How to be wise

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Posts posted by How to be wise

  1. 10 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Their kids were fone apart from joffery being a psychopath. Practically You don't get a retarded incest baby from one line of incest sex. It should have gone through generations before.

    Incestual relationships have a very high chance of produncing children with severe genetic issues. The same chance as you crossing a freeway with eyes closed and keeping your body intact.

  2. 1 hour ago, DrugsBunny said:

    Leo literally edited his message to exclude the part where he said "And I would especially expect this of trans people". You'll have to go back to my message quoting him for the proof since he removed it.

    I wouldn't be on here wasting my time if there wasn't blatant bigotry on display, but since you are in love with the taste of Leo's ejaculate, an addiction that has you clamoring for more while you submissively debase yourself, you have committed to overlook his obvious short-comings (no pun intended).

    It’s not bigotry to say that there are two genders. A man can never be a woman. Accept that.

  3. 19 hours ago, DrugsBunny said:

    He says gleefully, mouth overflowing with reproductive fluids from his master guru-daddy Leo. You are entitled to your perspective, but I am appalled that you would subject this otherwise wholesome community to the X rated debauchery taking place between you two.

    My dude actually forgot that he is the one who brought up "youngers" before it was ever mentioned otherwise. Yikes, the blindfolds of bigotry.

    Congratulations sir, you have won the highly coveted Hapless Brainlet Award™.

    Not only was nobody making the argument that trans women are identical to cis women, but even if that had been the focus, you are still painfully off the mark. Trans women are in fact "real" women, because we are not talking about biological sex, we are talking about gender. If your "real" gender does not match your "real" sex, then you have gender dysphoria, thus making you trans, and nothing about your gender becomes unreal in this scenario.

    The only difference between a cis woman and a trans woman is that the trans woman was not assigned female at birth. If you think this difference qualifies as some huge moral distinction then you're horrendously closed-minded, but the silver lining in that is that Leo most likely has an open moderator position available for you.

    There are only two genders. Full stop.

  4. Up until recently I was convinced that all right wingers are Orange and all left wingers are Green. Now I’m not so sure anymore. You just shared in your blog someone who understands reality very well (we can assume tier 2), but he is a trump supporter. And I’ve seen too many people in tier 2 who are right wingers and conservatives. I guess how aware you are doesn’t translate to which party you vote for.

  5. 1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

    Leo has given plenty of warnings.

    I can understand why people will argue, though. They clearly haven’t had any deep awakenings, so they can only communicate from an ignorant place. 

    A deep mystical experience will humble you, if you choose to embrace it. That’ll suffice to begin to take this work seriously. 

    Different people have different ideas about awakening. If they’re not allowed to express their unique views on it, what exactly is this forum for?

  6. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's wrong. That's the point.

    You used your mind to come to that conclusion. But the mind is the creator of illusion and falsehood. It is what has created everything we call “reality” out of thin air. Nothingness is the true nature of reality. I hesitate to say that “I am nothingness” since “I” itself is a mind creation, a part of the illusion.

  7. @Leo Gura For me, there are two different states. The first state is where you are inside the illusion of the mind. The second is when you are fully aware of the illusion of the mind. Instead of living as a character of the movie, you are now in the theatre watching the movie. You are fully conscious of the world created by the mind. Outside the mind, there’s Nothing. So you can’t have different things outside the mind. Either you’re in the movie or out. There’s no third option.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    It helps make the guru's job very easy.

    These nondualist teachers are lazy. They don't want to bother doing any serious intellectual labor. So they just dismiss it as unimportant. And thus they deceive themselves and their students.

    Nonduality is not God-Realization. It is a gross kinda of reductionism and anti-intellectualism.

    You are delving into imagination (the mind) while I’m dismissing the imagination all together.