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  • Birthday 03/01/1996

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  1. How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques ( Complete Guide/ Video Summary/ Notes/ Discussion)
    How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques ( Complete Guide/ Video Summary/ Notes/ Discussion)
    My friend, how can you start your self-actualization journey if you're too lazy to copy/past the list I provided & remove the summaries from each technique? 

    NO WORRIES, FRIEND! Through the magic of moving around my plastic mouse, I will give you the full list without the summaries! 

    It took me exactly 2 minutes and 39.42 seconds to copy the entire list, delete each summary off of each technique, and to number them for you. That's how long it could have taken YOU to start on this amazing journey Leo keeps nagging us about 
    Finding your life purpose Reprogramming your subconscious mind Meditation Habit Mindfulness Meditation With Labeling Concentration Practice Self Inquiry  Journaling Learning The Theory Taking Notes  Buying/Doing Courses Researching Books / Seminars / Courses Studying Various Spiritual Tradition Seeking Out Masterful Teachers Attend Workshops / Retreats/ Seminars Solo Retreat Psychedelic Retreats Doing Psychedelics By Yourself Ending Unconscious Relationships Salvage the Salvageable Relationships Radical Honesty Making New Friends Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Shadow Work “New-age Methods” Cleaning up your Diet Physical Exercise / Gym Breathing Properly Holotropic (Breathwork) Body Work / Energy Work / Reichian Therapy Developing Body Awareness Cleaning up your information intake Eliminating hard addictions Eliminating Subtle Addictions Getting More Life Experiences Building Socialization / Dating Skills Finding Healthy Forms of Relaxation / Entertainment Getting Your Affairs In Order Minimizing Your Lifestyle Finding Quality Life Coach / Therapist Neurofeedback Training

  2. Moralism, Should Statements And Radical Honesty
    Moralism, Should Statements And Radical Honesty
    You can get Leo's list of recommended books. Most of the theory should be there. 
    Here's the thing with radical honesty and relationships. It basically boil some down to becoming more polarizing and authentic. By being radically honest, you constantly show to other people, who you are and how you feel. You put much more emphasis on communicating your stance in this world. Of course, many people won't resonate with that. But the ones that do, do even more so. 
    So you're trading your many shallow superficial relationships for fewer but more meaningful ones. Because you're taking a more defined position in this world people can decide more clearly, if they can identify with you or not. 
    Sure, you may receive more hate from the people that can't. But you will also receive more love from the people that can. And trust me, it's a hell of a relief, if you stop kissing anybody's ass.
    Regarding not getting any insights about yourself: radical Honesty is a highly practical concept, so try it and apply it in your life, before making any judgment about it giving you insights or not. 

  3. Whats wrong with the scientific way of understanding the universe? And materialism?
    Whats wrong with the scientific way of understanding the universe? And materialism?
    Materialism states that from matter arises something called a human and from the material human there somehow arises consciousness. We can explore the material world with our consciousness or knowing of it, and find objective truths from reality. So matter first, then consciousness.
    But this is ass backwards.
    How do you know matter?
    With consciousness of it: a perception of a "material" object.
    What is a perception of matter?
    Its a phenomena in consciousness, that could be further divided as a sight, sound, taste etc. Something about something is known: known in consciousness. When you truly trace it down honestly, everything you think you know, everything you perceive is just known. So if every piece of knowledge about this so called world is ultimately ALWAYS a perception, everything IS a perception. So what is a perception? It IS consciousness, its not separate from it. Perceptions don't appear separate from consciousness, consciousness does not appear separate from perceptions, thus there is no sense in talk about them as separate things. They are the same thing and "happen" simultaneously, "consciousness" and "perception" are just convenient words, as we can in fact separate them verbally. Alan Watts loves to talk about this. But words are not reality, reality is reality,
    All this is deeply counter intuitive, because it truly _feels_ that there is an outside world with properties, that is not you, but it just does not stand when honestly investigated. The rabbit hole here goes very deep:
    There is/are no physical:
    space world humans body organs parents children physical anything, you name it To say that matter exists as its own reality, is like (Im maybe too much of a Ruber Spira fanboy. Rubert <3 please someone burst my bubble) saying that an image on a screen has more reality than the TV. It gives matter more reality than it deserves.  Table, TV, chair, dragon, what ever. They are all on the same line: a perception.
    But wait, there is more
    When you have an enlightenment experience, you realize that everything is consciousness/perception. Point to the thing you call your "self" in your direct experience. It must be there, because it has been with you all your life, right? All you can do is point to a story about who you are. What ever you tell me you are, is not really who you are, that is what you tell yourself to be. By talking to me about yourself is actually claiming that you are a sentence, and that's rather ridiculous. And so is your story of yourself. Now stay silent. That is what you really are: a knowing.
    In the realization of no self, lies a deep mind fuck. Yes, you find out the most important and relevant truth for you: who you are, but you do not get any information about _what_ you are actually perceiving. Like holy fuck what is happening here? A DOG and a CAR? There are perceptions, sure, but can someone plese tell me what is this thing called reality I'm perceiving?
    That is what I call a cry for materialism
    I agree, none of the content of your perceptions make any god damn "sense", but when you have an enlightenment experience, you realize that it really, really, REALLY does not matter what it is, because that whole quest for meaning and "base" for everything rises from the materialistic paradigm, and you know better now.The "stuff" you would eagerly call matter, that you perceive, is made of itself, that is, perception.
    The notion of "stuff made from itself" rises an immediate scientifically minded rejection/objection that goes like this:
    "But i can investigate what underlies things! When I investigate a matryoshka doll, I find another doll. Surely I can run this process on everything, and ultimately reality itself! Saying that stuff is made of itself is just giving up!"
    This is just another way of saying
    "I will juggle perceptions until I arrive at a non-perceptual truth!"
    To say that there is a material world, that you are perceiving, is jumping to conclusions based on your intuition, not on careful investigation of what is true unconditional of your assumptions. Remember, that you can't deny that perceptions of _something_ is all you REALLY have of the "world". When you hear a cat barking, or a lion mooing, you assume based on the sound that there is this particular source for it. You must realize that every time you make a connection like this, a claim about the reality that is outside from your direct experience, you are making an assumption. We don't like assumptions here on Truth city.
    We could put a cat in a box a million times and hear its bark, and take it out, and hear a ba- okay that joke died, hear a meow outside of the box the cat now visible, and a million times you would say that the cat is meowing in the box, but that is just not your direct experience, and will never be, unless you directly see or otherwise perceive the cat meowing. It's ridiculously counter intuitive, I know, but run trough the logic for yourself and see for yourself that when materialism and non-materialism are put in a cage, the matter gets eaten.
    I'm on the same boat as @Leo Gura on this, that the bottom line for materialism is that there is absolutely zero evidence for it, because there never could be. Personally, I sure as hell feel like there is matter, but yeah. It's just a feeling. Or dare I say it: a perception of it