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Posts posted by poimandres

  1. Just now, Old Soul said:

    Everything can be related to spirituality, even sex. Although the ego wants it so bad that sometimes spiritual people will make excuses and tell you it is very important and tell you something about unite of the devine feminine and masculine and energy transmission and this kinda stuff. In fact they are just horny assholes who look for excuses to endulge in pleasures and practice as little self control as possible.

    It is possible to engage in coitius to attain a spiritual goal. Heterosexual or homosexual, does not matter. What matters is the mindstate at the time of orgasm and what visualization is happening. This is referred to as sex magic.

  2. Yes. In the Hermetic tradition, one of the principles is polarity. Sometimes expressed in terms of "masculine and feminine" but doesn't necessarily mean literally genitals. Has little to do with human sexuality.

    One of the biggest concepts of religion from the Hermetic point of view, is unity of the opposites. Looks at tantra for instance. It is nothing but literal sex, but tantra's message isn't about literal sex. Again, the concept of polarity.

  3. Sounds like you are on a good path from my perspective, I don't the know every detail of your life. There should be balance in your life, can't be a hermit all the time, so just be sure you aren't neglecting your family ties or duties. Also, I would suggest socializing a little more. Maybe not every weekend or every day, but at least a few times a month.

    Don't feel guilty for not contributing to the world. It will survive. Keep focusing on yourself, it takes tons of energy to provide value to other people, but if your gas tank is empty, you wouldn't be able to provide quality work. Take care of self first, get your mind in the right frame first before proving to the world. Come back when you are ready, it will be there. Don't feel guilty.

  4. So you don't actually approach them because the anxiety is so bad? What if you told yourself, there is no failure, but the mission is to simply approach and attempt conversation. By conversation, I mean literally: "Hello my name is @Baz, I am working on my social skills and wanted to meet a stranger." Then say "Thanks, have a great day." 

    This will get you over your current hurdle. After you get comfortable with that, try to carry a conversation a little longer, get into personal interests, what their day is like, etc..

  5. Not sure why you are discrediting Arnold Schwarzenegger, he still put in tons of work to be where he is.

    How many hours do you expect to concentrate productively on one task for a stretch of time?

    10000 hrs of practice is over a long length of time (months, years) with many small sessions adding up to 10000hrs.

    School, for example. You take a calculus course for months then, at the end, you are tested to see how much you learned. You certainly sat through more than 4 hours of lectures and homework to get to the final exams.. And in order to pass, it takes looking at it more than 4 total hours for an entire semester.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mariem said:

    is he really in control of his destiny? how can i direct my path ? I am not even capable of controlling my breathing or heart rate , it s already  have been taken into account ...



    In a way, you can control your destiny. You are in control of a lot more than you may think..

    Basically, you have to have some type of goal in mind first.  The goal is your destiny. It can also be interpreted that each goal reached is a stepping stone to your real destiny.. a never ending journey of completed goals.

    Through the process of creating and starting a business (for example), you will be influencing time in the future (like years in the future), to lean in your favor (aka more money/freedom/doing what you like/etc). You will face new problems every day and be scared of the new problems initially.  You have to face these new problems and conquer them and not let your fear get in the way.  This is how the businessman grows (mentioned above), by conquering fear.

    Let's take fitness for example.  You want to become very fit, this is your destiny, this is your goal. You start working out today, and then keep it up for 5 days a week, for 6 months.  We can logically set this goal right now, but taking action and sticking to it is a different animal.  Once you start taking action, that's when the real stress begins... But none the less, if you keep at it, your actions in the now set you up for success in the future. Like eating healthy, working out 4-5 days a week.  These little advances everyday (did you eat healthy today? did you work out today?), set you up for looking more fit and being more fit in the future (reaching your goal). These actions taken now, "influence your reality" in the future, thus becoming in potential control of where you want to be (more fit).

    The stress I mentioned earlier will start to come into play when you start actually doing the work.. That's when the opposition happens.. "I can eat ice cream today, I can skip the gym today" That's resistance keeping you from your goal.  In metaphysical terms, this is your lower self taking control.  Your "higher" self will say "I'm going to the gym right now, I'm going to eat healthy right now." It's hard as hell to manifest the dream you want.. It's this constant battle of which voice wins inside your mind.

  7. 1 hour ago, Beyond Words said:

    @Leo Gura I suppose. How would you deal with self sabotage when you are about to make exponential progress in your life purpose? Would that be resistance, a habit (to avoid success), or negative motivation doing the yo-yo effect just as you're about to succeed?

    When it is resistance, how do you consistently persevere through it? I'm often aware of the tricks and know "what the right thing to do" is but I feel like I sometimes use the knowledge about resistance as a way to justify why I gave in. It's so insidious!

    That answer probably varies on what the goal is.

    The keep asking yourself, what is keeping you from completing XYZ? The it's another answer, OK what's keeping your from completing Answer #1? Then maybe it's the root, but it could be a other problem. So keep asking yourself, what's keeping me from completing Answer #2? More than likely it's because you just keep procrastinating, fear, etc..

