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Posts posted by Haloman

  1. Guys, listen please. Those who understand red pill, will understand me.  Those blue pilled guys, who don't or don't want to, will think i'm some angry, hurt guy. So, here we go.


    Yes, their entire psychology is round about hypergamy -to choose a man with higher social status, looks and money she can get based on her looks. Been in many social sitautions, been going to bars and clubs solo and with friends and i say - this is 100% true. And don't think that i'm some hurt incel - i've fucked a lot of them thanks to my good looks.

    All these opinions about women have to be considered in the right context, which includes each woman's sexual strategy in their current period in life. Young women with high SMV (social market value) in their early twenties will open her legs only to a guy with the highest SMV in her environment in that night and ONLY if that guy has higher SMV than her.

    After 25 women sees that they can't compete with younger women to get high value men, they give chance guys don't have such a high SMV, and she is looking to settle down because her SMV decreases every year. And this is time when nice guys think that they get a woman because they've been loving to them. No, nice guys got them because these women's options got diminished every day and they know it's getting worse.

    @Leo Gura You said you were gaming many weeks in the row. It's different than to do it once a weak. Of course it's better if you can do it sober, but i gave that advice to a guy, who hasn't gone to clubs for a long time.

    p.s. You shouldn't get hateful towards woman. You just have to accept them for who they are. And get those Disney stories out of your head and understand that men and women love different. Men love ideally, women  - opportunistically.


  2. @ExodiaGearCEO Same life story here, man.

    The solution to this is to have some friends (two ore three) with whom to go out to clubs or bars on Friday or Saturday nights.

    And you need to drink to get you out of your head (or take something that isn't so unheatlhy - weed, lsd microdosing). Fuck all these smartasses who say just stay present and be fun. You can do that when you have done it many times and have a lot of reference experiences, and i doubt if even that would be working. From what i've understand in my life, without some substances 40 hour work week gets your behaviour and thinking process in a state which isn't attractive. 

    And understand that it's a numbers game out there. Every guy involved in a pickup has done so many approaches that it's even embarrassing from my POV.

    For me, better strategy is to drink at bar or club, chat with girls near me, then dance with them a little bit and eventually close.

  3. 13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Not only can man and woman be deconstructed, your very existence as a biological being can be deconstructed. But of course, no one wants to go there.

    2 days ago i went to dental hygienist and when i sat in dental chair, i wanted to deconstruct my existence as a biological being but i couldn't. 

    Guess i'm a bad student. Need to do more consciousness work. Because if you, Rupert Spira or Peter Ralston would sit there,  you would feel as infinite love...

  4. TJ obviously has amazing insights and original ideas which i've never heard before. He understands that and wants to spread those ideas much wider, but he can't get eyeballs. So for him the easier way seems to recruit actualized.org viewers. For us the best option would be if he cooperates with Leo. But unfortunately our teachers have EGO just like everybody else :D

  5. There are 4 basic categories where people can (and maybe should) improve themselves. These are:

    • career or money
    • dating or relationships
    • health
    • psychology

    Please say me what NEW you can say to me other that goes something about:

    • try online marketing, learn to be entrepreneur or change your career 
    • go approach women (for men) or try to be more intimate to your partner
    • go to gym and try eating healthier
    • meditate and be more aware of your mind assumptions about your beliefs or metaphysics`

    I love metaphysical stuff what TJ has revealed in his youtube channel. But out of two guys who had interview with him, to one who struggled with money, he encouraged to try course in online marketing but to other who struggled in dating, he encouraged to do pick up and approach women for 30 days in a row.

    These are obvious things what a person should understand without some amazing life coach. And in his latest video he says that now his coaching session coasts near 400 dollars. Nothing against him, but what NEW you think he or another life coach can offer other than these 4 solutions?


  6. 6 hours ago, Viking said:

    honestly i experienced it during the afterglow of an lsd trip and somewhat during a vipassana retreat but its hella unsustainable and i dont know if its attainable for a high paced western lifestyle.

