Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is nazis (extreme nationalists) in every country.

    This idea that Putin says that there are literal German Nazis in Ukraine is silly. What he means is extreme nationalists, which of course every country has. Basically American MAGA are akin to nazis.

    But there are and they are very cruel and stage Reddish

    I've seen a lot of videos of them committing various kind of atrocities and basically revealing their consciousness and vibe. 

    And the thing is, they have their military organizations

    I am sure most of them would love to turn Ukraine into full fascist state

    However, it's for sure not anything close to majority of Ukrainians that are like this

    Maybe it is like 5-10% of Ukraine population or something similar

    But the problem is is that they are highly weaponized and they participate in wars (Esp Donbass wars in 2014-2022) 

    Whole Putins argument of why he calls Zelensky a nazi is because they seemingly supported these guys with various goodies and political weight

  2. What's especially funny is that this is the war both against Liberals and against Far Right, cause there are (!) undeniably neonazis in Ukraine, but of course Zelensky and his administration is not them

    For some reason, our propaganda machine equates liberals and progressives with neo nazis as one thing and our public just eats it, lol (or denies the existence of nazis, which is quite ignorant as well to be honest) 

  3. @Leo Gura I like how Oleksey Arestovich, who is basically an Ukrainian version of Ken Wilber you could say, puts it that war in Ukraine is basically the battle of Stage Blue vs Stage Orange hemispheres 

    The thing is, Ukraine as a nation is pretty separated culturally as well, it has deeply conservative people here, as well as a lot of progressives and liberal types and basically Zelensky is one of them (he is very green and probably even yellow+, I studied him in his artistic career for a bit) 

    People who are stage orange and above basically for the most part vote for NATO and for EU integration, all this good stuff, while conservative folk for the most part rooting for Russia and Russian world (though some of them hate Russia of course and want everyone to just leave them alone with their Karpaty mountain) 

    Nonetheless, a lot of more conservative people are fleeing to Russia (!) willingly and they are (!) pretty happy here as far as I can tell. They see Ukrainian NATO and EU shinanigsnd as a deep corruption of Ukraine, "siding with fa***** and perverts". A lot view it as an enhancement to their lives

    Of course it's divided geographically as well, Western Ukraine, which is basically closer to EU is more liberal, while the East & South that are closer to Russia are more conservative


  4. 14 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

    I understand the point you're trying to make, but how do we know for sure that the reason that Putin is doing this is not because he is simply a megalomaniac?

    How do you know for certain that Putin truly cares at all about the well-being of his country?



    Study him and his politics, bro

    He is basically like Trump, but more skilled and wise. Very good for conservative people, not so much for progressives and liberals

    In a sense, yachts are a childish pleasure, Putin and people like him like to play something more serious and get the joy out of it

  5. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Hehe, that's not just Russians, that's all people everywhere.

    You can't oppress a group of people indefinitely. It has never worked in human history.

    True, the problem is Putin is not stupid

    We have tons of new subsidy programs going right now for people who are patriotically minded and want to help build infrastructure for them.

    They are basically flushing money onto people right now and giving them a life purpose as into rebuilding the great Russia together. A little bit like Maga feel, but way more subsidies and more smart people following it

    I myself even got some free tax exemtps and goodies, lol, despite me having almost 0 to do actively participating inside Russian economy, all the business I've done for the past 3-5 years was abroad clients

  6. The thing is, Russian people as a culture and as an etnic are very conformist but up to a point. If people are treated badly enough for long enough time or the bullshit that is going on is too big, historically, Russians just make a revolution

    So I wouldn't lose hope that much on that matter. I'm sure if things get out of hand, Russian ordinary people will actually start doing something 

  7. On 10/6/2022 at 0:54 AM, iceprincess said:





    the two woman hes dating is the blonde and the main girl with the rainbow skirt. I don't mean to be judgemental but  it kinda boggles me how someone like him can date such frivolous women like these. 

    But how do you know? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Consilience I know you doubt me. But a Love anyways ;)

    You'll understand when you truly Awaken.

    Buddhism is a NOT Awakening!!!



    The Buddha, is a fucking dream!


    I love you anyways :P

    Do you find buddhism and buddhist stuff useful nonetheless?

    I am amidst creating a life purpose theme for myself that is tailored directly into helping higher consciousness teachers become more visible & empowered. Every time you criticize buddhism or other people/tradition it makes me bit questioning myself/these people more, which is good, but a bit derailing, haha, cause I value your takes a lot

    I feel like despite some epistemic dangers, of course, of making these people more popular and them spreading their teacings, there is still an enormous value to be had for people, if not for truth directly, but for all other aspects of life and their overall development.

