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Posts posted by eskwire

  1. @LRyan You are thinking the mind = the little movies of voices and images. Expand your mind and those little movies are but a blip. There is much more going on, much more to work with, putting those movies in perspective. And there is nothing to fear or trust in that regard. 

    Trust is a goofy concept anyway.

    What does it mean to trust someone?

    Expecting them to act a certain way.

    What does it mean to trust your mind?

    Expecting it to be "right."

    So...maybe that was a poor choice of words. Saying "trust your mind." But you can see the difference between someone with low self esteem and one with high self esteem in their functionality, no? A person with low self esteem, in that sense, can't trust themselves to live well. Cuz they're gonna fuck it up. We all see this. 

    The 6 Pillars is in conflict with spirituality and also not. In terms of working with the ego, it's a good book. The ego may have to be around for some amount of time.

    Bodhisattvas are people who teach others on the path of enlightenment before achieving it themselves. They can talk to you from your own perspective because they aren't enlightened yet. Books like the 6 Pillars can be part of the path, even though it's coming from a person who doesn't even seem like he believes in enlightenment. Maybe you need a stronger ego for a while to be a Bodhisattva. Maybe you need the contrast to learn. Who knows. Whatever. ?

  2. @aryberry Meditation will be done in shifts of 30-60 minutes with breaks.

    Mindfulness practice and practicing diffusing awareness. Both. Also, Neti Neti method for self-inquiry. 

    For journaling, I will probably do some CBT. I'll write down thoughts that induce anxiety, shame, and fixation. Then question them and write more reasonable or more expanded alternatives. 

    I have to work a little bit on Saturday and also go to the gym so I can shower. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, Lavender said:

    What is stage yellow

    It's a retraction back into the self from the relationships/ecological/hippie green stage for the purposes of systems level thinking. It devises, through clear discernment, methods and avenues that accommodate and account for the diversity of functions in life. 

    Think of level green as like living at a hippie commune and level yellow as creating effective and benevolent national policy. 

  4. @Loreena Turn off all lights you look at, phone and all, long before bed. A couple hours.

    No caffeine.

    You can Google "sleep hygiene" for more tips.

    Also, my favorite way to "push" sleep is to lay there and "start dreaming." I consciously allow colors, shapes, whatever comes up to play out in my imagination. I'm asleep before I know it. 

  5. @LRyan Looks great! ? There aren't too many methods. Just means she's versatile and, if that's her profession, she should be. It would clearly be an improvement from that last one. 

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Mindfulness mean this chick will totally be down with spirituality and expanding the mind to heal. 

    PS wtf is existential therapy? The Neti Neti Method? I wanna do it!

  6. 10 hours ago, lukmi said:

    Would putting up with her show me that being loved does not make me happy? (Pretty much like with someone who thinks getting rich makes him happy and finds out this is false when he got rich) From a strategical standpoint, this seems like it could work.

    You don't deserve her time. She could be self-actualizing and clearing up her skin instead of getting used by you. 

  7. @Morten When Leo talks about advice that is counter-intuitive, he is usually talking about advice that sounds opposite of what makes your unhealthy mind.

    Have you ever heard people say, "Eat what you crave because your body is telling you that you need it"?

    What great advice, if you are super healthy. If you are unhealthy, that's the worst advice ever. You are going to crave garbage because you are full of garbage, and the body is trying to maintain homeostasis. You are better off eating something you don't crave. 

    When the mind is healthy, you can let your intuition take the wheel. When it is full of garbage, your intuition is corrupted and you are better off doing what sounds "counter-intuitive."