    How to persevere is to develop a strong will power. By focusing your daily expenditure of energy and using most of it on this one goal. If you have more than one goal, be mindful as you only have a finite energy level each day. Try not to complete everything in 1 day or even 1 month. Depends on the goal, again.

  8. 2 hours ago, Egoisego said:

    I would like to be able to agree, but have you read the comments in some of the videos?

    "This is sooooo deep"

    "wow, time to take mushrooms and watch a new video of my guru Leo"

    "wow this is crazy, i will now becomming an enlightened "



    People are basically just making them a new idea in their head, instead of them thinking money makes you happy do the think understanding enlightenment will make you happy.


    I dont think we as people are very unique at all, just look at how we dress, how many people do you see today that  dress as the did on the 80?


    If leo was interested in delivering the message would he made 1 video then stopped. 


    This is what i think about it all. 

    That said, i would do the same as every single one of them if i were them

    All these posts are high jacking the topic of the thread. Make a new one to rant against Leo and his YouTube followers comments. Let people discover for themselves no matter their path (psyches/shamanism, or religion/reason). I can see where you are coming from, it's not the thread for this though.

    If you make a new thread, I would love to discuss the nature of reality with you in relation to our individual paths and observations.

    This thread was about the simple poem or note written about Truth. Thanks for sharing OP!

  9. 12 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

    Need a reason to get out of bed you say? Why? Isn't it the natural aliveness that should be kicking us out of bed? The miracle of life? The absolutely unbelievable paradox of existence? The joy of being able to open and close our eyes?

    Feel in control? Of what exactly? Of your life that will last a few decades, and after another a few decades all you "create" shall turn to dust?

    Life becomes a canvas and you become the creator?
    Oh my man isn't it the other way around? Isn't life the painter, and we are the canvas? hehehe

    You get that feeling of being alive and getting out of bed from purpose.  You are astounded by the miracle of life because the earth has birthed you, but not without pain. If you chart the evolution of man with all the species on a series of pictures, there were species that did not make it. Your sperm had to sift through millions of others to make it. But you made it!


    Feel in control? Of what exactly? Of your life that will last a few decades, and after another a few decades all you "create" shall turn to dust?

    You can be control your life destiny. Why brush your teeth in the morning if they are going to get dirty again in the evening?


    Life becomes a canvas and you become the creator?
    Oh my man isn't it the other way around? Isn't life the painter, and we are the canvas? hehehe

    @Leo Gura and many other masters have eluded to the fact that you are the universe. What I'm trying to express, is no different. It is possible the other way around as you want life to impose it's will on you (and not in a bad way, like life makes you it's bitch, sometimes it does).  But what I'm saying is just from another perspective. You are the creator and leaving your imprint on the sands of time (but life still can make you it's bitch).

  10. 20 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

    @poimandres So does it really grow the businessman? Being stressed? Chasing his imaginary house of cards happiness, fearing he won't achieve it?
    Wouldn't he become more successful, more at peace, and grow more, if he just let go? 
    Why shall we be stressed when we are mastering something? It is illogical. It is joy, it is one of the fundamentals of being alive. 
    Is a baby stressed when it is learning how to walk? Or is it laughing along the way.
    Is a dog stressed when it's mastering the fetch game, or is he having tremendous fun along the way?

    The idea of stress growing us. Isn't it a limiting one? 
    What if growth could be achieved by merely fun.
    What I don't condition my growth on stress.
    What if I rid myself of the belief that "good things" are achieved through "hardship".
    What if I let go of the conditioning where I carrot and stick myself towards all my goals in life?


    I know it's illogical.. I know it sounds crazy. It's a paradox. Babies do laugh at times when walking, but they fall a billion of times (and sometimes hit their heads by accident) and it's scary when they first fall, they will fall on their ass (and not hurt themselves) and cry like the dickens because they are scared. Not because they hurt themselves.  Mom/dad comforts them the first time and realizes they aren't hurt, but then what?  Mom/dad stop comforting them every fall. Then the baby gains confidence, stops crying unless he's really hurt, and walks.

    The dog still has to go get the ball and put in work.  Thus some dogs will stop fetching because the game becomes about entertaining the master, not the dog.

    I hope this illustration will put it in perspective.. Does the master yogi's body bend that way naturally?  How did he contort his body in those positions? Over one night/day? By little resistances, stretching along the way and over a LONG period of time, not just in sessions but years of practice. Years of resistances. 

    It's not a limiting belief. You doubt you can conquer the goal. Thus becoming limited. You should believe you can conquer anything (even those "unrealistic" goals as above) but don't be blind to the fact that it will be difficult and you will face challenges..

    If you want something that I should reference: Hazrat Inayat Khan - Sufi master

    What if I laid on my couch and ate potato chips all day and expected my destiny to happen? Would I become fit?  Even if I lost weight, and counted calories, I would look unhealthy in the long run.  My muscles would atrophy. That's letting "destiny" happen. Or giving up.