    I agree. In summer 2017 i was in vipassana retreat and after that meditated every day until this April. I was calmer and my emotions healthier than know. But boring office job wins over the mood of meditation practice. And know i prefer to smoke weed to raise change my consciousness level. Sad but true.

  7. Nice to see that some people caught my thought.

    It all boils down to what kind of woman you want to attract. If you want to attract woman who hits the wall (close to 30 and after) or not so attractive woman, then you can be however you want (including loving, caring  green beta), because women don’t have so much selective opportunities. But if you want to attract woman at their prime (20-25), you have to embrace your masculine orange alfa and improve your game and hypergamy’s triangle (money, looks and status), because of the competition.

    When Leo preaches, how women are attracted to his feminine qualities, he is blind to see, that they are actually attracted to his status (quite high now as a youtube celebrity), money and looks (these two also seems quite good and improving for him).

  8. Nature and our chimp behavior is stronger than any model there is. Nature cares about survival and reproduction much more than what is going on in your mind.

    Leo is blind to these points:

    ·         Acting alpha is not some incompleteness in a man’s behavior (yes it is stage orange) but it is embracing masculinity at its fullest. And if you embrace your femininity without hardly embracing your masculine qualities, you will evolve towards blue pill thinking and beta behavior (for guys).

    ·         We already live in feminism. And it is excessive orange. We should aim for green feminism (all feminine qualities I listed in picture), which is consequence of strong patriarchy. Yes it is nice that women get drivers licenses in Arabia. There shouldn’t be laws that justifies rape and don't allow women open bank accounts, but it is necessary to CONTROL them through laws and social media what isn’t happening today. And what happens to women with this Western influence? Women (especially those who are on top of sexual value market) all over the world become mini Instagram celebrities and all they care is to do whatever they want in their early 20ies and knock down some rich guy in late 20ies.

    ·       Women don’t want to let them dictate the rules (like it is today with marriage laws and laws in general). They think they want because it helps their hypergamy to choose men with higher status, income or better looks. But in the long run letting them do that they are unable to be feminine (to devote and be receptive). Same with today's career woman. She can’t be fully feminine because corporate work in its essence is masculine.

    Why you think Trump got elected? Yes from spiral dynamics point of view it is ego backlash after green Obama. But from social dynamics point of view it is society’s thirst for masculinity and disgust of today's men which is consequence of today's excessive feminism (credit goes for Obama too as blue pilled leader). Women want to be led and be in men's frame. This is the best and the most healthy relationship model possible.  And Why Trump was elected if there was Hillary? I doubt that all voters were man and women didn’t go to elections. No. They were women who want a strong father figure to lead them and grab them by their pussy (if not literal then behavioral no doubt)! 



  9. I don’t agree about `Rant against pickup artists`. I think in our dating world when women are so up on the pedestal, proactivity and communication skills with women  are crucial to develop. I know he doesn’t say that you shouldn’t develop it, but the whole tone of that video is that you should better stay on your couch and meditate than to go out.

  10. Yesterday I rewatched some of Leo’s latest retreat (Hawaii) videos. And here are some solid points that need to be considered closely:

    ·         You ain’t get there permanent (in a consistent non-dual state) sitting behind your computer. There are only two options – either go to monastery and stay there for years, or use psychedelics every weak or every few days and speak about how beautiful it was. And hope that it will stay like (it seems) Martin Ball has reached.

    ·         You can’t combine spirituality with mainstream western lifestyle. You think you can work in your office for 8 hours and go home doing one hour of yoga and you will get to absolute infinity and true happiness? Get real!

    ·         Actualized.org is art and Leo is an artist. You should watch it in this manner, not hoping that next Sunday Leo will bring you next piece to ultimate happiness.

    ·         Human beings are not designed for ultimate happiness. We are designed for survival – like chimps. And if we have to die to get to infinite happiness, we should take a look in Antinatalism closer and consider being and God as not so wishy-washy with roses and butterflies. Of course many will say that this isn’t true but consider how much of your every day life (even after enlightenment) will be devoted to appreciation of being contrary to everyday (physical) practical stuff (eating, sleeping, cooking, communicating, shitting, moving from one place to another). Like 1:20?

