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Question about biocentricism

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These ideas have definitely opened my mind to new possibilities but I can't grasp it fully. If the universe only exists in the perceiver's brain and only the now exists, how do you explain the past? Meaning, we behave in certain ways because we used those traits in evolution for millions of years. We eat healthy veggies or raw foods because our ancestors lived like that and our bodies like it. But if it's all a perception, doesn't that mean I can eat at McDonals every day if I've never learned  of human evolution? 

I know this sounds dumb but I don't know how else to express this.  I'm super frustrated at this. 

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Firstly, the universe does not exist inside a brain. The notion of "the brain" is itself part of the notion "the universe"! So the universe cannot exist inside a brain because that would be like saying the universe exists inside the universe, which is just silly.

The universe exists as a hallucination, nowhere! Not in any brain. Reality occurs nowhere, nowhen. Reality is an impossible object.

Secondly, the past is a concept. There is no such thing as the past. There is only the eternal present which the ego-mind misinterprets as past and future because it is deluded. Everything in reality has already occurred, simultaneously.

Thirdly, with your talk about McDonalds, you are speaking about the relative domain, which is the domain of Maya, the domain inside the dream. Inside the dream you must play by the dream's rules. In this dream, the rules are: if you eat McDonalds (which is an illusion), your body (which is an illusion) will deteriorate (which is an illusion) and you will die (which is an illusion).

When the only reality is illusion, illusions feel very "real" because you have no other point of reference.

Your death feels like a very serious event precisely because your life is an illusion!

Ta-da! ;)

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Everything in reality has already occurred, simultaneously.

Can you explain more on that?

Did you mean something similar like Rupert Spira said, that eternity needs (or uses) finite mind to experience itself gradually?

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I read that book 2 summers ago and was both blown away and confused.  I think I just barely understood the basics of it and the majority went over my head.

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On 7/20/2018 at 1:43 AM, Haloman said:

Did you mean something similar like Rupert Spira said, that eternity needs (or uses) finite mind to experience itself gradually?


"Time is nature's way to keep everything from happening all at once." -- John Archibald Wheeler

It's not possible to explain. You must experience it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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