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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Scream. Now silence. Now scream. Now silence. See that there is no one without the other. There is no Phil Anselmo without Steven Georgiou. There is no Cat Stevens without Steven Georgiou. There is no Zack Dela Rocha without Hitler.
  2. @Martin123 Meditation serves the purpose of seeing that an experiment is -effected by the experimentor because they are one in the same. Can you see that once conducted, both the experiment and the experimentor are equally 'effected'? There is no one without the other.
  3. @jakub_friso When anyone says "reality" they are referring to their own connotation. Dying to be me is a connotation changer. However, if you want to stop listening to other people's' connotations and just cut straight through all the perspectives, learn quantum physics. That is learning where is all comes from and what it all is, rather than what someone else thinks or writes about it. You can find your favorite pizza, or you can learn to make the pizza you want.
  4. Call your cafe "The Forum". It fit the "no walls" - everyone is involved theme And never say again that it will be less than everything you want it to be.
  5. If you listen to Tony R it sounds like empowerment, if you listen to Ester Hicks it sounds like LoA, if you listen to Napoleon Hill it sounds like you get what you think about. It all just different languages telling you to use your focus. Think of it like a superpower.
  6. There's a book, called something like Fast & Slow Thikning that covers this well. Intuition is a fast thinking function. Barely noticeable without some awareness about it. It's as fast as seeing someone crying and knowing they are sad. The opposite, for reference, would be solving a 3 by 3 digit math problem.
  7. Everyone is nothing more than everything they've experienced. Their "choices" are just the next action in their causation. Enlightenment is the realization and therefore freedom from this. Resistant thinking (thinking anything is bad) is the prison. You're noticing people who grew up with less resistant thinking around them, so they appear free to you. Keep in mind everything is relative to each persons experience.
  8. The death of the ego allows total freedom from the probabilistic nature of one's life. The death is not the pinnacle, the freedom is. The paradigm is that when you master the patterns of how you spend your time to the point you no longer do anything that is unfavorable to you and do everything that is favorable to you, then you see the patterns and causation and are freed from them. Like the Big Bang is a constant birthing of the now, you are perpetually being born so that you can wake up.
  9. Your loneliness could be solved by your practices. Excercise and meditate daily. The excercise will change your social confidence, and change the chemical make up that is giving you the lonely perspective.
  10. No leader takes power. Power is given. If it gets bad enough, US will use FB to demonstrate like Egypt, Spain and other countries have in recent years. Everything's aight guys.
  11. thats great stuff right there
  12. everybody is growing. in some number of years i think you'll see a huge difference in happiness between people you know who do PD and people who don't
  13. Also, when you say I know this affirmation alone won't bring me financial stability, you have undermined the point of the affirmation. The affirmations will bring you financial stability. The only difference between a poor person and a billionaire is how they think.
  14. Thought comes before emotion. Stress is an emotion. You have it because of your thoughts. Choose non stressful perspectives and thoughts. Realize you added the thoughts that added the stress. Allow time. No more stress.
  15. @Mariem You learned to think that business and success therein are stressful or depressing. You learned that. You didn't fall outta your mom's vag with that information. You learned it. Learn that you don't have to adopt the perspective of other people. I am a "business" man and I freaking love it. I have 7,000 customers and I rarely talk to any of them. My role is supporting my employees and offering PD to them. I made it this way. You can look at 'business' and be successful any which way you want to. I'm also a singer songwriter, a dad, a husband, a brother, a son, a meditator, a writer, a fitness buff, a vegetarian (99% ), a student, a teacher, etc.....I love every bit of all of it. You could too. Open up that perspective.
  16. I can relate man. When I was graduating high school, car manufacturing jobs and military were expected because it is what had been repeated in my family. I am very fortunate because there was always something inside of me that was like, "Fuck that" on both accounts. The physical world runs on probability of what has been repeated, but the nonphysical - inner world thrives on newness and creation. You're smack dab in the middle. You've got to get thinking, and repeating, abundance. There is no shortage of money in the world. It is literally just being made up at this point. There's no gold standard anymore or anything life that. You can make money doing anything you want. You're issue is your perspective on that. Think about this, if you spend your life making and playing music and you don't end up with a bunch of money, wouldn't you be happy? If you spend your life making a ton of money, but never developed your musical abilities, would you be happy? These are just perspectives and you can pick any perspective you want. You can say, I will spend my life making and playing music, and I will make a ton of money. It is your perspective that leads they way. Fears are useless and are nothing more than thoughts you keeping repeating. Your perspective is leading you, even if you don't know it or make any use of it at all.
