Principium Nexus

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Posts posted by Principium Nexus

  1. Question what experience do you have before you were born?

    There is no experience of time before you are born and suddenly you were there. A cosmic sea of infinity and a consciousnesses emerged and became aware.

    Now imagine that when you die you feel like going to sleep. Your body will slowly lose all the higher functions, complex thinking will shift to just feeling without thought/concepts. You are not your brain and all clusters of cells will experience their own individual deaths. The body will sense that oxygen is depleting and start to tingle and warm up eventually moving towards a state of non-feeling like a sleeping body part.

    Your body is slowly dissolving and it is peaceful because your worries only happen when the brain is still fighting to maintain it's concepts and ego that wants to survive. The moment you surrender and give in to becoming one with what always had been all worries fade away and you merge with the experience of grandness and Reunion. It feels like that mind that has always so desperately been fighting has now given in and you are coming home to the ethernal.

    And now knowing that everyone will be with you maybe you can accept death more easily.

    Now your mind and body have dissolved into infinity. You are back at the place before you were born, timeless. Here comes the part of belief, whoever you were, what you life was about, you must have faith that if you strip everything away and become one you will not be gone but one thing remains. The observer that experiences nothingness is who will always be present.

    This idea that you will be waiting before waking up is at the core of reincarnation. Now many religions portray their own cultural images and feelings onto this subject but I fully convinced that you should strip away any cultural ideas, these might only be relevant to your early stage in death as you still identify with these concepts and get feeling of guidance until the conceptual thinking has fully dissolved.

    You have been waiting all this time, timelessly waiting, and now you are here.

    Where did you come from, what is your intention to keep walking forward and who will you become?

    Remember that wherever you are you will be at home. Your mind will always give you reasons to suffer but that's because you don't believe or know in who your are unconditional. The fear of something is worse that the thing itself, so be fearless, be mindful and live with feeling and not the mind who tries to conquer and own everything.

    Live a mindful life, don't get lost in the abyss of fear, unnecessary stress and delusion. You know what to do.




  2. Axiom: Your current experience is the one and only true happening. You don't know anything outside of it and never will be able to. Read about solipsism.

    Question: Everything you observer is your biased view and experience. How are you so sure that you are not imagining what anyone else says is also imagined by you. You are the ground state of being, identifying as I, those 'others' outside of you could be be seen as facets of the self to create the feeling of an unknowable and unending stream of interactions to separate the self and give rise to identity. You could also say that the quest to understand requires one to hide oneself, because ultimately there is nothing to be understood.

    Does this mean we should all be crazy and talk to other selves our whole life? No, because you are in control of what you want to think, imagine or believe in.

    If I was the creator, so lonely at the ultimate level, the moment I become aware that I'm separate from fullness (as in I'm the only one) then this separate void of nothing would become my best friend. This nothingness which is so empty, so miraculously present which I'm not would in turn invoke a greater body and mind of what is. That was is and that what has not been become one, it's the ethernal dance of god by being whole but half nothing as he knows that whatever is unwritten is his longing and friend he seeks.

    God's mind is expressing this journey of love to explore through perpetual force the coming together of what is and what has not been through the present moment.

    You, your brother and everyone else are the pure expression of love. To know who your really are is by being still, letting go of thought and listen. If you achieve to allow oneself to accept unconditional love and being you will be at home no matter where you are.

  3. The duality of inside and outside, I and other will break down by becoming aware that whatever is present is you. If you imagine talking to another person, this is the story that you have in your head by labeling what is present to give a sense of direction, locality, and relative identity.

    In Leo's latest video he also talks about this and I would like to 'label' this non-sensical thing as the inflection point of self. It's like going through a black hole and seeing your identity (the non-infinite version that is still trying to understand) into the moment it is able to see itself for the first time from outside of its own paradigm.

    Meditate on this gif, I think it's one of the best introspective images present. Turn your experience of what is, inside out!



  4. @Artsu Correct.

    @IJB063 "Do you consider a specific thought to be a specific place in the universe, the universal mind that can be fully mapped out and explored as though it is a place, and when we think a thought and act upon it we are in a sense travelling though various dimensions as a sort of ripple through dimensions"

    I still try to wrap my mind around it. What I think is that the mental landscape that you wander through right now in the time and place you are, can only be accessed because you are within that environment and the past that you had. It is an extension of the space around you build on top of the lower dimensions that you observe.

