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Posts posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. @SoonHei it is all about the process, there is no where to get to, even intellectually you can grasp this. Question, question and question... from a place of pure curiosity and wonder like a child (that puts you in a state of not knowing ;)) and makes the process more enjoyable to some extent.

    Keep it up my fellow human being! 

    @Ar_Senses amen brother!

  2. @SoonHei sorry I misread your question. I can only speak from my experience. I meant prior to trascending your own death. That is what I meant with existential terror. Once transcending that, there is nothing to be afraid of. God/Nirvana/nothingness/absolute infinity/love  is all there is. 

    Upon remembering the true nature of what you are, silence is all that is left 

  3. 1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

    why is it often said that seeing God is terrifying? until it isn't anymore... (upon surrender?)

    but yeah, what sort of terror is it? like afraid of the dark/demon/ghost terror or just a whole different plane of terror which is ineffable... but still, what is the terror component to it? 

    i guess terror = fear = resistance? is it just a very high degree of resistance previously unfaced. a massive huge almost infinite level of resistance that comes about?

    @SoonHei Existential terror, atleast in my experience

  4. @Hamilcar I have had certain awakenings in the past where I would just burst in laughter. In the two times I did bufo my heart opened to degrees I never thought/felt possible for a human being to experience ( pure and total LOVE). I felt a sense of gratitude beyond what I have felt (in my life all together) prior to that experience.

    I also became absolute infinity and it was so clear and obvious. There is nothing else that it could be but infinity. The second exprience was actually BEING GOD ( I have never used that word in my life, but it made "sense" why people have used it in the past to describe this. But again this is a just a label)

    After the experience I sat down in silence for about 45 minutes. All it was left was to remain silent . after a few hours went by, I could even feel how my own psyque/mind was being constructed again trying to cognise and "make sense" of the experience and of course that is just silly, the mind cannot understand this and in that moment I realized why.

    Awakening is beyond all the books I have read, all the videos I have watched, all that I thought I knew about enlightenment, all the hours and work I have put over the last 3 years  and even all the prior awakenings I have had. it is just too radical that it makes sense why (going down this path)  we don´t even open ourselves to such possibility to begin with ( Because the reality is that we don´t even know what we are opening ourselves to)

    The rabbit hole goes deeper than we can even imagine... 

  5. It has been happening the same to me, remembering scenes of dreams from years ago. 

    In my experience I would say is the more I raise my own self awareness throught cotemplation, meditation, enquiry etc not only I become aware of the dynamics of my own psyche and others but in relation to dreams, in fact I can trace  back and explore a whole dream I had 5 years ago, but for me that takes quite a lot of focus to be honest. 

    What does this mean?  I have no idea nor do I spend my time worrying about the meaning of it. 

    Don’t get stuck there, there are more important things in life to focus on?

    That's just my personal opinion. 

  6. Even if you think you speak a language fluently, realize that language creates reality literally so, there is still a whole domain of mastery within just one language both written and spoken ;)

    It is not about how many languages one speaks but how well one can use them to express one's self in relation to others and circumstances. 

    I'm from Spain originally btw ✌ ? 

  7. 3 minutes ago, sgn said:

    @Leo Gura But Leo! Isn't the chair something existentially?
    For example:
    If I have what I label as a coin in my hand. Isn't it more of something (or nothing, whatever)  in my hand than it is if I remove it from my hand?
    What is it that I'm feeling there?

    Notice that even whatever you feel when you hold a coin is in relation to your soft skin.

    Even that feeling itself is relative.