Joseph Maynor

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Posts posted by Joseph Maynor

  1. Leo's older videos are extremely valuable for integrating the Yang aspect.  Yang is not for beginners only.  It's Yin and Yang (conjunction) rather than Yin or Yang (exclusive or) or Yang and then Yin (process).  Even if you've done a great job integrating Yin, you wanna do the same for Yang too.  In fact, for women, probably the earlier videos are the more advanced videos than the newer videos are, see.  Women need to do work integrating Yang.

    Video on point to watch:


  2. 18 minutes ago, Natasha said:

    @Ampresus Leo started out with self help/self improvement material and then merged into spirituality and enlightenment.

    Yes, all his older videos still hold up and are good for a beginning self-actualizer. Otherwise he would have taken them off his channel.

    Hi Natasha.  Forgive me for offering an insight here.  Yang is not for beginners only.  It's Yin and Yang (conjunction) rather than Yin or Yang (exclusive or) or Yang and then Yin (process).  Even if you've done a great job integrating Yin, you wanna do the same for Yang too.  In fact, for women, probably the earlier videos are the more advanced videos than the newer videos are, see.  Women need to do work integrating Yang.

    Video on point to watch:


  3. 30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Reality cannot be put into perspective because it is the sum total of all perspectives.

    Nice.  This is reality seen through the lens of the Network of Perspectives Paradigm.  This is Turquoise Metaphysics.  It's a useful model for sure that should be integrated and loosely clung to: only the pros of it though, not the cons of it.

  4. Integrate the pros of every teacher and leave behind the cons of every teacher.  And then realize that every perspective is a teacher too.  It's all already right in front of you.  Just observe, reflect, do the work -- and take action.  Don't sit around on your ass waiting for life to spoon-feed you like a baby.  Be a lion, see.  God rewards the righteous lion not the sniveling man-child.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I'm not locked in the Paradigm Of Belief.  

    I use words like someone framing an insight rather than someone stating a truth sometimes.  It's like capturing rather than a stating.  Truth is a secondary issue oftentimes.  It's a Straw Man to frame all insights in terms of stating a truth that one might rely in on the case of a factual belief.  No.  That's why we have poetry.  The poet can express things that the factual man cannot.  But you wanna apply the Paradox of the Plain Man And The Poet too.  Don't get locked on either side of this paradox to the exclusion of the other side.  

  6. This is a great insight.  Sometimes you have really great insights that even I feel behind of.  But yeah, this one is right.  Emotional Mastery is an Interpersonal Development issue primarily.  Emotional Mastery Work is really first faced when the desire to create and develop relationship connections rears its head in your life.  You can be a hermit all alone and be Enlightened and be just fine.  Emotional Mastery is a Relationship Work issue, it's an Interpersonal Development issue.

    Are you an INTJ?

  7. @ajasatya Everybody's compassion seems to come from a different place.  And I'm not saying that's bad.  But when you hold yourself out as a compassion-giver, there's a certain arrogance in that stance toward other people.  See, this stuff gets tricky.  Lots of people hide behind these teachings to feed their narcissism.  The true test is only the generosity and abundance of spirit from which you approach and infuse the people who come into your Community -- that has a certain energy to it and (I daresay) morality to it that you can't fake.  

  8. @Bill W


     Joseph Maynor said:

    He should have some sympathy for guys who go that route

    Bill W said:

    Tyranny of the "shoulds" as Albert Ellis would say, although I think it was Karen Horney originally. I'm as much into practicing and working on my compassion as most, but this is not a place where Leo has to show sympathy for certain things. I think it's unhealthy if people are posting on here with any kind of expectation Leo will come in and dispatch some sympathy. He might do it every now and then, but we can't cling to that. 

    Joseph Maynor's reply:

    My only response to this is one should be sympathetic to one's own Path.  If you had to go through something yourself, you thought at that time that that's what was best; and as smart as you are.  So, if you see another person in that same situation, what do you do?  What could you do to take that person from where they are and move them up peg in order to try to help them?  This is a context-by-context judgment call and it requires good character; namely: compassion, politeness, openness to experience, agreeableness, high emotional stability, and alignment with the Good.


    Joseph Maynor said:

    Take these people and help them, don't tear them down. 

    Bill W Said:

    Who is tearing who down? Are people feeling torn down? That's an emotion sending a message. Work on the real reasons for that. Leo is not the reason. 

