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Posts posted by SpaceCowboy

  1. Hi there,

    I‘ve been watching a lot of Teal Swan‘s videos lately and I‘m wondering about her take on enlightenment. She claims to be enlightened and yet still has an fully intact ego with fears, desires etc. In her opinion transcending the ego is kind of „selective identification“ while she promotes fully integrating the ego into consciousness. Shouldn’t that lead to ego death in the end?

    Now, she seems a reliable source, yet her teachings differ from many other perspectives. Is she just not taking it far enough?

  2. Don‘t give up! Everything in your life is fixable. It will just take perseverance, effort and a willingness to suffer through it. 

    I you want a power tool for trauma healing/personal growth, then start talking low doses (ca. 100ug) of LSD in regular intervals (p.e. 2 weeks). It will help you to work through your problems quicker, as it raises your consciousness.

    Once you grow to a certain level, simply being alive is joyful, whether you have a lot of money or not. Everything material will be bonus.

    Good luck!

  3. @Cineva

    There is nothing wrong with you from the higher consciousness perspective. Everything should be as it is right now.

    From the lower consciousness perspective, you definitely need to change yourself a lot.

    Your depression and low self-esteem are signals that you are not aligned with yourself. Try to reconnect more with your higher self and your emotions.

    I‘m going through a similar phase right now and I‘ve found contemplation and meditation/relaxation/observation really helpful. It all comes down to integrate fragments of your psyche, which is otherwise known as healing or shadow work. Which is the same as raising your consciousness. Chances are you are running away from yourself. It’s time to turn around and to face the tornado.

    If you need more help or advice feel free to PM me.

    Good luck!

  4. 1 hour ago, now is forever said:

    could you find that dude now? maybe facing the love of your past could bring you into presence?

    i‘ve also talked to gay guys who where attracted to older men in in their late teens, so if you respect their age and will - and don’t go for the extreme young ones... well.

    I don't think that would change much really, not even sure he is gay. Because most people who never hooked up with their teen crushes still develop a teleiophilic sexuality (hetero/homo sexuality). In my opinion the problem is rooted in the emotional neglect I suffered in childhood. My first intuitive guess would be consciousness trying to complement itself through the polarity "innocent vs. not innocent", where a normal sexual polarity would be "male vs. female".


    1 hour ago, now is forever said:

    if you feel very bothered and are afraid you might not have control over your doing, did you ever read about stereotactic brain surgery? it is changing the network connection in one area of the brain - sexual functions are not affected. i know they are working on that in göttingen germany - so it’s maybe not to far for you ( don’t know if they work with this in the us) guess it’s quiet expensive though. 

    hope you don’t understand that negativeley, just wanted to widen your options. if it really works. some people even go so far to dream of brain surgery induced enlightenment... or get cut open for lesser reasons like a new nose. and transsexuals are going through a lot more work. it’s something else i know but it  depends on how people feel well in a social context.

    I don't feel so much bothered with the attraction itself, it's more the consequences like isolation, solitude and inability to disclose truth about oneself. As of now, I don't have any difficulty controlling myself in that respect. Not sure if brain surgery is the right approach, even if it worked somehow to alter the sexual urges. Something tells me that it's not wise to interfere with mother nature, even if, or exactly because, we don't understand yet what it means in the larger context. Thanks anyway for your input.

  5. @SoonHei

    There might be something to it. Eckhart Tolle talked about forgetting about yourself while seeing a beautiful sunset/landscape for example.

    I think that when we are fully immersed in watching TV, we are unconscious that we are doing so. Same with great sportsmen, that have perfected their game to the point where it happens unconsciously/effortlessly. But that does not mean that watching TV gets you enlightened ?.