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Posts posted by Pavement

  1. People just don’t talk about it much.  At the moment everyone is learning about their traumas and understanding the psyche, which to me is becoming more conscious. this is happening collectively.  Also Young people don’t really think about that stuff, it’s happening more with older people, like 25 and up I would say.  Meditation and being conscious Is a huge trend, just look at all the apps you can get now. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    There was never any trauma or suffering, so nothing to heal or integrate really.

    are you saying this in absolute terms? Sounds like some spiritual bypassing. 

    it was more like a casual experience to you and you were not caused any pain or had fear from it?  
    We don’t know the full story, how long it went on for, what happened. If you drop something like this people will have questions. 



  3. Leo:  did you have a healthy and close relationship with your parents?  
    You’ve said in the past that you had a great upbringing and received lots of love from your mother.  
    how you fell into the clutches of a child abuser?  usually it happens when a child doesn’t have a stable family unit.  
    you said you told no one, which indicates you didn’t have someone who you felt you could trust to talk about it?
    you say you have no trauma now and you integrated it, which is great. 
    How did this affect you in the past?  Did you have a lot of work to do to integrate this? 


  4. Sexually abused children are taught that’s how to get love, and brainwashed into thinking that’s what people who love you will do. It becomes normalised even though the child doesn’t want it they think that’s how life is!  A child’s mind is open and pure to be fed any dogma. 
    most of the time what you’re calling love is actually just attachment/unhealthy attachment. 
    Children will attach to the adult which is why it causes Stockholm syndrome or appears that the child loves the abuser and won’t against them. They will do anything to keep that attachment.


  5. They are acting unconsciously, repeating what was done to them. They can’t have normal relationships with adults because they themselves are traumatised and feel they can only connect with children because they are frozen as a child In an adults body from the abuse they experienced.  It keeps repeating until someone wakes up and stops it.

  6. People justifying why paedos are only molesting children because they “love” them.  and they simply just love children and how sexual attraction to children is normal and ok. 
    now I will be told that I am the crazy one who simply doesn’t understand and isn’t conscious enough.  Sorry but what bullshit this place is. I’m all for having empathy for said pedo because of his childhood etc, but don’t try and act like this is ok and it’s simply just love.  

  7. 4 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

    What about Barack Obama or do we simply ignore good role models? 

    Because he’s simply too boring for the average dude.  People want to feel excitement.  Guys will complain about girls being attracted to these asshole types, when guys themselves are also attracted to it! 
    you know how it goes, toxic attracts toxic.  Trauma attracts trauma etc.  that’s why you won’t see these troubled men looking towards healthy role models, because it doesn’t attract them.  Same way traumatised girls don’t get attracted to the good guys and end up getting screwed over by the so called bad guy. basically both men and women can get attracted to toxic masculinity. It’s not just a female thing. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    Male role models must check every single box of masculine values. Missing out on one or two may be forgiven. Any man that checks all these traits are fit to be role models.

    • Charismatic & Social, especially with women.
    • Sexual abundance and high status. 
    • Able to amass huge wealth to provide for his people. (Rich af)
    • Able to win a fight with another man. 
    • Best at his craft.
    • Intellectual sharpness.
    • Generates results fast.
    • Integrity and consistency: Man of word. Walks the talk. 

    Displays emotional strength. Do not crumble under pressure.

    Now how many famous men out there checks on all these. Almost none. Most are soyboys who might accidentally make it to one of these but far too behind in all else. Too weak. 


    Sounds like the ultimate stage red/orange man. Although I agree with the integrity and consistency part. 

  9. 5 hours ago, 8gates said:

    @KH2 @thepixelmonk  theres a video online where the girl in the video is talking about how it was all a joke and how andrew tate is a great guy who would never hurt anyone. Youll be able to find it easily


    According to this girl all the girls around tate are happy to  be there. 

    From what ive seen, everyone who actually knows the guy irl has nothing but good things to say about him.

    If you have time watch his tate confidential videos, the tates are always very polite to staff/ drivers etc and always tip very generously.

    Imo although tate has a significant amount orange qualitites in him, hes definitely not evil

    Wanna bum him a little bit harder? Lol