    The mind is like a magnet and gets attracted to the things you see and feel and therefore these will be the dominant initiations of your thoughts.

    Now remove 3d stimulation, like in sensory deprivation chamber and the body will lose all it senses. You won't feel gravity, smell, sounds, external sight and the mind returns to a ground state similar to sleep but now you are aware and you will enter mostly only mental space floating in an empty void. I would see this as x,y,z are all 0 but the i dimension is now freely moved through without altering any of the lower ones.

    Once again tricky subject, lots of reflection is needed. I feel we are onto something valuable, even if it's just an non practical insight into nature of how reality can be perceived.


  5. On 5/24/2020 at 10:10 PM, JosephKnecht said:

    @Principium Nexus The question becomes, how does 5D look like? That I am not sure. I have had a psychedelic experience where I perceived each special and time dimension separately. Imagine the 3 dimensions of space to be cut with the dimension of time. Reality then appears as 3D images falling onto themselves very very very fast. 

    How many dimensions are there? I don't know. Why wouldn't there be infinite D?

    Degrees of movement in higher dimensions in my opinion would result in the dissolution of identity.

    First there is the personal, basically what you experience now with 3 dimension (or 4 if you consider the mind like a say as a real spatial one).

    Then next dimension of freedom would be the fifth. This would then mean instead of maybe only view your perspective of where you go. You can view multiple 'perspectives' where you can move into. Then 6th might be that can view all of those perspective at a given time and move through time as viewing many parallel dimensions all happening for their own specific viewpoint at the same time!

    Eventually you would no long feel that you are viewing any elses or identify as something as you and other. You would merge into the god perception of everything and this narrow ego perspective of one viewpoint would melt and dissolve into fullness.

    Like going from a 2D camera to 3D GoPro 360 view, but not just viewing one point of 360, but all 360s from any angle, thought, time.

  6. @IJB063 I will try to answer your question about Nothingness. This topic is hard at first to grasp.

    Nothingness is when the mind cannot think of anything. It is indistinguishable and all that is is unified, since all is one isotropic in nature, relativity doesn't exist and therefore form doesn't exist.

    Emptiness, nothingness, are when a conscious being cannot project anything into existence because everything is itself.

    Now to come to the topic of the dimensions, you should treat all dimensions here as spatial ones and as @JosephKnecht says don't treat time as a dimension.

    Lets say we look at mathematical dimension with f(x,y,z,i,j,k)=x+y+z+i+j+k as function.

    This has 6 independent variables or dimensional planes of movement. What happens if we don't add time to this equation? It will stay at the fixed point that you put values for. E.g.


    As you can see if time froze or was not variable then the reality of this function would exist but only at 10. Maybe this is the 'frame' of the big bang where time didn't exist or was not considered variable and indistinguishable.

    Then later on these spatial dimension did indeed receive an arrow of time. But this time variable is not a dimension, rather a force that is present at every dimensions inherent Identity.

  7. Nothingness is an infinite isotropic field indistinguishable from itself.

    Isotropic adj.

    Identical in all directions; invariant with respect to direction.

    Having the same properties in all directions: said of a medium with respect to elasticity, conduction of heat or electricity, or radiation of heat and light.

    Having equal, common, or non-specific developmental capacity.

    Nothingness is the basis of origin of all what becomes. Unified oneness/the void/nothingness the ultimate fertile ground that holds infinite potential to create as time and space unfold mentally.

    When the mind is silent, empty of thought, one resides in nothingness and is truly present in what is. No imaginary projections what could be, not in motion, stationary truth that is ethernal.

  8. It took some time for me to put all the pieces together and find solid but coherent reasoning to explain and understand my findings.

    When you study how dimensions create space of movement you will notice that there is ever-increasing freedom of movement.

    Look at a line, you can move forward or backwards (1d), then a plane where you can move left/right/forward/backwards (2d), a volume where you can move in all three axes as we know from everyday life (3d). 

    The other requirement for a dimension to be unique is that an item must be able to move through that dimension without moving in the other ones. This makes the dimension truly unique and independent of other directions. Let say you are standing in a room now what makes moving up and down unique is that you can do this without moving 0 forward/backward/left/down. This also shows that for a dimension to be unique or independent it must be 90 degrees or pi rotation on the previous dimension. It must be perpendicular to have its quality of uniqueness and being able to move into space without moving along any other of the axis.