    Joseph Maynor's reply:

    Look at interactions as an opportunity to help a person, see.  You gotta have some kind of vision for seeing a lack in this person.  And once you see those lacks, then the question becomes how do you give this person something that can take them up a peg in their life.  See, this is why you gotta have compassion and be coming from a really healthy place to be a life coach.  Are you a helper or are you a philosopher?  See, those are two different professions.  This doesn't mean that these two professions can't have a baby together, but it takes the right kind of personality to pull that off.


    Joseph Maynor said:

    Take people as they come

    Bill W said:

    Perhaps, I guess that's true other acceptance which a great thing to strive for, but on a teaching forum where the message given is often blunt and to the point. If Leo took everyone as they come nothing would get done here in my opinion. I would imagine most people are here to affect change in themselves (I think?). Would do people expect on here? I want certain people in my life to take me as I come perhaps, but not Leo, let him have his say on me if he chooses. I don't need to accept it, or feel hurt about it. This is not the Samaritans. Leo is not Carl Rogers. This is not a client-centred place. 

    Joseph Maynor's reply:

    People are coming to the Forum for help.  Let's give them a bit of help as best as we can.  


    Joseph Maynor said:

    Guide them tenderly and with acceptance and compassion, don't shut them down and make them feel dirty, immoral, or stupid. 

    Bill W said:

    Again, what the real reason for someone feeling dirty, immoral, or stupid on here? Is it Leo that is the reason? You are going to be a life coach, what will you tell your clients if they say Joe Bloggs from down the road made me feel dirty, immoral, or stupid? Would you tell them that Joe Bloggs needs to be more compassionate and tender? Or would you advise your client to move to a place where all is compassionate and tender? Or would you go to work on their belief system? Their thinking habits? Their sensitivities? You would help them grow I am sure. You can't depend on another person for your peace of mind, it's nuts.

    Joseph Maynor's reply:

    Again, this depends on what you want to accomplish and feel in life.  Do you want to be a helper to try to benefit someone else?  Or do you wanna be a philosopher so you can feel right and appear right.  Those are different professions the Life Coach and the Philosopher.  Now, you can merge them, but that takes certain cultivated personality traits to pull off sustainably.

  9. Wasn't Leo into Pickup himself?  He should have some sympathy for guys who go that route.  Take these people and help them, don't tear them down.  Be careful about becoming too puritanical.  Take people as they come.  You were that way once too, remember.  Everyone is doing what they think is best.  Guide them tenderly and with acceptance and compassion, don't shut them down and make them feel dirty, immoral, or stupid.  Examine your own judgment about PUA topics.  Why the strong moral feeling?  That sounds like attachment.  Realize that people as systems are doing their best to try to manifest their preferences.  Every person is noble and smart in that sense.  Don't beat that down just because right now in your growth this looks stupid, immoral, or uncouth.  Don't put things in your Shadow by clinging to being puritanical.  That's a Stage Blue trap.  

  10. This is a great video on leadership.  See, a great leader has great character.  And reality reflects this back to the great leader.  You gotta put wholesome energy into reality as a leader to become a great leader.  A great leader is compassionate, encouraging, positive, polite, and inspiring.  A great leader sees himself as his community.  It's not me versus my community.

  11. When a leadership opportunity is presented to you -- what do you do with it?  This question is bigger than most people realize.  It's a humbling question.  With great power comes great responsibility.  I feel like everyone is growing here and has a lot more to grow too.  Step into the challenge not away from it.  You're not gonna be perfect, but realize too that right now you're probably not yet done baking in the oven as a leader.  This stuff takes openness, time, and a willingness to self-criticize and right one's self too.  If you think you're perfect already and don't need to change, that's a recipe for a big constipated block for improving as a leader.  And you'll just continue to get beat up if you have that as a leader until you wise up.  It's not everyone else, it's you.  A leader has to take 100% responsibility for everything under his leadership.  That takes a certain kind of character that's created -- nobody's born with that.  Leaders must fashion themselves into leaders over time.  

  12. 35 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

    @Joseph Maynor

    A wiser man than me once said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. These are not simple words, yet they are applicable to any situation no matter how mundane or extreme. Of course, I'm not saying the moderators here a corrupt by any sense of the word, I'm just saying that when you have the power to shut someone up with the click of a button, it's easy to find ways to justify your abuse of power. You might say that this is not a big deal, but you have to understand that the topics being discussed here are potentially dangerous, and they might be coming from less-than-stable minds. Some people here might be looking at this forum as an avenue to fight against the rejection they feel when they try to discuss topics like this in other places. Being rejected and blocked without any good reason, and being called names for asking questions is simply unacceptable behavior.

    This is why the leader of any Community should have high moral character.  And this is within your control whether you wanna develop high moral character.  Plato's concept of the Philosopher King gets at this.  Not enough individualism and the system breaks down.