  17. You are infinite. You can never be done or complete. You can't 'mess it up'. It's impossble. Everything you do in experience that helps you know more of what you do want and what you don't want. Clearly you don't want a degree and job, you want to act. The topic you might want to focus on it perspective. Look into the perspective that is opposite from yours and it will 'open things up' a little for you. 9 years? Look into how Bruce Willis and Matthew McConaughey got started. You'll be surprised. If you need to work a 'job' while pursing acting, enjoy it. It's completely different than working a 'job' because you're pursing nothing. Think of that job, no matter what it is, as a teacher. Imagine removing everything material from that 'job' - the building, the products, the walls, the furniture. See that it's really about the people. Those people anywhere are just as good as any other people in terms of learning acting. The more you learn about people, I think the better actor you will be. One more thought, google and read what Hospice workers say are the most common things people say when they are dying. They sure as fuck don't say I wish I would have worked more. I hope when you reach that final stage in life, that you say -Fuck all, I'm an actor. I'm an actor. So say it now. Be it now. Say I'm an actor, and you are. I'm not a religious guy, but I can certainly appreciate wisdom. You know when Moses asked God what his name is, God said "I am". When sick people were healed by Jesus's presence, it's because he could only see their well being. He told them "tell no one". Because he knew as soon as they told someone, they would face disbelief and lose their own focus. Again, before 200 comments light this place up.....I'm not a fan of Dogma at all. Wisdom is everywhere.
  18. In my opinion, an important articulation to be made is to be more passionate, not to find something that you think will make you more passionate. There is no reason you can't be passionate about everything. I just ate toast. It was my favorite part of the day! I listened to some PD on the way to work, and it was the best part of my day! I talked with my team and we planned, focus, laughed- it was the best part of my day! I took my mom to the dr's, it felt great to be able to help, it was the best part of my day! I'm loving the insights I'm getting from this forum, and I love giving love to it, it's the best part of my day!
  19. Love the way this thread reads. Glad you're back in the drivers seat buddy. Anyone can love any job, this is practicing mindfulness. Anyone can find another job, this is also practicing mindfulness. You left a job to pursue PD. Leaving the job is practicing PD. So is practicing PD. So is finding another job. It's all experience, it's a PD, on some level.
  20. @Marc Schinkel Sidhartha had enormous wealth at the ready, anytime he wanted it. I know he did not want it, but you have to admit, very different scenario. Shift your thinking away from what Leo may or may not be thinking, and get back to thinking what you think. Seems like you may just want to marry your life's purpose with sufficient income. I dig and relate to what Leo is doing. I own a business with 6 employees and I have always delegated all the functions and done none myself. This free's me to contribute the way I want to and plays to my strengths. I enjoy contributing to their life path. Some days they would say I'm a pompous ass and some days they would say they had a revolation from a convo we had. The point is, I'm not thinking from their perspective, I'm thinking from mine. What Leo has made here, I think it would serve the world well to follow his example. What if everyone said "No. No. No, I'm not going to get a 'job' and 'work' and look forward to being happy when I retire. I'm going to support myself doing something that means something to me." That's a world we could all trip happily on.
  21. @Mats It's a large store. When people in southern US say Mars and Miejers, it sounds the same.
  22. Beliefs are thoughts we repeat. Values are beliefs we repeat. Write that list on a wall in your house. Read it many times daily. Try to feel great when you read it and be mindful not to hold on to any resistance feeling. We are what we repeat. Think about it this way, whatever values you currently have, are because you have been repeating that you have them. Nothing more.
  23. @Morten Nailed it! @jse Life is truly, but a dream. Rock on bro.
  24. @Wind Awesomeness. If you see something pleasing you smile, if you fake a smile for a couple minutes, you feel happy. If you accomplish something you feel great, if you feel great you accomplish something. The key is feeling. Meditate and focus on how you feel. Grow it or expand it as much as you can. Just focus on feeling, the physical sensation within, as wonderful as you can for no reason other than it feels great, and everything in your life will be like the smile.
  25. This is really a great thread. Good for all of you. Just acknowledging you have room for improvement and want to start is 99%! Godspeed everyone. Here's an admittedly unsolicited tip that took me a very long time to figure out, even though it probably sounds simple.... Excercise then meditate first thing in the morning. Get up whenever you need to. Will power is highest in the morning and fades through the day. The brain makes adrenaline and cortisol (stress and anxiety chemicals) at night. 50 minutes of cardio burns it all up, so when stress triggers occur in your day, you see them and notice that you are no longer having a stress reaction at all. Run for 50 minutes. This is a magic number because your brain and body chemistry changes dramatically, pumping the euphoric chemical cocktail through your brain and body. Meditate right after the 50 minutes so you experience the awesomeness going on in your brain and body more. I have found that this combo, every morning, raises my probability of doing things I want to get done, or creating things, or writing songs, by around a trillion billion. After sometime of this, you won't be able to remember what it was like when you were living less consciously and not doing everything you want, and not perceiving that you were creating your life. The only drawback is that you will have to hear people talk about "getting old" etc, blaming their alements on age. You will have to keep quiet knowing it is not an age problem they have, but a fitness of the body and mind problem they have. Some 87 year olds run marathons. Some 20 year olds are in the hospital due to their weight.