    The goals have to be something not like carrot and stick.  That's hanging onto the reward.  You have to become outcome independent on the goal.  You want this to happen because it is your will.  You want to see this into manifestation from your thought-form to reality. You conquer these goals because it makes you feel in control, gives you purpose, and reasons to get out of bed.  Not because you want $1M.  You become the creator and your life becomes the canvas. But it's still hard and stressful. :D


  11. 30 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

    Is stress and depression a student's necessity to become a master? ;)

    To answer the question specifically, regarding masters.  Stress is absolutely necessary.  Depression, no.

    Take meditation for example.  Why does it drive your monkey mind wild?  Because you are controlling it and applying resistance to it. It's stressing that part of your brain out (temporarily), but it eventually learns why the resistance was necessary.  Any how many hours do you have to spend in meditation and contemplation to become a master?

  12. @Martin123

    Depression is a mental problem. So that's their regardless is someone wants to be any path, or someone who thinks all this is bs. Depression has nothing to do with the path.

    Stress is unavoidable any path. Resistance is stressful, it's uncomfortable, and our natural tendency is to flee pain (activating our instincts to survive). If you choose to try to make your own destiny, you will be stressed that it's not working, etc. You will be stressed because you will be tested in ways you never saw coming.

    But by just living, you are still stressed. What if that farmers crops don't sprout? What about wild animals? Theives? Or other problems. There are unforseeable troubles either way. 

    I left my lights on in my car the other day and my batter went dead. That's got nothing to do with the path, but it was stressful finding someone who had jumper cables (there were only a few people left in my office and I was across the street).

  13. 13 hours ago, Martin123 said:

    You absolutely sure about that?

    Depends on what the context is. If you are trying to learn a new skill, or start a business, learn a language or instrument, at first it's going to be hard. You will probably get impatient and the risk of quitting is great. But if you stick it out, you become better. 

    Let's take chess, or ping pong, or some type of sports. The only way to get better is by being beaten. This opposition is healthy. The student eventually becomes the master, then he needs a new master to reach greater heights (more opposition). 

    I do believe it is possible to direct your destiny or be subject to it. Again, it's choice. It takes growing and opposition to reach your own destiny.

  14. On 1/3/2017 at 6:00 AM, Mariem said:

    Hi @Leo Gura ! you have no idea how much i love your channel ! and you too ^^"
    i'm so excited to see your answer !! T_T
    what I want to say leo, is that in this last year after discovering your channel and self-actualization, i developed a new lifestyle : minimalism, meditation, compassion, ego death, i'm working on veganism .. I have no more this attachment to success, to achieving goals, to change the word and to create a better life.. because i believe that what matters is the quality of life, whether it's peaceful or stressful ...
    if i had the choice, i would go for the first lifestyle.
    My life purpose is to enjoy every moment of my life, to share love and compassion with all beings..

    I have no profound reason to set goals and to try to achieve them, because that only brings stress, deception and fake fulfillment !!

    Am i becoming a Zen devil? I'am so confused!

    Through the stress and opposition, the businessman reaches his goals and GROWS. It's not fake fulfillment. He's (potentially) in control of his destiny. That stress beings understanding and knowledge.

    Living the comfortable and easily life is a completely great choice too, don't think otherwise. Im not knocking it. The problem is that you never break out of that bubble of comfort by doing the same things over and over.

    There's no reason you can't have compassion, enjoy every moment, etc and still be the businessman style as above.

    You can be subject to destiny, or direct your path. The choice is yours.

  15. 5 hours ago, JJR said:

    @Leo Gura @Arman Thanks for the great responses.

    I think the challenge is in step 3, querying your highest self to figure out when the best move is to accept versus accept and change your situation.

    For problems less serious than cheating, you may have to accept you partners faults without the option to change anything, but it can be difficult to know if that's the best way to move forward.

    The question becomes: "Does this bother me because I'm not understanding, or do I really need to change my situation?"

    I think also, you (in general) have to ask yourself are you in control of this situation? As in the example described above, at first you aren't in control, someone cheated on you and then @Leo Gura said to accept the situation, take responsibility. The third step is the inflection point of regaining control (assuming you get past 1 and 2) transition from acceptance to action.

  16. On 1/1/2017 at 4:30 PM, NEYi said:

    I once lost consciousness, you know how it was?

    I just woke up immeditely after being hit, at least that's what I thought. In reality I been lying on the ground for around 15 minutes.

    My brain was shut down, it wasn't processing or saving any info to memory, it was like watching a movie and then jumping 15 minutes forward. You remember how it was before you were born? You wasn't processing or saving any info eiher. Basically, that's the answer, how things will be after death.

    I believe it is possible to be aware of the experience (after death) even though your brain is not functioning consciously. This is only my opinion.

    In the case of being knocked out, you may not be aware of the objective world, such as an out of body experience, but perhaps you can be aware like watching a dream happen in the brain. Somewhat like a lucid dream.

    Similar experience once the life force exits the body. Perhaps at first, you experience seeing the objective world (classic OOBE, car accident survivors, close to drowning, etc), but it melts away to complete unconscious dream-like world (for lack of terminology for it), or you realize what/who you are (if you aren't far along the path of self realization).

    However I'm open to the "nothing happens" experience as well, only that would be boring as hell for a long time (then again I would be obliterated and not even know time, there wouldn't be an I).