    Of course, hero’s journey is great (and i have changed quite a lot). But it is PSYCHOLOGICAL change. I feel better in day to day life and deal better with my emotions much better than before. Bet yes! It is only psychological change. Raising consciousness beyond this psychological level requires point one which i indicated above.

    p.s. I’ve meditating one year for one hour a day and I've been to one Vipassana retreat last summer.

    Meditation cleanses up your body-mind, but you still are a body-mind. Maybe this is just my ego backlashing but maybe it’s the right perspective how things should be looked at. I doubt it enormously that if I put gun to Rupert Spira's head, his heart won’t pump 3 times faster and his body won’t reproduce the chemicals of aggression, self protection and hate.

    Lets see what yoga will bring to many of you who are starting or doing it, but for me it is very, very hard to break this point of view. Months ago i was MUCH more naive than i am now. But with all this I want to indicate that everyday life isn't so unreal that it is presented in this forum or in Leo's videos. It is unreal only on paper when we are keyboard jockeying and conceptualizing about these topics.

    I'm open to hear a view from your perspective.

  11. Every perspective finds different teachers and their teachings more valuable than others. For me my 3 gurus are Osho, Rupert Spira and Leo. In yesterday’s video Leo said that good book is filled with metaphysical stuff. Osho’s books are GOLD MINE OF METAPHYSICS http://www.oshorajneesh.com/osho-books-free-download.htm I started to read them as materialist. Now that I read those books with understanding that reality is not physical, them seems to be more profound  and it is unbelievable how one man can contain that much knowledge, understanding of life and that high level of consciousness.

    I am quite sure that Leo will speak about Osho more in the future. Because Osho has put in words such subtle mind mechanisms and psychological understanding that helps people to join everyday life with non-duality.

  12. From my understanding to narrow the terminology is:
    Awareness+your body = uncunscious mind=intuition (for example animals are unconscious and their unconscious or intuition „says” when to eat or when fly to the south)
    Awareness+thougts=conscious mind (only cappable for people)
    And because unconscious mind is much bigger than conscious, we need to develop faculty to be more conscious or raise our consciousness (through meditation or other means), so to purge our unconscious mind and be in tune with it and let it guide us through intuition. Other now our unconscious is full of shit because of our upbringing and society.

  13. Like Leo said in his “The trap of projection” video – don’t evaluate only  from your tiny perspective. If we don’t evaluate Osho for information what is available about his personal life, then his teachings are gold. It’s hard for me to find any author or teacher whose view and understanding of spirituality, society and relationships would be so tuned with that what i have experienced and understand this far in my life.

    Look what user – @Prabhaker is doing. He can respond to (perhaps) every problem or question through Osho’s wisdom. And in 99% events it is “hit the nail on the head”.

  14. I live in Riga, in Europe. I think that here and in not so rich countries to get shit together is even more important than it is in first world countries, because of for woman who grew up in lack of material needs it will be natural to be more attracted to man’s status than it is for a girl who grew up in a wealthy family (it’s not so crucial on getting her for a night, but afterwards going to second and third dates). And percentage of wealthy  girls (and people in common) here is lower than in USA what I watch on RSD videos.



    Yes it is scarry. It specially if I have to do cold approach, sober and if there is only one friend with whom to go out.

    Seems like you’ve been watching and practicing pick up for a while. How did you do that? Just brutally in a club like in RSD videos going from one girl to another and approach, approach, approach? Did you do it alone and sober?

    I want a woman but I also really believe Leo when he says that being infinite is 1000 times powerful than any orgasm. So if I work in 9-17 job then ideal weak looks like Monday to Friday work. Friday night – approaching girls, Saturday – meditation, contemplation and once a while some psychedelic trip… where is fucking balance? :D 

    p.s. And Sunday – you all know for what those are ;)