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Posts posted by Seth

  1. I meditate and it is fine except I'm not sure what to do with all the insights and ideas I get. When I was newer to meditation I would try to ignore them but I eventually just started writing them down when they came. My understanding is that if I ignore the ideas then they will just bottle up and make me feel jaded.

    For those who can offer more perspective, what do you do about insights during meditation?

  2. 2.1 (50.45 percentile) Primary Psychopathy and 2.8 (63.38%) Secondary Psychopathy. I think tests like this are dumb because I don't know how to differentiate "agree" with "strongly agree" or "disagree" and "strongly disagree". I struggle with personality tests too because I just want to put neutral for half of the things.

  3. I've been trying to improve my language fluency but I struggle sometimes to come up with the right words at the level of specificity or connotation that I would like. I think this holds me back in various parts of my life but I'm sure how to interpret it. 

    There are two ways I can think about this

    1) I should stop thinking so much about what I'm going to say and just go with the flow.

    2) I should keep thinking about what I want to say and in time the language will become more fluent.

    Do you have any thoughts?