "Oh! I'm in state as soon as I get in my car!" This guy was a natural salesman. He could sell condoms to a nun.

He told me he hated his mother and didn't trust any women because she was a selfish bitch.

It's not about parents. It's about extroversion genetics.

If you look carefully, all the best pickup coaches are natural extroverts. That's the secret to game which they don't tell you. The introverts will never have as good game, no matter how much they practice. The more introverted you are the harder game will be for you. Your brain is just not wired for it. However, your brain is wired for other better things like contemplation.

Owen modeled his game after naturals. Then he sold everything he learned from naturals to chumps through RSD. I met the natural Owen modeled his game from. This is why Owen's game is not the best. His magic was not in game, it was in selling you desperate chumps. Owen is a marketing genius, not a game genius. With that said, I'm not saying his game is shit. So don't misunderstand me.

Now you understand the whole secret to RSD. Owen used his marketing genius to selling natural game to millions of desperate introverted guys. Not because he was great at game, but because he was great at marketing.


Edited by Leo Gura

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Posted (edited)

@Leo Gura how do you know if you're introverted or extroverted ?

btw sounds like a lot of the stuff people are successful at is simply due to genetics. like enlightenment=genetics, looks to attract women=genetics, game= extraversion genetics.

you add to that the country you're born into, how you were raised, your culture, your socio economical status. and you have you and your destiny. not much place for free will or working hard to get results...

Edited by Majed

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's not that.

The best guy in game who I ever met was a natural. He didn't even know about pickup. But he's better than RSD pickup coaches.

I tried teaching him some game concepts, like state. He said, "What's state?" I explained it to him, and he said, "Oh! I'm in state as soon as I get in my car!" This guy was a natural salesman. He could sell condoms to a nun.

He told me he hated his mother and didn't trust any women because she was a selfish bitch.

It's not about parents. It's about extroversion genetics.

If you look carefully, all the best pickup coaches are natural extroverts. That's the secret to game which they don't tell you. The introverts will never have as good game, no matter how much they practice. The more introverted you are the harder game will be for you. Your brain is just not wired for it. However, your brain is wired for other better things like contemplation.

Owen modeled his game after naturals. Then he sold everything he learned from naturals to chumps through RSD. This is why Owen's game is not the best. His magic was not in game, it was in selling you desperate chumps. Owen is a marketing genius, not a game genius. With that said, I'm not saying his game shit.

Now you understand the whole secret to RSD.

Interesting. I feel like a lot of the shtick is being able to embrasse and release the unpleasant sensations in your body when trying to be authentic.

Maybe for some people that ability is just innate from birth.

Another figure that I have started to contemplate for authentic self-expression is Dr. K. from Healthy Gamer, completely opposite to Jack Black yet I find him just as compelling.

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Posted (edited)


I feel like a lot of the shtick is being able to embrasse and release the unpleasant sensations in your body when trying to be authentic.

That's part of it.


Maybe for some people that ability is just innate from birth.

Extroverts actually feed off social interaction. Like energy vampires.

Whereas introverts are drained.

One of the biggest predictors of your lifetime lay count will be your introversion/extroversion score. The higher your extroversion the higher your lay count.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura how do you know if you're introverted or extroverted ?

Take the Myers-Briggs test. You can find them online.

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Let’s treat game more like Kung Fu Panda and less like science class.

I AM nutz

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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura

btw sounds like a lot of the stuff people are successful at is simply due to genetics. like enlightenment=genetics, looks to attract women=genetics, game= extraversion genetics.

Of course.

If your genetics were off by 5% you would be a kangaroo with 3 dicks.


you add to that the country you're born into, how you were raised, your culture, your socio economical status. and you have you and your destiny. not much place for free will or working hard to get results...

Be careful not to over-simply this. Your unique genetics require actualization. You must place yourself in the right situation where your genetics can work for you. And then you must still train up. Your free will is used to discover and align yourself properly. Life is all about finding a niche for yourself. And there are millions of niches available.

Hard work still matters. People with good genetics still work hard. You need both to be worldclass in anything.

But also, remember, you don't need to be worldclass in anything to have a good life or to get a girlfriend.

Also, remember, you don't know what your full genetic potential is. That requires a lot of work to discover. Just because you think you can't do something doesn't mean it's true.

For example, if you're not an extrovert, you can use your introversion to earn lots of money and get girls that way instead. So it's not like introverts have no alternative strategies. An introvert could use his brains to engineer a scheme to get more girls than an extrovert.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura how do you know if you're introverted or extroverted ?

btw sounds like a lot of the stuff people are successful at is simply due to genetics. like enlightenment=genetics, looks to attract women=genetics, game= extraversion genetics.

you add to that the country you're born into, how you were raised, your culture, your socio economical status. and you have you and your destiny. not much place for free will or working hard to get results...

This short clip from Destiny sums it up well I think : 



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@Leo Gura how do you get girls with money ? you mean paying girls for sex ?

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