    Right now I feel rather inadequete to judge the ability of different teachers to lead to truth, that's why I'm not making my core focus on it and focus more on very deep holistic health & wellness and highly in-depth personal development guys. Guys that are at least 2-3 stages above people like Andrew Tate if I recall his name correctly (Watched only like 1 vid of him) and other mainstream teachers and actors

    There are backlash\backfire reactions & negative effects to everything. But I feel like with these guys, their negative effects are much more healthy/not really that damaging. Even if a person catches some damaging new age belief or two, I find it's still much more better than what he may catch listening to conservative self-development content on youtube or wherever

    Just curious about your opinion on this, @Leo Gura, there are for sure gradations of stuff.

    I think if you made a balanced critique on New Age culture like you did with Jordan Peterson episode, it'd be very useful for everyone to hear your points, especially since you like to sort of dismiss these guys a lot, yet you share way too many simillarities and teach a lot of what these guys are teaching/aspiring towards.

    With some parts maybe where you are superior to them (epistemology, truth-seeking, etc), but with some where I feel they have a bit more comprehension of practical health and wellness methods, and might have some more practical insight/experience with conscious living when it comes to optimizing your surroundings for example, building physical community, various forms of activism, etc etc, as well as some some more in depth stuff on relationships and emotional\psychological health, unique takes on finding a life purpose, etc etc.

    Your relationship stuff is great, for example, but it's more focused on very initial stages of relating. Which is amazing and great too and of course it's an artform. But in a sense it's fairly easy compared to the depth of relating when you're relating with your long term partner/spauce, your friends, within community you live in, with other people even, if you're a politician for example, or some kind of a boss that has people under him. The way these people relate is often truly remarkable and inspiring and it's a bias of theirs of course which they happenned to flourish in. The way mainstream PUA's relate to different people around them makes me puke in comparisson, despite them being very charming when it comes to girls of course


  9. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    No. Consciousness seeks pure understanding of itself. That's all consciousness really cares about.

    God's only business is endless self-understanding.

    But isn't it just your bias? Cause your avatar is all about understanding stuff? 

    My personal feel about this topic is that fundamentally consciousness is all about issness - being all kinds of stuff and experiencing it fully, with or without self understanding

    Why the bias towards understanding is not just part of this particular dream either? 

    I can easily picture myself in a consciousness of a rabbit just living his rabbit existence with his the typical survival agenda of a rabbit

    Though I'm open minded enough to consider that consciousness of a rabbit can still have the potential of self-awareness in which case your self-understanding argument can still hold

    But what about consciousness of a rabbit who isn't self aware and only cares about finding food and not getting eaten by wolves for the most part? 

    I totally acknowledge that conceptualizing about rabbit is still happening inside a dream, I don't know what will/can happen outside of this dream

    And I acknowledge that in my current dream state for some reason I care a lot about understanding of the reality/existence and there is a bias and pull towards it

    But how can you claim that all of consciousness about this dualistic thing - understanding? Within and outside this particular dream. How can you say that it is? 

    I mean, it's about this thing and many others for sure, but how can you claim it's the #1 thing? 

  10. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Depends on the person and how you're using it.

    Are you doing solitude because you enjoy it and use it to deepen your work and connection to life? Or are you doing it to avoid facing the challenges of dealing with people?

    You have to be careful not to turn it into an avoidance strategy, because life is a lot easier when you don't have to deal with any people. But that can also leave you stunted in your development.

    For someone like an Incel, solitude is an avoidance strategy and makes the problem worse.

    I don't want to deal with any of people in Russia because our culture is so bullshit

    I don't plan to avoid socialization in the future and looking forward to socialize with some more developed folks but right now here in Russia it's just way too sickening to meet people here.

    Even more spiritual folk here pursue spirituality in such dogmatic ways holy shit I'm not talking about Christianity/Islam even, but more Russian Buddhists and yoga people

    You love to criticize western buddhism and so forth, but I'm actually hella excited to meet all these people once I get out of here

  11. 6 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

    Why would the truth need to be sugarcoated in order to be entertaining?

    Seems to me you're saying communication isn't enough, so turn the truth into something it is not so that we feel good.


    I'm talking about "spirituality."

    I mean more like we need to work on increasing the appeal of this work

    Within ethical way as much as possible and not in some cheap entertainment way either

    It's a challenge for sure, some need to dedicate their lives to it


  12. 11 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

    At that point you've lost it.

    When the focus isn't in honest communication, integrity is broken. The goals change and turns into feel- good, rhetorical entertainment with no substance.

    Recipe for misleading others.

    Ridiculous strawman

    If you think sex is only for entertainment, you have no idea what sex is

  13. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Flyboy I'll be more careful about how I post. You guys take the things I say way too seriously.

    Nahh, this is fun, we need more of that

    Who cares about Ekchart Tolle or someone like him say be in the present moment bro

    Both spirituality and philosophy need way more punch than that 

    We need to make it sexy

    Otherwise it gets associated way too easily with incel culture and so forth by common people

    We are already too stupid as a society