    These points above are the axioms of dimensional growth.

    Now the 4th dimension is also spatial but would mean that we would have even more freedom in moving. At first, the idea that time is the 4th dimension makes sense because you can have a 3-dimensional object sitting still like an apple and then the moving dimension would be the time that passes without moving the apple in 3d space. This is incoherent with the axioms that we earlier found because time as we know it only moves in one direction, entropy shows this and this would invalidate the idea that we can move freely into the past, present and future!

    Now, what is then really the 4th dimension? It is mind, you can be anywhere in this 3d world and don't move anywhere but at the same time go to any point in time (past, present, future) or any location and this is completely coherent with the given axioms.

    When you sit in a room and wander through your mind, where do you really think this is happening? The substance of your mind does it have substance, quality or any dimension? The idea how we view mind gets a completely new meaning, instead of seeing it as some imaginary cloud in our head, see it as a real dimension where you can move freely and that its not just an idea but a quality of space and time that you are experiencing.


    So what can we do in the 4th dimension, we can reflect upon anything we already experienced and move to any imaginative point where we can resolve something that we seek and project it back into the 3rd dimension. Remember that the 3rd dimension has no access to a higher dimension and only a 4th-dimensional being can bring non-existing things into existence. These things are ideas that we project into existence and we're never present in any form in the world before it.

    If you were able to follow along until here, congratulations it's not easy to understand, but I will try to include some images.

    4th dimension would really feel like the ultimate dimension then, right? You can move anywhere that 3D world has, any moment in time that you can imagine. How would the 5th dimension look like then?

    Again we would see increasing freedom of movement, this time this dimension will not be limited to personal thought but enter the space where consciousness is unified as an ocean and that some 5th-dimensional entity can move through this ocean of unified consciousness and experience any ego at any time in space.

    The higher you go the more freedom of movement there will be and that will ultimately result in dissolving or returning to nothing because only nothing has no boundaries and its content is infinitely uniform and balanced resulting in a world that doesn't need to be balanced anymore and thus has the highest freedom of movement.

    You could say that the highest dimension is god, nothing, that the highest substance of being is god.

    What I value the most about this myself is a completely new look upon the substance of mind that I experience every day.

    The quality of my own imagination becomes connected to the universe and is now a real dimensional extension of space and time itself. Letting this settle and allow oneself to contemplate on this matter will to it most justice.


  9. Lets say we are all thought of god, would you argue every thought he thinks into existence has its own scope of access. So god's mind is more like a tree than a pool of water? Those tree branches of his thought are only accessible by following the root because this root is the essence of this thoughts identity. The pool would be the example where all scope is global and no private subjectivity is there.

    I'm god's thought and so are you, we both are invoked by his thinking at this very present moment. Basically you root off to a different identity at this moment and so do I, but you might be closer to the common root we share if that would be a metaphorical way to describe it.

  10. Hey Leo a few thing that I've encountered and observed to become one,

    -Stop lying to yourself, never speak about things you will not do, if you say something keep your word no matter what: The mind needs to align 100% to it's actions so it doesn't deceive itself in comfort of empty words, so that also comes down to only take the things you know you can do.

    -Be real, no more hiding, every emotion every thought you want to share with anyone, don't hesitate, let it flow you are nature.

    -Passion is often seen as an ego pursuit, stop judging because this boundary that is created between what can be done and not is halting you back. Nature creates all the time and this love for complexity and growth is widely embedded in art, music and every expression of love for being.

    -Accept that the ultimate attainment could mean that you go back to the begin and start with nothing, love the journey.

    -You are awesome, fuck yeah it's in your blood and bones, undeniable.

    -Don't please people in what they want to hear, let's say you pursue insights but you didn't finish it or see that only more time will bear a fruit, say how it is, provoking excitement to others is what we find crucial to justify what we do or why to follow our path, very similar to point one but important to point out.


    God smiles in silence, those who talk about him are man.

  11. I watched the most recent video of Leo and what I noticed is that if we realize that we self are god and one with everything, then projecting that others are lower consciousness or not-god thinking would be very clashing.

    Let's say you are the godhead, the pinnacle of consciousness and everything is you. Then the world as you see it is created by you and would mean that all is god, all is the highest consciousness and it's teachings and that lower consciousness is just a human term created to reflect on what they think is better or worse in life. Ultimately life just is and there is no good or wrong.

