Truth Addict

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Posts posted by Truth Addict

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    The thing is - Every direct experience can also come from the brain. Psychedalics make changes in the brain and I know you know it. So what ever can make me think different? Even if i'll do embodiment exercise for many years.

    It's not yet possible to give a definitive answer. The two are very much entangled with each other. Reality and the brain seem to be two sides of the same coin.

    3 minutes ago, Leeeon said:

    @Truth Addict

    Is it though?

    The way i see it is that Awareness, Conciousness (the exact word is irelevant) is the only thing that actually Does exist.

    Everything else is just conzept and imagination.

    Can you point to awareness?

    Or more easily (you might think), can you point to concept and imagination?

  2. On 22/09/2019 at 11:36 PM, Emerald said:

    I'd say that men are underestimating the importance of these gestures. They're very important to women... and for the VERY SAME core reason why wealth and status tend to attract women.

    Most women aren't consciously sussing out men based on wealth and status. (Some are, but those are gold diggers - which is a different story).

    But the attraction to wealth and status is a background process. But the purpose of that background process is much more vital and important than the wealth and status that it can home in on.

    The background process's purpose is basically to determine, 'Is this man stable and responsible enough to be a good father and provider?'

    It's based upon very old subconscious evolutionary structures in us, where a woman and her children's well-being is squarely in the hands of her mate who had to do nearly 100% of the hunting/gathering duties while she's giving birth and taking care of a newborn baby. And if he couldn't provide or just up and left, she and her baby are literally dead.

    So, she is evolutionarily in a very vulnerable position in that way, and relies on a man a lot. So, all of her wiring is looking for signs of male investment in her particularly and signs that he can provide for her and her children's survival. And her wiring is looking for this, even if her conscious mind is not.

    And those evolutionary structures are still in place, despite the fact that we've long evolved out of the nomadic ways that gave rise those structures.

    So, when a man does small things like paying attention to a woman's interests and buying small things, it registers emotionally in a very similar way to a man being wealthy to women's evolutionary wiring regardless of whether the guy is wealthy and high status or not. That is, unless the woman's in her head and consciously seeking out some rich guy (aka shallow women and gold diggers). 

    But if she's just letting her instincts run in the background and not getting up in her head, as most women do, she will be just as enamored (or more) by a guy of modest means buying her some paintbrushes than some money-bags kind of guy buying a piece of expensive jewelry. It's that he's showing her investment in her specifically that's important.

    But the giving of gifts (especially gifts that show investment in who she is as a person), really hits the right evolutionary buttons because it communicates investment in her as a specific woman on the part of the man. Like, he's taken some of the money he's worked for and used it to procure something to give to show his affection and investment toward the woman in question... and not some other woman.

    Now, modern people might have lost this meaning consciously. But evolutionarily speaking, novelty and gift items based around hobbies are a luxury and register as such. Paintbrushes now, might be something you could pick up for $3 at a bargain bin. But in nomadic times, an item as mundane as paintbrushes would be the epitome of luxury. And so, subconsciously, when a  man buys a woman a gift item, even if it's modest, it will register physiologically and emotionally as a signifier that a man has the capacity to provide for all the basic needs and then some. As he has bought her an item that's for fun and enjoyment and not for survival.

    It's like a little birdie that collects trinkets to attract his mate. But it's not about the trinket or how much it costs, it's about the meaning it lights upon. And most importantly, it shows that he's gone out and done the work with his lady in mind.

    I would agree to some degree. Then again, I would say that women simply want a generous man, someone who is ready to give, more than what he receives.

    What value do millions have if you're not able to utilise them because you can't because your man is mean and stingy? I think that's how it works unconsciously.

  3. @Bill W

    Yes. That's what I meant but I didn't want to write all that :P

    I also meant that emotional mastery is how someone feels at their peak performance. And that it's not temporary but permanent. That's the difference between that and the ordinary 'peak performance'.

    Just wanted to make it come down from being an impossible goal to make it at least seem possible.

  4. 1 hour ago, Meditationdude said:

    @Truth Addict if it were only that easy. 

    It is that easy. It only requires being in the present moment, which, fortunately, is always the case. 

    Thought = Meaning = Resistance.

    If you realise the futility of thought and meaning, then you must realise the futility of resistance.

    Then again, it's difficult as well. It took me nearly one month of no-self to see beyond the veil of meaning. But I'm telling you, you can do it right now. Or rather, you can let life do you.

    1 hour ago, Bill W said:

    The are no bullshit thoughts but there are bullshit actions. 

    Nothing is bullshit. Clean your lenses ;)

  5. 41 minutes ago, Jkris said:

    He's talking about seeking pleasure before enlightenment. Not living in bliss after enlightenment. It's possible, though, to be at bliss without having to suffer. Suffering is optional.

    I don't agree at all that the ultimate way to live is by sitting still in meditation, at least not until many more thousands of years of delusion.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Jkris said:

    @Truth Addict 

    If one is after pleasure its quiet natural to suffer - thats my understanding so for.

    That's why I say that the intellectual (masculine) enlightenment is based in fear.

    The feminine enlightenment knows no fear, it takes the suffering and turn it into creation. That's the nature of the female, if it isn't obvious!

  7. 11 minutes ago, Jkris said:

    @mandyjw @mandyjw @mandyjw @mandyjw

    --- Emotions must not appear thats emotional mastery.


    5 minutes ago, hamedsf said:

    Enlightenment is Emotional Mastery

    Nope, not what most people refer to.


    People usually refer to detachment as equal to enlightenment, but that's not true. Enlightenment is also fully engagement with the mundane world without being unconsciously tricked/trapped/attached/addicted to it. The pleasure that comes from this engagement can beat a samadhi.

    That would be enlightenment.

    (I don't need to say everytime that it's just my opinion).

  8. 15 hours ago, ajasatya said:

    @mandyjw Adyashanti


    @mandyjw Interesting topic. Thank you for bringing it up. A lot of people think that enlightenment is only about thoughts (masculine). They tend to forget the importance of the feminine, which is emotions. Each of these must be worked out and carved very carefully or we will become Zen-devils.


  9. @tsuki

    The model you're proposing cannot work without thought, i.e. assuming duality beforehand.

    In order to know what knowledge is, a thought of separation must arise, and without duality there's no knowledge. The knowledge is being, the thoughts-stories are not imagined, i.e. there's no image that one would stop the world and then create, the image is the world.

    P.S. It took me this long to reply because the language you used was difficult for me to comprehend.

  10. I strongly suggest that you watch Leo's most recent videos on Truth, Love, and fear. 

    What seems to be the case for you is that you're being paralysed by overthinking, and overthinking is either a product of fear or an addiction (which started by fear). Examine your case very carefully and see what it is and act accordingly.

    You need to let more love flow in your life. Your life seems to be lacking Love.

    In summary, you can think of yourself right now as someone exactly in the middle of their path. The path starts with complete identification with everything, and ends exactly right in the same place but with way more consciousness. The middle would be the complete dis-identification phase that you're describing. And the ultimate solution for that is Love.

    I love you ❤️