    So equality of all as self-love and love to all that is would be the highest teaching, the world you see is the projection you want to see. If you want to see hierarchy in any means, then it's ego driven (even though one should also consider this as ultimately a non-dualistic expression).

    Edit: The thing that most resonates with this is solipsism and having peace with that if it were true.

  12. @Leo Gura Extreme fasting can trigger trance-like state but one has to be very careful and know what they are doing. It's also described in the doors of perception from Aldous Huxley if I'm correct and has to do that suger or gluten kick you out of this fasting state where you can achieve trance-like hallucinations similar to what Jesus experienced.

  13. In my quest for understanding I’ve come across many facets of reality that were required to get a better understanding of how I more logically can make sense of the nature of reality.

    At the basis of this understanding are a few important aspect which have always been respected since the moment I became self-aware (birth) and reflected upon the world.

    • Time, the experience of change can completely come to a halt once one becomes full with the perception and understanding that whatever is outside the body we call I is never-ending and that there thus is no such thing as outside I, wherever I returns to the daily life perception with it’s natural urges to survive by identifying a forward motion of time is present (arrow of time).

    The direction of this arrow, also called entropy by science has but one direction and never (*) goes backwards.

    • Space, when there is no time space is infinitely uniform in nature, when our minds create a sense of self relativity arises and the world grows around “us” as we know it. This world of things is empty in nature because the concepts that try to encapsulate the meaning of an object do not have discrete bounderies, everything in an environment is connected to everything else, so in turn a true definition of one thing takes into account everything outside of it, therefore there is no such thing as an absolute thing/idea/concept but the one.

    These things that we do observe, what do they truly reflect beyond their interpreted physical characteristics like color, texture, shape, etc.?

    Their identify is the potential change they can bring to the surroundings. When you see a vase, this object will naturally represent the idea of something that can contain something else because of it’s structure or how it affects us personally with it’s color and shape.

    All these apparent distinct formations in space that all appear to have their own unique interaction with their surroundings, things. Don’t be fooled to preceive space as only an external thing outside whatever defines it, the I or feeling of self.

    All these attributes or things that we see outside ourselves have mental qualities and are projections of the self onto the blank canvas of the world. Their meaning and use is portrayed by society onto us but we also find our own independent value of objects as we grow and find our own unique place in time and space.



    The outside world and the inside world after all seem to be connected and ultimately one through interconnectedness.

    I see the world into my vision of use,

    I carry whatever use that I need from anywhere else,

    The uses I seek have grown onto me and orchestrate the universe into balance.


    To recap, the meaning that we see outside in the world is us. A loop that projected from within us to the outside and vice versa backwards into our mental perception of the world.



    Relativity is at the basis of all which defines what is, becoming and being.

    It is also at the basis of meaning which is derived through the meta (independent values that we project onto things and their relationship).

    In some sense the art of geometry which is pure and not subjected to value or quantity is the easiest way to understand and make sense of reality.

    By understanding the way how the one gives rise to the many things, through this process of transmutation, one learns how the sexual nature of reality creates or gives birth new things, but at the same time destroyed what is consumed.

    From non-dual, oneness to the many, numbers are these magical symbols for what cannot be written down by words.


    The mind of self grows through ever defining pairs of dualities that give rise of the things around us. The picture of this Pythagoras tree is the depiction of how the mind creates meaning into the canvas of reality. Like lungs, trees, thunderbolts, rivers and many more examples in nature our mind tries to find purpose and meaning into the vision projected onto the world.

    Your brain literally looks like a dualistic tree in it’s own structure, all natural patterns seem to reflect this universal law of space interacting with energy or something that grows into another medium.

    The depiction of this Pythagoras tree is just a 2 dimensional representation, but reality can have infinite n-dimensional interconnecting relations, what is important is to start at the most basic possible relations, these are defining all the higher dimensions in their core behavior how they grow but eventually also reflect the most simple behavior.


    The universe is mental and one, creation and destruction are it’s perpetual motion for itself to be.

  14. In the eyes of God, there is no wrong or right. God just is and that is the undeniable truth of existence, on top of that, a veil of separation can exist as in the mind of the individual which is maybe more a tool of guidance of god's totality of acting than to actually throw us into the illusion of ego. God is unity and its the plan is to unite and follow a harmonious order of balance that is the true force of perpetual creation.